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Everything posted by peffy

  1. michael jackson eating popcorn .gif

  2. peffy

    Hmm, Okami isn't listed as a compatible game, but it just might not've been tested. Anyway I would want to have vibration working, and it seems there might be issues with the PS button? I will just use the DS3 haha. Thanks though
  3. peffy

    Man, I loved Shin. Easily the best choice in that game, but mostly because I thought all the other guys were either douchebags or boring. Well, Ikki was kind of ok in the end. The other thing that bothered me about the game was the backgrounds. I don't really get what they were going for with the.. monochrome. They look like concept drawings that they didn't have time to fully render.
  4. peffy

    Alright, that's two votes for Okami so I'll play that next. The only issue is that it's on PS3 and I've gotten so used to the improvements in the PS4 (like suspend mode & better controller). Really REALLY wish that Sony could do backwards compatibility X_X I do already own all the games I put in that list, and I want to play all of them but it's just a matter of time. As for Neverwinter, it seems like a passable WoW clone. Though the graphics somehow don't look that much better than WoW. It's also got some framerate issues on PS4 but that doesn't bother me. The story is really confusing, I dunno maybe I'm supposed to read all those lore entries to make sense of it. But it's like, you make your character, then you just wake up on a beach because the boat you were on got shipwrecked (with no reason given as to why you were on a boat), and then somehow you end up helping some soldiers against some scary lady's undead monsters, then you make it to a big city and do quests. I feel like there's a lot of context that got lost somewhere...
  5. peffy

    K, I finally beat Yakuza 0 for real this time. GOD DAMN. What a game. Easily my most favourite Yakuza game, and possibly one of my most favourite games of all time... I played it for more than 100 hours, which means I spent more time on it than Witcher 3 (without DLC), somehow.. well, probably has to do with the loads of text-only scenes and my slow reading speed. And I also spent a lot of time on some mini-games, whereas I ignored Gwent completely. Add it to the short list of games that have made me cry (as in, needing at least one tissue). I don't remember ever crying because of a game before I got my PS4, so maybe I've just gotten more sensitive in my 'old' age. For the record, that list is Assassin's Creed Black Flag, Life is Strange, and Yakuza 0.. and maybe Journey.. as far as I remember. I'm gonna fool around a bit in Neverwinter (PS4 version just came out and it's F2P).. if I don't get immediately addicted to it, I have a list of games that I've been wanting to get around to. So what should I play next? - Divinity: Original Sin - Batman Arkham Asylum - Darksiders - God of War 2 - Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - Okami - Puppeteer The backlog is real... =_= If no one answers me, I guess I will flip coins to pick one.
  6. peffy

  7. peffy

    RAP, you say? Now I'm instantly more interested in listening to this single (which I have to do anyway because someone wants the lyrics). Can't compare to ANSIA cuz I never listened to them before. After listening to the rap in Gossip's latest single, and Pentagon's "Stupid", I realized that I like rap-VK a lot. hahaha (maybe not surprising cuz a listened to a lot of hip hop in my youth)
  8. peffy

    Totally not surprised
  9. peffy

    I randomly decided to google the names of my beloved hostesses (from my hostess club in Yakuza 0) and found out that 5 out of 6 of them are actual porn stars. X_X Along with almost every other female NPC in the game with a unique face.
  10. peffy

    I know. I am only pointing out that the robbery stories are not fake (as Uglymouth thought). I am also pointing out that bad things have happened to people (or, people have done bad things) while they are playing the game. I am not blaming the game for it. Of course there is a warning at the start, but people have become so addicted that they are ignoring it. Would that guy have crashed into the police car and injured 2 officers if the game didn't exist? No. Would those two men have walked off a cliff and hurt themselves if the game didn't exist? No. Beyond stupid people causing injuries to themselves and others, what about the nuisances? There was a story about a constant giant mob of people (numbering in the hundreds, possibly up to 1000) convening in a park in Australia (because there were 3 pokestops there, or something) that made so much noise at night, every night, that the residents of the surrounding apartment buildings had to call police to get rid of them. And also, places like the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC had to stop people from playing there. The game itself is what it is. It's fine if people use it properly, but some people are not using it properly, and it has caused disturbances to many people. You cannot deny that fact. And suggesting that anybody criticizing the game is just a "hater" or "worst people ever" is silly. It has many shortcomings as an actual game, according to what I've heard from reviewers, journalists, and friends. It's entirely fair to discuss those shortcomings. I will just reiterate, I am not saying the game is necessarily at fault. Play it if you want to, I am not trying to stop you. I personally have never heard of a game having such a meteoric rise in popularity, and having so many articles written about incidents related to playing it (positive or negative), so I find all of this very fascinating and pretty funny on some level.
  11. peffy

    The "bad news" surrounding this game is absolutely not fake. This is a news article from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch about the most infamous robbery. (and Wikipedia tells me it's a very reputable news source). Just search "Pokemon Go Robbery" on Google News and you will see a lot of articles about various robberies associated with the game. There is no way all of these are fake. Multiple police departments are tweeting PSAs about being distracted while playing the game. There are so many reports of people injuring or nearly injuring themselves (or other people) while playing. Yesterday's newspaper reported that some idiot backed his car right into a police cruiser, causing minor injuries to 2 police officers, because he was looking at the game. Another idiot actually drove his car right into a tree while hunting for Pokemon. Here's a report of two men walking themselves off a cliff. The dangers are real. The nuisance caused to bystanders is also real. Of course, the positive effects are also real. People getting motivation to go outside and walk and socialize a bit more? Sure, that's great for some people. However, it is completely legit to criticize the game for its lack of merits as an actual game, and for its harm to society.
  12. peffy

    Rocklyric has posted it http://rocklyric.jp/lyric.php?sid=165991/period/Girugamesh .. I'll copy and paste it here to make it easy for you
  13. Actually it says both editions will include Popcorn Monster
  14. peffy

    Danganronpa 1 & 2 are on Steam, which I assume you have access to? (by the way, I appreciate how neither you nor Original Saku can spell it correctly, lol) I completely forgot about Ace Attorney when I made my list. I played several of those and thought they were great. Too bad they aren't on Vita. Hotel Dusk is another one on DS that was pretty good. I'd like to jump into Zero Time Dilemma soon, but I've COMPLETELY forgotten the plot of 999 and Virtue's Last Reward. X_X Will have to watch/read a plot summary before I play it..
  15. Thank god this is a mini-album, not a 5 version single with different b-sides on each version. I'm still salty about that
  16. peffy

    I pity people who think video games in general are for kids. Like those oblivious parents who bought GTA5 for their 10-year-olds. Or like those annoying older people who tell me I should "stop playing video games, grow up, look for a husband and have babies" (including various relatives, co-workers, and my former boss) fuck off, don't tell me what to do with my uterus
  17. The media keeps mentioning Pewdiepie because the original FTC press release specifically names him. And this press release coincidentally came out right after the CSGO scandal began. If you look at my post right above yours, you will see that this WB scandal has been ongoing for 2 years. But yes, grouping him with the CSGO stuff doesn't really make sense, these are two fairly different situations. Pewdiepie himself is only guilty of not disclosing the deal with WB within the video itself. He DID mention it in the video description, but the FTC ruled that that was insufficient disclosure. In any case, I believe the FTC only has beef with WB, not with the Youtubers who accepted the deal. (sorry if any of that was mentioned in the video you linked. I can't watch it because I can't f'n stand that guy's videos, I've never been able to watch more than 30 seconds before I have to stop it)
  18. peffy

    Fully agreeing with @Original Saku re: mobile gaming and the exploitative nature of microtransactions. (though I don't think it's that bad in this game, correct me if I'm wrong) Haven't tried Pokemon Go for myself, and never will, based on what I know about it. These two things rank very highly on my list of "things I hate the most" - Meeting and talking to new people (hell, I barely like talking to people I know. I'm a writer, not a speaker) - Sun/humidity/heat (walking around outside during this disgusting "feels like 40 degrees (104 F)" weather I have right now is just not going to happen) So, obviously I'm not the target audience, lol. Also, I've seen a lot of alarmist reports in the media about the dangers of being inattentive (or trespassing) while playing the game... including a very sad article by a black man saying that the game endangers his life because police will be suspicious of a black guy walking in circles in the same area. These reports are actually far more interesting to me than the actual game, hahaha.
  19. A long time ago.. maybe more than a year ago, I heard rumours about Youtube personalities taking money/gifts from companies to say positive things in their videos. .. I did some digging, and found out that these Shadow of Mordor 'bribes' were actually the rumours I remembered. http://kotaku.com/the-messy-story-behind-youtubers-taking-money-for-game-1644092214 It is especially interesting that Kotaku claims they received review copies without the contract YouTubers were required to agree to. It's pretty clear that, to marketers, bribing "social media influencers" has become far more important than bribing established gaming journalists/reviewers/websites. Anyway, I'm pretty shocked that Pewdiepie of all people has been caught doing this. You'd think he was rich enough just from his subscribers/plays alone. Though, based on the Kotaku article, it seems likely that it was the only way he could get a pre-release copy of the game, and he didn't think he was doing anything wrong because he is not a "reviewer" per se. I don't expect him to get any punishment for this. At most, a fine or a requirement to pull the related videos (or add blatant disclaimers to them)... not that it matters anymore, the game is 2 years old.
  20. peffy

    I beat Yakuza 0. .....I'm sorry, I mean, I beat the hostess club mini-game in Yakuza 0. I probably spent 10 hours on it, lol. Finally got back to the actual story, and man that shit is getting intense. Pretty standard for a Yakuza game, though - myriad betrayals and plot twists, ridiculous violence, and a lot of talk about "manly" stuff and exploring concepts of loyalty and brotherhood. I always like to say that I feel 50% more manly while playing a Yakuza game (and I'm a girl. not the straightest of girls, but still a girl). So, what happened with Shovel Knight? I last reported that I had lost all desire to play it once I got to the boss rush, which I assume is the last thing to do before fighting the actual final boss. That game was holding my Vita hostage for weeks, because I can't save in the middle of a level, and I did not want to have to play that level again to get back to the boss rush. Well, I gave it one more shot, died again at the second boss (stupid one-hit-kill spikes), and just fucking gave up. I'm sure it's doable, I'm sure I could "git gud" and power through it, but I just don't have the will, and I want to play other things on Vita. I still enjoyed what I played of Shovel Knight, it is a great game, but I hate boss rushes. Now my Vita is being used for the otome romance visual novel Reine des Fleurs. I got it when it came out (August 2015), didn't play it until now. The main reason I wanted it was the art. It has the prettiest anime-style characters and environments I have ever seen. (Just google image search "Reine des Fleurs"). I'm still very early in the game, but the story seems serviceable so far. The dialogue, however, is filled with uncommon words that have me going to my dictionaries frequently. My main gripe is that the main character Violette is a really typical princess - young, sheltered, delicate. I'm way more interested in Ageha, who is the guide/teacher for my favourite guy, Leon. She likes drinking and she's got a lot of attitude - she's already beat the shit out of him more than once, and her costume is amazing. She stands out particularly because her costume is very Japanese, when most other characters are dressed in a more European style. (click to enlarge) Of course, she is totally my type. The sekushii oneechan (sexy older sister) character with the added bonus of being comically violent against men. <3 <3 <3
  21. @doombox Smash was probably one of the first rock albums I ever heard. My older brother had borrowed it from his friend. I don't remember any of the other songs, but "Come out and play" and "Self-esteem" are major classics in my book The first music I ever bought.... man, it was a long time ago, but I want to say it was The Lion King Soundtrack.. on cassette.. lol As for Japanese music... I could not remember, so I searched through my old e-mails. I believe this was my first order. REDЯUM and BUGY CRAXONE are still two of my most favourite indie-ish bands. Sadly they don't seem to get much love around here. (Amazon would later tell me "Second Circle" was no longer available and cancelled it on me. I STILL WANT IT)
  22. peffy

    Hmm. I just want to say that... it should not matter how long a band sticks around before disbanding. They make music, and deserve to be supported (financially and emotionally) by fans of their music. Suppose a hypothetical band releases one amazing masterpiece album that you loved so much that you bought it. You even saw them live. Then, they disband out of nowhere. Does that suddenly mean the album can't be enjoyed anymore? Does that mean you wasted your money? Do you wish that you never went to that concert? Music has no expiration date. People still enjoy music by artists who are long dead, let alone disbanded. Just because they are no longer alive/active, does not mean that you can't still enjoy what they produced. And, fear that a band could soon disband shouldn't discourage you from listening to their music. If you still like the music by the bands you listed, you still like J-rock. You might not like any NEW J-rock, but the old J-rock will always be there for you if you want it. .. Sorry if any of that sounded really corny. And you know, all that is my opinion of how music should be enjoyed. If you want to insist on only listening to "new music" or "bands that are unlikely to disband", feel free, you do you.
  23. oh, so that's why the only way to get it costs 5000 yen
  24. peffy

    - I don't think I'm actually friends with any of these people - It's really weird that it's zeroing in on those 3 artists, who are #1, #3, and #10 on my all-time artist chart. - That person called "Deleted User" is literally a deleted user...
  25. This was the first song that came to mind when the latest "MH Trade-off" was announced (Favourite songs to bump in the car). I never actually got around to participating, but I felt like putting this somewhere so maybe someone will listen to it. It's so smooth and mellow, with a simple chorus that's easy to sing along to, and I imagine it would be perfect for cruising down an empty country road.
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