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    peffy reacted to sakuran in Gossip selling goods compilation with live single   
    As requested, some (not great quality) pics.
    The goods!
    Top: towel. Bottom: hoodie, t-shirt, tote, membership card. I especially love the design on the hoodie, I know I'll be wearing it a lot.
    Backside of the card.
    This seems to have the Baka Aho Manuke Banzai lyrics printed on it. I don't know why part of it is marked out like that. Also, (a) I don't have a scanner, and ( it's laminated, so unfortunately this is the best I can do (without getting out my real camera, but I don't know how much that will help).
  2. Like
    peffy got a reaction from Deathtopi4 in R指定(R-shitei) new maxi single release & 88 one-man live tour   
    .......this is why i try to ignore all the gossip and only listen to the music (and ogle the photoshopped photos).
    yay new single! the recent album was great, will probably pick this up.
  3. Like
    peffy got a reaction from Original Saku in The Glorious RPG Appreciation Thread   
    Yay RPGs! Especially JRPGs!!!
    The very first game I ever laid eyes on, and played, was the original Dragon Warrior on the NES. I was reaaaaally young at this time. Anyway, I have remained a fan of Dragon Warrior/Quest and I'm really looking forward to XI (though the latest rumour is that it's been delayed to 2017..)
    I am also a big fan of Final Fantasy.. my favourites are 4, 6, 8, 10, 12.  (10's anti-religion story kind of changed my life)
    I kind of hated the 13 series, though I still forced myself to play them. 
    I haven't played 2, 3, 14, Type-0. (I played 11 for a few hours and decided I hated it)
    I hope 15 and the 7 remake end up being good.
    I've also played a whole bunch of Tales games, those are always good for fun character interactions. I've also played some games in the Breath of Fire & Star Ocean series. Probably a bunch of other stuff I'm forgetting. 
    As for WRPGs, I really enjoyed D&D style games like Baldur's Gate & Neverwinter Nights. I'm not really into the tactical aspect, so I just turned on god mode and went through them for story/dialogue. Also quite enjoyed the Dragon Age series and Witcher 2. Just started playing Witcher 3. 
    I do want to mention stuff I don't like.. Ni no Kuni was too slow-paced and grindy but I managed to finish it, gonna skip the sequel. I don't really like stories about children. Persona 3, I gave up after a few hours cuz I didn't like the dungeon crawling aspect and the time limit. Then I forced myself to play Persona 4 Golden cuz so many people say it's amazing.. but I got the bad ending (I think it's like 3/4 into the game?) and then just quit playing. Too bad, I wish I could share in the Persona 5 hype. I also don't really like "tactical" or "strategy" RPGs. 
  4. Like
    peffy got a reaction from appl- in R指定(R-shitei) new maxi single release & 88 one-man live tour   
    .......this is why i try to ignore all the gossip and only listen to the music (and ogle the photoshopped photos).
    yay new single! the recent album was great, will probably pick this up.
  5. Like
    peffy got a reaction from Seimeisen in R指定(R-shitei) new maxi single release & 88 one-man live tour   
    .......this is why i try to ignore all the gossip and only listen to the music (and ogle the photoshopped photos).
    yay new single! the recent album was great, will probably pick this up.
  6. Like
    peffy got a reaction from Yukimoto in R指定(R-shitei) new maxi single release & 88 one-man live tour   
    .......this is why i try to ignore all the gossip and only listen to the music (and ogle the photoshopped photos).
    yay new single! the recent album was great, will probably pick this up.
  7. Like
    peffy got a reaction from kareta-uta in R指定(R-shitei) new maxi single release & 88 one-man live tour   
    .......this is why i try to ignore all the gossip and only listen to the music (and ogle the photoshopped photos).
    yay new single! the recent album was great, will probably pick this up.
  8. Like
    peffy got a reaction from lollipopmonstar in R指定(R-shitei) new maxi single release & 88 one-man live tour   
    .......this is why i try to ignore all the gossip and only listen to the music (and ogle the photoshopped photos).
    yay new single! the recent album was great, will probably pick this up.
  9. Like
    peffy got a reaction from Licio123 in What video games are you currently playing?   
    No one's gonna read this but I'm bored at work and feel like writing out my feelings on the games I'm playing.
    Assassin's Creed: Syndicate (PS4)
    Surprisingly fun game, especially since I wasn't too impressed with last year's offering (Unity). As usual, I've spent a lot of time on side stuff instead of the main storyline. Currently in Sequence 7, but I'm already at max level. I love having a strong female protagonist to play as.. though the character development is lacking, so far. The ziplines and horse carriages offer the best traversal ever in this series, and the special combat finisher animations are ridiculously brutal, just the way I like it. 
    Diabolik Lovers: Dark Fate (PS Vita)
    I was really into the first Diabolik Lovers, but not so much into the sequel More Blood, because they added too many romance-able characters (4 more for 10 in total) and I didn't like the dumb "Adam" storyline. Unfortunately, Dark Fate basically continues that storyline, while adding TWO MORE characters. Another issue I have is that, for the 10 returning characters, the heroine starts the game already in a relationship with them, so it's kind of... boring? She also kind of pisses me off because she's such a damsel in distress. And she overcomes her problems with the power of kindness and forgiveness. Ugh. This will be the last Diabolik Lovers game I buy.
    Most favourite dudes: Shuu, Subaru
    Least favourite dudes: Kanato, Azusa - I will straight up skip these guys' scenarios, they make my skin crawl in a bad way.
    Dragon's Crown (PS Vita)
    I don't really get the hype behind this game. Maybe it's more fun if you're playing it co-op, but I don't like doing that. The character design is mostly atrocious. I'm sure you've all seen the Sorceress and Amazon by now. I'm stuck playing as an Archer because she was the female option with the least offensive design. But aiming her arrows is terrible, it's hard to tell what "lane" I'm in, and I end up missing half the time. Maybe I just suck at it. Anyway, between having to repeat the same dungeons over and over, and sorting through tons of loot that is 90% trash, and the horrible AI for your party members... and the disgusting artwork of the half-naked mermaid & fairy that greet you every time you go through those dungeons..  I think I might give up on this game.
    Grow Home (PS4)
    I haven't put much time into this game, because it literally makes me nauseous. I don't know why. It's not even first person. Maybe it's the heights? Also I have a lot of trouble controlling the vines while growing them. Might be another one for the "abandon" pile. It's a shame because, aside from those problems, I like what it's doing.
    Bastion (PS4)
    Another game that is seriously hyped. It seems ok so far (probably 3-4 hours in), but I'm not in love with it. I put it on hold for Assassin's Creed, and I'm not sure if I'll go back to it.
    Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- (PS4)
    I haven't played this much at all. Never played any Guilty Gear before, but picked this up for $15 on PSN. I'm not a competitive fighting game player, I just like screwing around against AI sometimes. Played through some tutorial stuff and it looks nice so far. (I mostly bought it because I love how much I-no resembles/copies Shiina Ringo)
    Gems of War (PS4)
    I've been playing this on my iPhone for a long time. It has ZERO business being on PS4, but I'm playing it there for trophies. It's a F2P match-3 game from the makers of Puzzle Quest. It's a good, almost-brainless time-waster.
    Up next: Probably will start on Life is Strange, The Witcher 3, and Eiyuu Densetsu: Sen no Kiseki (aka Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel, but I imported the Japanese version because the English one will only have the English dub, and I can no longer stand English dubs)
  10. Like
    peffy got a reaction from Yukimoto in DIAURA best of album "INCOMPLETE"   
    merry christmas?
    i super love shoya's ribbon

  11. Like
    peffy got a reaction from plastic_rainbow in MEJIBRAY 2-month consecutive new maxi singles release   
    possibly relevant image

  12. Like
    peffy reacted to sakuran in Gossip selling goods compilation with live single   
    Don't worry guys, I am crazy enough and I've already ordered it, haha... Thankfully the rest of the goods set is stuff I will actually use for the most part.
    And yes, I hate that they're releasing it this way. Regular live-only/mail order-only stuff is annoying enough as it is, but to make it part of a 8000 yen bundle on top of that is really lame.
  13. Like
    peffy got a reaction from kyoisKILLINGME in DIAURA best of album "INCOMPLETE"   
    merry christmas?
    i super love shoya's ribbon

  14. Like
    peffy got a reaction from pawzord in DIAURA best of album "INCOMPLETE"   
    merry christmas?
    i super love shoya's ribbon

  15. Like
    peffy got a reaction from Ada Suilen in MEJIBRAY 2-month consecutive new maxi singles release   
    possibly relevant image

  16. Like
    peffy reacted to emmny in MEJIBRAY 2-month consecutive new maxi singles release   
    yo-ka surprise onnagata princess queen slaying
  17. Like
    peffy got a reaction from Yukimoto in MEJIBRAY 2-month consecutive new maxi singles release   
    possibly relevant image

  18. Like
    peffy got a reaction from Deathtopi4 in MEJIBRAY 2-month consecutive new maxi singles release   
    possibly relevant image

  19. Like
    peffy got a reaction from emmny in MEJIBRAY 2-month consecutive new maxi singles release   
    possibly relevant image

  20. Like
    peffy reacted to Elazmus in MEJIBRAY 2-month consecutive new maxi singles release   
    IMO MiA's lack of identity spreads beyond his visuals. In interviews I've read he always seems to have so little to say for himself as an artist (when speaking on meaning) and a component of a dynamic VK band. Sometimes he gives less insight than even Meto who speaks through others.
    His stage presence also leaves much to be desired. As beautiful as he always is, and as great as his solos are, he comes across as only being comfortable doing the same movements and striking the same poses on stage that look as if they were lifted from various VK magazines in his earlier years. When compared to the rest of MEJIBRAY who were born to be balls-out, he seems like a misfit. I'd hate to think that his impression and style of what visual kei can be like is so limited.
    Not meaning to shit talk, but it was asked why MiA is being bashed I just thought Id weigh in honestly. I still love his playing and I'm glad he has a spot in a good band, but I know he's young and I'd like to see him come out of his shell a little more (assuming he has anything of value inside to show).
    I still vote for Mejibray contracting a second guitarist.
  21. Like
    peffy reacted to emmny in MEJIBRAY 2-month consecutive new maxi singles release   
    mia sux but there's no one who can take his place. the leda/hizaki worship has gotten insanely stale and the 1/3/5/0 progression he does in 60% of his songs is boring me to tears. there's nothing he really brings to the table in terms of his technique outside of rehashing other peoples' styles. it doesn't change the fact he's pretty proficient with his playing, it just has no life to me. im sick of people gassing him when he can shred some cool stuff and chuga chug and really not do much else. no one can take his place because its mejibray's signature sound, i'd have no clue how they'd sound without him. in all honesty i dont mind the prince look, it suits him and it looks good on him at least its better than tsuzuku's messy looks
    this also isn't to say mia doesnt write good songs, he's written some amazing music and brilliant guitar lines (karma/killing me/sabato hEEElllo!!) but more often than not its not exceptional.
    miyako (DEZERT), haru (xaa-xaa), roku+haru (grieva) and kaede (AvelCain) are all far more interesting "new" guitarists, but then again its just my personal taste.
  22. Like
    peffy got a reaction from DeadlyClaris in MEJIBRAY 2-month consecutive new maxi singles release   
    My gut reaction upon seeing the group pic was "omg this is the first time I think Koichi looks bad"
    But upon closer inspection of his solo pictures, I think he looks beautiful as usual. Probably the best feminine-looking VK dude, IMO.
    This is possibly the first time I think Tsuzuku actually looks interesting.
    Meto looks like 
    MiA is so boring.
    Also, I hate consecutive singles. MEJIBRAY does it so often that it's thoroughly annoying.
  23. Like
    peffy got a reaction from Zeus in 25 Days of ChristMHas Discussion Thread - 2015   
    Ah, Wagakki Band. Only the 3rd album in the list that I've actually heard, and the 2nd that I actually like.
    I really like the sometimes-chaotic mix of rock & traditional instruments (not a surprise, considering I'm a big fan of Kiryu). The female singer's voice is very beautiful and pleasant to listen to.
    My personal fave songs:
    風鈴の唄うたい - I've morbidly decided that this would be an amazing funeral song.
  24. Like
    peffy got a reaction from Chi in MEJIBRAY 2-month consecutive new maxi singles release   
    I only call MiA "boring" because it seems like he's been doing the "prince" costume for a long time. Meanwhile the other 3 members seem to have more drastic costume/makeup changes. (I could be remembering wrong). And for me, personally, half the reason I follow this band is their visuals. He still looks good, I would just like to see him do something different.
    Not saying anything about his guitar skills. I think he's good, but I'm not very technical about that stuff so I wouldn't really know.
  25. Like
    peffy reacted to Chi in MEJIBRAY 2-month consecutive new maxi singles release   
    tzk mentioned once... i dont know how true it is but they (the members) are the ones who decide what they gonna wear so we can only blame the staff for letting this madness go on 
    koichi: help, i cant move
    also the contrabass is back (is that what its called)

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