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About tetsu_sama69

  • Rank
    「Vk Treasure Trove」
  • Birthday 10/04/1986

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    music, video games, and generally being excellent

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  1. Watching that new RE 7 trailer... HYPE

    1. nekkichi


      oh god I screamed @ the old man rushing in through the wall. I wonder if that shit is gonna be scripted or randomly placed in the final game DDD:

    2. tetsu_sama69


      I hope it is random that would be amazing. I had a nostalgia attack to the first game when they showed that room with the stairs. The hype is real.

    3. nekkichi


      re1/re2 (oh god nightmares forever) fucked my childhood up so badly back in the day, this thing comes very close so far. I'm hyped but also really way too old for survival horror.

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