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  1. LOLOL
    Wakarimashita reacted to chocobuzz in DIMLIM   
    I found some ~essence~ for retsu

    Wakarimashita reacted to Tokage in DIMLIM - MISC. [Discussion Thread]   
    Here u go
    Wakarimashita reacted to Komorebi in DIMLIM   
    At this point idgaf about Dimlim as a band or Retsu, I’m in it for the telenovela realness. 
  4. I feel ya..
    Wakarimashita got a reaction from nekkichi in DIMLIM   
    Ooohhh, so edgy, I can't control my tits anymore
  5. LOLOL
    Wakarimashita got a reaction from mushi308 in DIMLIM   
    Ooohhh, so edgy, I can't control my tits anymore
  6. LOLOL
    Wakarimashita got a reaction from Joel in DIMLIM   
    Ooohhh, so edgy, I can't control my tits anymore
  7. wow
    Wakarimashita reacted to Saishu in DIMLIM   
    What is this now?
    Did someone else quit?
    Wakarimashita reacted to evenor in DIMLIM - MISC. [Discussion Thread]   
    I guess dimilim hasn't turned their back on VK after all....
  9. Thanks
    Wakarimashita reacted to Jigsaw9 in DIMLIM - MISC. [Discussion Thread]   
    This album is like a very elaborate joke that gets old not even halfway into it.
    One of my more tiring listens in recent memory.
  10. Like
    Wakarimashita reacted to 薔薇の末裔 in Sexuality matters within VK   
    Make up boys are a recent trend in Japan, a lot of popular instagram/youtube guys are wearing (mostly minimal) make up and even doing tutorial for other boys but they 90% appeal to girls. In the US/Europe everyone would probably think you are gay but there is no such connotation in Japan. After all people who shave/trim their eyebrow/dye or perm their hair were considered gay in the western culture until few years ago but have been absolutely normal things for a straight guy in Japan for at leas 20 years. Weird hair color is a different issue, most people will look at you as weird or someone who hasn't a serious job, etc.
  11. Thanks
    Wakarimashita reacted to Jigsaw9 in Which visual kei trope would you ban?   
    The "we're not visual anymore" cop out. 🙄
    Wakarimashita reacted to colorful人生 in Which visual kei trope would you ban?   
    the swedes
  13. Thanks
    Wakarimashita reacted to evenor in Which visual kei trope would you ban?   
    Awkward/sudden key changes.
    Wakarimashita reacted to GreatNorthernVK in DIMLIM - MISC. [Discussion Thread]   
    Sho and Koichi have the same sugar daddy.
  15. Like
    Wakarimashita reacted to Tanishi in DIMLIM - MISC. [Discussion Thread]   
    Tick tac best song, might need a few more listens to digest though.
  16. Thanks
    Wakarimashita reacted to Komorebi in DIMLIM - MISC. [Discussion Thread]   
    I’ve had the album on repeat all morning... not because I’m hooked but because once I finish it I can’t remember anything. 
    Sho’s voice is the only thing that allows this forgettable album to fade into tolerable background noise instead of have me skipping it entirely. 
  17. LOLOL
    Wakarimashita got a reaction from nullmoon in DIMLIM - MISC. [Discussion Thread]   
    I feel like Tick tak is the only song with DIMLIM vibes and I like it, but I only listened to the album once. Rest is uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh eh meh.
  18. Thanks
    Wakarimashita reacted to Himeaimichu in Which visual kei trope would you ban?   
    I would ban the trope of completely toning down your sound and visuals once you go major. Like... you actually got money now, why not go all out with the visuals and the music? Why the hell do you just start wearing less makeup and host-boy hair and playing generic pop rock the second you make more than 10 dollars?
    So many great bands have been lost to this trope
    Wakarimashita reacted to nekkichi in DIMLIM new album, "MISC." release   
    we love this song 👏👏👏
    Wakarimashita reacted to Saishu in DIMLIM new album, "MISC." release   
    HOLD UP!!!

    Are these fuckers just burning files onto a CD-R?!
  21. Thanks
    Wakarimashita reacted to Komorebi in DIMLIM new album, "MISC." release   
    As you so eloquently put it yourself, VK is not just a specific sound but rather a whole production Dimlim no longer has. 
  22. Thanks
    Wakarimashita reacted to Komorebi in DIMLIM new album, "MISC." release   
    I can’t believe it still needs to be said that visual kei IS NOT a music genre in 2020.
  23. Like
    Wakarimashita reacted to Saga in Sexuality matters within VK   
    These questions reminded me of this video:
    Some things we can take from it:
    1) It’s said that Akihabara is a “very tolerant city for men in drag”. The necessity of having to say it give me the perception of being something unusual in other places, potentially weird then.
    2) Mostly of their clients are woman (aha!).
    a) It’s more comfortable to talk with a guy in drag than with another woman.
    b) A guy in drag is more special than a ordinary guy and, because of it, more attractive. 
    3) Being in drag is fashion. It’s about clothing and looking good, not about turning into a “real woman”.
    Which we can relate. Hizaki it the prettiest mother fucker, but when he open his mouth he sounds like a really big dinosaur with tiny arms  (just using some hyperbole, love this guy to the heart). That’s a really common thing with visual kei artists. They don’t try to fool you or modify their voice to match their drag character.
    4) They keep man clothing for social stuff, like going to hospital. This one says a lot of how the japanese society functions in that matter.
    For me it sounds like “You can dress yourself as you want: drag, tokusatsu, baseball mascot, but when you are doing you social role, you have to be the ‘real you’ (which is the one in your ID)”.
    5) Three of themselves are bi, but they don’t use sexual terms to describe it, like “I am A” or “I am B” but they say “I am attracted by X and Y”.
    Now, I don’t really know if this is a language thing or if japanese in general are less attached to specific terms to describe their sexuallity.
    One of them just do drag to get attention from woman (loved that guy). I guess that relates with point 2.
    With all that said, I have more questions than answers kek, but I think that these are some important lines of thinking to understand the myth of the japanese man with bra and his place in society.
    I also recommend a movie called “Close-Knit”. Talks a lot about point 4. The director itself is a transgender, so there is a lot of self insert in it. Really interesting to see:
  24. Like
    Wakarimashita reacted to Komorebi in DIMLIM new album, "MISC." release   
    They no longer partake in all the culture surrounding VK (marketing, livehouses, media they appear in, shops through which they distribute their music). They went full J-indie imo. They last few gya are about to quit if they didn’t already (gotta confirm that).
  25. Thanks
    Wakarimashita got a reaction from Komorebi in DIMLIM new album, "MISC." release   
    Uhhh... no, they are not VK anymore. With the very first track they are the first to claim that they "changed", and that's not only about their music. You could also say that they did it to be more appealing towards western audiences - their upcoming gigs in America are pretty much the proof.
    Can we argue about it? Sure, the line is thin. For instance, are DEG still visual? Cause they certainly deliver a much more visual concept (from music to looks) than DIMLIM atm...
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