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  1. Like
    peffy reacted to nullmoon in Do you feel people have an unfair racial bias against Jrock or other "Asian music"?   
    Definitely the language barrier. Ironically, I listen to J-Rock BECAUSE I don't understand it. There's been many a time when a musically great song performed in English has been ruined for me by lame lyrics. I never get that problem with J-Rock; I can focus on the music itself and appreciate the song as a whole. 
  2. Like
    peffy reacted to Alin in Game of Thrones   
    I saw that idea on 9gag and I tried to do something similar , but with monochrome. I'm not really good , especially at choosing colors. I wasn't sure about what logo to make and what motto to use ... I just found a logo online...
    I like v2 more.

  3. Like
    peffy got a reaction from plastic_rainbow in [Lyrics] THE NOVEMBERS - 1st demo [kanji]   
    wow, yeah upon closer inspection it looks really rough. you did a good job with that song, can't see any mistakes .. 
    I'm at work so I can't listen to it right now, but here's my guesses for your question marks 
    1st 二人で植えたあの花が
    2nd looks right
    3rd / 4th 明日目が覚めても (you wrote 日 instead of 目 in front of the 3rd mark) 
    i will attempt track 4 later! 
  4. Like
    peffy reacted to plastic_rainbow in [Lyrics] THE NOVEMBERS - 1st demo [kanji]   
    thanks @peffy for letting me try~ you can check the spots i missed, or any mistakes i made. i still had trouble even while following along. i started on the 4th track too, but sort of gave up because the production was too raw-sounding and i couldn't hear what kobayashi was saying. >.<
    THE NOVEMBERS – echo
    二人で ? あの花が
    明日日が ? そばにいて
    明日目が ? もそばにいて
  5. Like
    peffy reacted to Chi in random thoughts thread   
    recently i asked the nostradamnz bassist/vo if he considers themselves to be VK
    his answer: we dont know either!
  6. Like
    peffy got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in SCREW will disband   
    I would like to take the opportunity to thank SCREW for bestowing upon us the musical masterpiece known as FUGLY. We were not worthy.
    (not joking, that is my favourite SCREW song)
  7. Like
    peffy reacted to Zeus in random thoughts thread   
    I lump Wagakki Band into visual kei because that way people are more likely to check them out. They're nice and have a cool concept but I do not believe them to be visual kei. I do think they put most visual bands to shame and they could claim the title very easily if they chose to. My rule of thumb is that a band is not visual kei unless they say they are. Seems to work well for my cases anyhow.
  8. Like
    peffy reacted to ghost in random thoughts thread   
    You know you've been listening to Jrock a long time when you make typos like this

  9. Like
    peffy reacted to The Reverend in Your last music-related buy!   
  10. Like
    peffy got a reaction from TheStoic in SCREW will disband   
    I would like to take the opportunity to thank SCREW for bestowing upon us the musical masterpiece known as FUGLY. We were not worthy.
    (not joking, that is my favourite SCREW song)
  11. Like
    peffy got a reaction from Zeus in Game of Thrones   
    Very true, I support this suggestion.
    I'm going to continue spoiler-tagging stuff from the latest episode.. I almost got spoiled by this thread yesterday (I don't watch it until Monday nights), because the "activity stream" shows the latest post...
    (episode 2 discussion)
  12. Like
    peffy got a reaction from nullmoon in SCREW will disband   
    I would like to take the opportunity to thank SCREW for bestowing upon us the musical masterpiece known as FUGLY. We were not worthy.
    (not joking, that is my favourite SCREW song)
  13. Like
    peffy got a reaction from SUBLIMINAL in What video games are you currently playing?   
    When I played Sims 1, I got bored quickly and started devising ways to kill them all.
    Trapping them in a 1-square room with no doors and watching them cry and piss themselves to death is a classic way to go. I don't remember the other deaths.
  14. Like
    peffy got a reaction from Alkaloid in SCREW will disband   
    I would like to take the opportunity to thank SCREW for bestowing upon us the musical masterpiece known as FUGLY. We were not worthy.
    (not joking, that is my favourite SCREW song)
  15. Like
    peffy reacted to Shmilly in SCREW will disband   
    I wasn't a fan, but here's a translation for those who were.

    We're closing the curtain on 10 years of SCREW.
    In this time many purple flowers have bloomed and purple rain has fallen.
    The reason we were able to come this far is because of you, reading this.
    For the remaining six months, please continue to support us until our final breath.
    So SCREW will disband on November 1. Sorry for the sudden announcement.
    In these 10 years, we have been able to overcome any number of difficulties. I believed that SCREW was a band that could continue year after year.
    The courage to persevere, the challenge of going on, and the fear of stopping.
    Honestly, I think this was always somewhere in the back of my mind.
    If you felt even a little bit that our music was able to support you, then I am satisfied as the guitatarist of SCREW.
    Throughout these 10 years, I was able to meet so many wonderful people and so many of you came along with us, supporting us with your smiles.
    To all of you who have supported us until now, I want to thank you sincerely from my heart.
    Although we only have a short time left, please accompany us to the end of our dream. Please continue support us until the very end.
    November 1. On this day, SCREW will disband.
    I'm sorry that we couldn't keep the promise we made on stage.
    It's because of all the people we met and who supported us that we were able to come this far.
    As for me, I plan to leave the stage after our final live.
    Thank you so much for your support.
    SCREW is my last dream. I am truly happy for the time we were able to spend together.
    But it's still too soon to say farewell. I want to cherish this dream until the final moment.
    To all of you who loved SCREW for these 10 years, you have my sincerest thanks and love.
    SCREW will disband on November 1. Sorry for the sudden announcement.
    Actually, although of course we've been doing our best these 10 years, the limit of SCREW is something we have been discussing since the start of the year.
    Despite the departure of Yuto and Rui, we've remained positive in the face of adversity. Our fans supported and cheered for us.
    But somehow we've lost sight of our goal, the struggle became reality, and we began to think that maybe SCREW can no longer exist as SCREW.
    We feel terrible disappointing our fans like this, but all things must come to an end, and this is just the right time.
    My chest ached to hear all the congratulations on our 10 year anniversary; I even cried.
    Looking back on these 10 years, we've shared pain and happiness alike along with our fans. I'm really sorry we can't celebrate the 11th.
    But I have no intention of quitting making music, so I promise you all I will return some day.
    Please give us all your love at TSUTAYA O-EAST on November 1, and we'll repay it in kind.
    Thank you so much for these 10 years. I am so grateful to everyone.
    I loved SCREW.
  16. Like
    peffy reacted to paradoxal in random thoughts thread   
    There are several mixed gender VK bands though, but I think the main reason they might not be considered VK is that they are signed to a anime/game music label. And as they are signed to such a label, they probably don't tour with visual kei bands --> they are not visual kei.
  17. Like
    peffy got a reaction from PsychoΔelica in random thoughts thread   
    This is probably a very stupid question but I'm a noob. What makes a band/artist qualify as "visual kei"?
    Today I've been staring at Yousei Teikoku (妖精帝國) a lot, and they look pretty VK to me, at least in their current 5-member formation (they were a duo for a long time). However, their music gets posted in the "General" download forum.
    - rock/metal/gothic genre
    - sometimes gothic-ish costumes
    - sometimes dictator theme (flag-waving, military-style costumes, "Doctrine" and "Propaganda" in album titles)
    - makeup & hairstyling 
    - signed to "anime/game music" label Lantis
    - female vocalist with male band members (??? there aren't many VK bands with mixed genders)
    - probably not affiliated with any other VK bands (I'm guessing. I don't follow twitters and gossip and tours and what not)
    - .... i dunno what else
    Sample photos
    Sample PV
    Just curious what other people think. 
  18. Like
    peffy got a reaction from paradoxal in random thoughts thread   
    This is probably a very stupid question but I'm a noob. What makes a band/artist qualify as "visual kei"?
    Today I've been staring at Yousei Teikoku (妖精帝國) a lot, and they look pretty VK to me, at least in their current 5-member formation (they were a duo for a long time). However, their music gets posted in the "General" download forum.
    - rock/metal/gothic genre
    - sometimes gothic-ish costumes
    - sometimes dictator theme (flag-waving, military-style costumes, "Doctrine" and "Propaganda" in album titles)
    - makeup & hairstyling 
    - signed to "anime/game music" label Lantis
    - female vocalist with male band members (??? there aren't many VK bands with mixed genders)
    - probably not affiliated with any other VK bands (I'm guessing. I don't follow twitters and gossip and tours and what not)
    - .... i dunno what else
    Sample photos
    Sample PV
    Just curious what other people think. 
  19. Like
    peffy got a reaction from Mamo in Official Music Hate Thread   
    a friend just made me watch babymetal
    fuck babymetal
  20. Like
    peffy reacted to nick in random thoughts thread   
    lmao! You're probably right. Some bands just belong in the wrong section. I also posted their stuff in the VK section in the past.
  21. Like
    peffy reacted to nick in random thoughts thread   
    For me, I also consider a band being VK from the connected/affiliated artists despite their look, but some may still be difficult to tell. xD
  22. Like
    peffy got a reaction from platy in Official Music Hate Thread   
    99% of the internet talks like that
  23. Like
    peffy got a reaction from BrenGun in [REQ] Tokami - LYRICS (scan to Kanji/romanji/translation)   
    In case anyone else is interested, I've posted Paradox lyrics here 
    Metamorpha & Luminescence will be posted within a few days.
    edit: Lyrics for all 3 releases are complete now.
  24. Like
    peffy reacted to Seimeisen in IPS4 Question and Help Thread   
    For the Location field, you'll just have to put ": " before the actual location, like I did
    ": パラコアランド" for example
  25. Like
    peffy got a reaction from paradoxal in IPS4 Question and Help Thread   
    Looks the same for me. (I'm also using Chrome)
    How did you not notice it before o-o  It's been bothering me since DAY ONE
    But I didn't think it was important so I didn't mention it.
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