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Everything posted by peffy

  1. peffy

    in no particular order Shiina Ringo ANZA (HEAD PHONES PRESIDENT) Jyou (exist†trace) Nobuchika Eri JASMINE Amuro Namie Koda Kumi Mikami Chisako (fra foa) Suzuki Yukiko (BUGY CRAXONE) Aya Hamasaki Ayumi, from LOVEppears up to Rock'n'Roll Circus ACO Fayray Hatakeyama Miyuki Kuriyama Chiaki Goto Maki Yui (Yousei Teikoku) Suzuhana Yuko (Wagakki Band) Tsuchiya Anna
  2. peffy

    ..does this count?
  3. peffy

    Reviews are beginning to drop right now for FFXV. Looking good so far, although I remain skeptical (and I've only read snippets, not full reviews). I do want to bring attention to Kotaku's Jason Schreier (a well-respected game journalist) categorizing the game as "Boy band dress-up sim". (http://kotaku.com/final-fantasy-xv-the-kotaku-review-1789400066) Is this the nagoya kei game I never knew I wanted? I love dressing up characters, and I love (VK) boy bands, this is HUGE. Can I put make-up on them? ... I guess not. Someone should make that game. Or mod this game. I'd pay $5 for DLC or mod that lets me design their make-up. I'd pay another $2 to make Cindy look less embarrassing. Also, here's a preemptive fuck you to Amazon Canada. My order status is "preparing for shipment" but the expected ship date is FRIDAY Dec 2, which means it won't get to me until next Monday or Tuesday. (They managed to get World of FF to me on launch day, but previously I've had pre-orders stuck in "preparing" for days). I guess this is what happens when you're not willing to pay for shipping or Canada's shit version of Prime. Oh well, more time for me to try finishing Divinity... also I still haven't watched Kingsglaive/Brotherhood. Edit Nov 30 My game arrived this morning. I guess Amazon likes to freak people out with completely wrong shipping/delivery estimates.. Probably gonna have enough time to at least watch Brotherhood while patches are downloading... Also, wow this thread is so dead..
  4. peffy

    never mind Aranea, THIS is my ... I was going to type "waifu" but then i immediately wanted to slap myself I will settle for those giant Cactuar/Moogle plushies..
  5. peffy

    Ultra minimalist billboard ad in Shibuya. But, in Japan, says all it needs to say. I'm really curious how this game is gonna sell in Japan. I feel like there's no way it can outsell FF13, barring some massive explosion in PS4 sales and extremely good word-of-mouth. Also here's some lovely artwork featuring Aranea. (Was released yesterday to tell you there are NINE DAYS LEFT ZOMG). I hope she plays a decently large role in the story. I'm still disappointed by what Jihl Nabaat ended up being.. completely forgettable. ...to be fair, I cannot remember much about the storyline in all three 13 games. I haven't watched any trailers, gameplay videos, ads, Conan segments etc since like August. I *have* skimmed over a few impressions from journalists who seem mostly positive about it, so it probably won't be a complete dumpster fire???? (then again, FF13 got great reviews somehow). Trying to keep the hype in check. I have had so many hopes crushed this year. That reminds me, it is now time to watch Kingsglaive and Brotherhood...
  6. Nah, I only wish I was totally fluent in Japanese. Japan is an awesome place to visit... I spent most of my time there just walking the streets and going into random little shops and restaurants. The only big problem was that I am Chinese, so naturally Japanese people assumed I was Japanese and thought I was a lost dumbass who couldn't understand them well. It was a different experience from what I've heard Caucasians say - that random people would sometimes come up to them eagerly trying to help them out and practice their English. That could've been a fun thing to happen to me, but it wouldn't happen unless I had a big sign that said "I AM CANADA GAIJIN PRACTICE EIGO HERE" Anyway, going to school in Japan (and Asia in general) sounds like a special kind of hell, and they still have a ways to go with respect to women's rights. i.e. attitudes towards women's roles in the household and workplace. From what I hear. So I wouldn't really want to live and work there...
  7. peffy

    I'm really struggling to finish Divinity: Original Sin before my copy of FFXV arrives. Holy hell that game is looooong. If I don't finish it in time, I might just abandon it... And I'm probably not going to finish World of Final Fantasy any time soon, though I really like it. ... meanwhile, I've bought/might buy some PS2 JRPGs that have been ported to PS4 because they're on sale, and also because I've heard they are great games and I never owned a PS2. Rogue Galaxy, Dark Cloud, Dark Cloud 2. Of course, I will never have time to play them... edit: ...unless I am retired. I look forward to playing through my extensive backlog in ~2050, assuming the Earth has not yet imploded.
  8. peffy

    I almost never change mine, because it's usually covered by notifications, and it also gets replaced by album art if I'm listening to something. And thanks to the fingerprint scanner, my phone jumps to the home screen almost instantaneously anyway. This is my friend's kitty <3 I hope to have my own kitty someday...
  9. peffy

    Love it! Can't wait for my CD to arrive! And I find it funny that they still employ Hideki to just flail around on stage.
  10. peffy

    So he's basically denying the allegations. This is my rush-job interpretation: I can't follow that other tweet about LINE easily, someone else can translate that =_= I think he said, from the way "that person" spoke in their LINE conversations he might've had bad intentions/feelings toward Avanchick from the beginning.
  11. peffy

    So... does this explain why Rockstar's BLACK MARKET GANG I compilation sounded like such a mess? I got the distinct impression, from the one time I listened to it, that every song EXCEPT for Avanchick's had bad quality recording. Like, bad mastering/mixing or whatever you call it. Also not enough auto-tuning to fix the vocals, so I ended up disliking every song except Avanchick's and maybe Devil Kitty's. idk maybe it's just my bad ears or my bias because I was already a fan of Avanchick and had never heard of any of the other bands before.
  12. peffy

    Sucks, their songs got my website a decent amount of page hits. Then again, I had been cursing them because I had to spend a few hours studying the HEBREW ALPHABET for one line in Apocrypha. (and after all that work, still couldn't figure out how any of it was pronounced) F U Kai >:(
  13. i was REALLY hoping i wouldn't have to see/hear more of that orange turd after yesterday. thanks, america...?

    1. peffy


      lol, did you hear the canadian immigration website crashed last night? >.<  Also, one of the leading candidates for the opposition party leader is campaigning on Trump-like immigration reform, so..... American refugees, get in while you can =p

    2. YuyoDrift


      I hear you guys are broke too and immigration will take a hefty toll on you guys.

      Can you confirm this?

    3. peffy


      If you're asking about Canada's national debt & the cost of immigration, this topic is out of my area of 'expertise'. Canadian politics is super boring. As I understand it, we have a lot of debt but far less per taxpayer than USA, and it is actually not thaaaaat easy to immigrate to Canada. (plenty of horror stories about people getting tied up in paperwork and red tape for years.. but also, plenty of heartwarming stories about Syrian refugees being welcomed here)

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  14. peffy

    I think I'm on chapter 8. I didn't even try the English voices, obviously, because I am me and I hate almost all English dubs. I'm also playing on Vita, it is a bit hitchy. Mostly due to frame rate drops at certain points. Also the load times (before/after each battle, and even navigating menus) aren't great. Haven't tried PS4 version, maybe that one runs better. Anyway, it is ok. One other minor gripe - why didn't they implement any kind of touch screen interaction for the Vita version? I keep tapping the mini map to bring up the full-screen map and it doesn't work and it makes me crazy. Being forced to press that tiny select button so often is maddening. Google tells me that the PC-port of FF9 and maybe FF Tactics on iOS have fast-forward options, and the upcoming FFXII remaster will also have it. (thank god)
  15. peffy

    lol i need to play this game more
  16. peffy

    Voted D'espairsRay because [coll:set], MIRROR, and antique (the b-side collection thing) are so much more godlike than anything giru released it's not even a contest. (in my opinion, of course) also i'm still not over the disbandment due to Hizumi's voice/throat issues.
  17. peffy

    I was never in the market for any new Nintendo console anyway..... but I just wanted to say how much I HAAAAAAAAAAAATE the name Now I have to read a million "Switch" puns in gaming news headlines and forum discussions. I just browsed one single thread tangentially related to Switch and saw the puns and wanted to punch a hole in my screen. I'm just going to do my best to ignore its existence. On a more general note.. "Wii" was really bad, but at least it wasn't a common word that has awkward mouthfeel. I'm playing Pokemon on Switch. I'm buying a Switch. I'm going to switch from PC to Switch. The game runs poorly on Switch. The Switch version is the best version. Which Switch game should I buy first? I got the itch to buy a Switch. Hit the switch to turn on the Switch. ughhhhjhhhhhhhhhhhjjghhjjnnngmnbmhjjktgjkmbnmhj,hj,hj, .. maybe I should say something positive. The idea of a console that seamlessly transforms into a portable is very interesting. It'd be nice (for me) if Sony did something like this with Vita/PS4. I mean, without the limitations of Remote Play. Then again, these days I don't bring my Vita outside of my house. If I'm gonna "game on the go", I'm more likely to just pull out my phone. And, ooh guess what, my phone can Remote Play provided I have a good Wifi connection and preferably a controller with me!
  18. I like any holiday that 1. gives me a day off from work 2. does not require me to say holiday greetings 3. does not require me to buy/receive gifts & cards 4. does not require me to attend parties or gatherings So that's like.. Labour Day, Victoria Day, Civic Holiday, Family Day, Canada Day. Most of those are Canada-specific work holidays, but you get my point. The WORST holiday, by far, is Christmas. As someone who's worked in retail before, there are very few things I hate more than Christmas carols and having to say/hear "Merry Christmas" 500 times during every day of the "holiday season".
  19. peffy

    yes yes yes and yes. There is a reason I can and will ramble on endlessly about this series. Yakuza 0 is easily the most *fun* game I've played on PS4, and it's also a great starting point because it's a prequel. Western release date: Jan 24, 2017. side note: I was CRINGING at the guy's pronunciation in that video, lol. Not that I blame him, it's just super jarring when I've heard the words/names in actual Japanese so much. yaKOOza (a very common mistake, but it's pretty much the accepted English pronunciation I guess) kamuROE-choe kaZOOma KIR-yu
  20. 100% self-taught over 12-13 years, never been to a single class and don't have any Japanese-speaking family or friends. My university offered a beginner Japanese course, but they only had space for like 20 students per semester, so I never got into it. So during boring lectures, I would fill my margins with hiragana & katakana practice. Not really sure how I passed my courses. After I finished school, I bought a couple of grammar books and learned a lot from those. Also learned a TON of vocabulary from doing romaji lyrics, and picked up a lot from watching anime/dramas, and playing Japanese video games. Interestingly, I went to Chinese writing/reading lessons during my childhood but my Japanese ability is far far faaaaaar better. (probably because I had very little interest in Chinese when I was young) I suck at writing kanji/Chinese from memory, but that's mostly due to not practicing it at all. I know all about radicals and stroke order and can *copy* the characters easily. .. Hmm, I voted wrong for the "Speaking" part. I put Intermediate but I really should've put Beginner. My speaking ability is mostly untested, and native speakers talk too fast for me to understand easily. (However, when I went to Japan I was told that my pronunciation is very good)
  21. peffy

    I got the "Pawlatinum" trophy in Catlateral Damage on Friday. Toughest platinum ever thanks to whatever form of motion sickness it caused me. (platinum not actually hard to get, just required a small amount of grind) Then I went on a bit of a spending spree and bought Jazzpunk, Akiba's Trip, and Corpse Party: Blood Drive. Akiba's Trip - This will probably sit in my backlog for a good long time. Bought it because it was on sale and it's totally normal to find it funny to beat the clothes off of anime teens vampires and no it's not creepy at all haha nope. Corpse Party - Also one for the backlog, because after I bought it, I realized that it requires you to know what the hell happened in the previous 2 games. Guess I'll have to read some plot summaries. I just bought it on impulse because it was on sale and it is totally normal to want to see gruesome bloody anime death horror and don't worry it's totally not going to cause deep psychological trauma haha nope. Jazzpunk - I played and beat and platinumed this game on Saturday. Yeah it came out on PC like 3 years ago, and yeah I'm sure it's waaaaay cheaper than the $15.99 I paid for it, but this is the price I pay for platinum. Overall it was a really great experience, with tons of funny gags and references to other games, and it was just fun to walk around and explore and find/do random shit. Sure it is pretty short, but $15.99 is about what I'd have to pay to go watch a movie and it wouldn't even give me a single trophy, so in that respect, VALUE. Favourite moments: By the way, I now have over 5000 trophies. Congratulate me on wasting my life away.
  22. peffy

    I recognize that iTunes has many faults, but I've used it to manage my music library for probably 10+ years. iTunes also has a lot of data I actually use, like play counts, ratings, "last played" time stamps, playlists, auto-updating playlists, and so on. I can't be bothered to figure out if/how I can transfer that data to another player. I have not had any issues with the last.fm official scrobbler for years. I play a song, it scrobbles, everything is fine. As for scrobbling from mobile devices... when I was using an iPhone, I used CloudScrob ($0.99 CAD) with the default music player. There are probably better options out there now. CloudScrob was a bit flaky. I currently scrobble from my Android phone with zero issues, using "Simple Last.fm" scrobbler and Rocket Player (both are free). I also paid $6.99 CAD for iSyncr, which syncs iTunes playlists to my phone and reports play counts/ratings/time stamps back to iTunes. Overpriced, but it keeps my data accurate, and saves me time and headaches so whatever.
  23. microsoft, fuck off with your cortana bullshit

  24. What a disappointing track list. And to add salt to that wound, they make 2 versions with 2 different PVs and 2 different bonus tracks, pretty much forcing fans who would normally only buy "the one with the PV" or "the one with the extra song" to buy both versions. (although, Piero was on a compilation before, but I didn't buy that because I didn't like any of the other songs on it) Not gonna bother buying this, it's just too much money. Hopefully Rocklyric posts the lyrics. (and yes, I know they are far from the first band to do this, but it doesn't mean I have to support that practice) Is that the finalized track list? Because it's just all of their singles in order of release (except Eternal and To Heart are switched?) with all the new stuff at the end. If that's final, that's a hell of a lazy ordering. Anyway, at least the album covers are, as usual, on point.
  25. peffy

    My alphabetical list, featuring plenty of unpopular choices amber gris - Temari is a god-tier singer and lyricist. I got a little bored of them toward the end of their lifespan, but their earlier works are untouchable. アンド (And) - Ikuma is one of my favourite screamers. Their album "-&-" is a classic. シンディケイト (CindyKate) - They perfected their unique "Dasakakkoii" (lame-cool) style. Their disbandment remains my single most devastating one. Crimson Shiva / SHIVA - Mostly here because of Tokiya's enchanting voice. Enchanting in the sense that I'm never sure if he's awesome or terrible. He straddles that line with perfect balance and I can't get enough of him. D'espairsRay - The first all-male VK band that I really got into. They were my gateway drug into the rest of VK. Dolly - I would put Mitsu on the same level as Temari - almost unbearably beautiful singing and songwriting. I also appreciated their lighter pop/electronic approach. jealkb - A band basically born out of making fun of VK, but ended up making catchy-as-hell rock music far more interesting than many of their serious VK counterparts. 己龍 (Kiryu) - The very best at what they do - "Far Eastern Horror Rock". Mahiro is the perfect vocalist for their style. It is not easy to do what he does with his voice. R指定 (R-shitei) - Scored major points with me for experimenting with many different genres. Their album 人間失格 is so godly. the GazettE - They have so many great songs and it has been fascinating to watch their evolution over the years. (even though their current phase is not overly pleasing to me)
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