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Status Updates posted by peffy

  1. Gackt really needs to lay off on the exclamation marks. !!!!!!!!!

  2. Holy crap, Prince died.. ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tokage


      holy shit, my dad must be sad as fuck, rip

    3. Biopanda


      Goodnight, sweet prince

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  3. I forgot how much I liked Janne Da Arc. 

  4. I forgot to load Koda Kumi songs onto my phone last night. i fucked up :( also, I need a phone with more than 16gb. stupid iphone

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. peffy


      @IGM_Oficial you can't put a memory card into an iphone!

    3. IGM_Oficial


      Really? Shit. This is what you get from buying an iPhone.

    4. YuyoDrift


      128gb lyfe kids

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  5. i have so many lyrics to work on, oh my god

    1. DESTINYGUY0316


      Hello peffy 

      you have ALL  lyric from DADAROMA 

      I try to search the lyric english to hard when you have time thank

  6. I just saw the gold ribbon on my profile. As a PSN trophy whore, it gives me such triumphant feelings.

  7. i might actually order every poidol cd T_T

    1. keilu


      I'm having a hard time deciding which type buy 😭


    2. ricchubunny


      please upload the second single if possible hahahaha 

    3. keilu


      please someone upload eureka A type. I just bought the type B

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  8. i might actually vomit. #thanksobama

  9. i was REALLY hoping i wouldn't have to see/hear more of that orange turd after yesterday. thanks, america...?

    1. peffy


      lol, did you hear the canadian immigration website crashed last night? >.<  Also, one of the leading candidates for the opposition party leader is campaigning on Trump-like immigration reform, so..... American refugees, get in while you can =p

    2. YuyoDrift


      I hear you guys are broke too and immigration will take a hefty toll on you guys.

      Can you confirm this?

    3. peffy


      If you're asking about Canada's national debt & the cost of immigration, this topic is out of my area of 'expertise'. Canadian politics is super boring. As I understand it, we have a lot of debt but far less per taxpayer than USA, and it is actually not thaaaaat easy to immigrate to Canada. (plenty of horror stories about people getting tied up in paperwork and red tape for years.. but also, plenty of heartwarming stories about Syrian refugees being welcomed here)

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  10. I wish they delivered packages on weekends =_=

  11. I've been listening to my old English mp3s from the 90s and god damn I liked some trash back then.

  12. Kiryu is making me look up synonyms of "labia" and I can't find the right one and I'm upset.

    1. IGM_Oficial



      You're stuck with "陰唇" on "Hansuu", I guess?

    2. peffy


      Yep that's the one!

  13. Kiryu romaji, always a fun time.

  14. Listening to Namie Amuro's final album and feel like crying

    1. Kyo_Toriko


      Everything has its end , but at least she has left so many treasures !

    2. YuyoDrift


      @peffywtf man.


      You can't just go and remind me that it's actually happening.

  15. michael jackson eating popcorn .gif

  16. microsoft, fuck off with your cortana bullshit

  17. omg we can search for 3-letter band names now! not 2-letter tho

    1. nick


      Yes, it's much better now. 2-letter words may be too common to search with.

  18. Ordered 9 POIDOL cds. Yes that includes all 4 versions of their new single. Sigh.

    1. peffy


      I hope I actually get all of them.. 2 of the cds are "backordered" and may or may not actually be available.

    2. YuyoDrift


      Going hard on the return there Peffs. Nice to have you active here again :) .

  19. the A/C in my office is broken............................................................................... can i go home early

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. peffy


      also I wish there was a DISLIKE button for you two's comments


    3. yakihiko


      I have one big fan instead of an A/C, I prefer it's wind :) 

    4. YuyoDrift


      I hope you end up all moist and sticky after work lol



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  20. The SCAPEGOAT song I'm about to upload literally has 2 lines of lyrics. However I think it sounds pretty cool.

  21. Today is my 10th anniversary at last.fm .. I remember how much better it used to be T_T;

    1. inartistic


      It was such a great idea... What a shame that it's unpopular now. Even if they had a good staff again, I somehow get the feeling that it just doesn't fit into what's popular for social services these days :sad:

    2. plastic_rainbow


      congrats(?) mine is next year if i include my old account. and yeah, last.fm was really great back then, but i'm so attached to it i can't leave.

    3. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      yeah it'll be 10 years for me next march, and I can concur... it used to be so much better T.T

  22. Today's new word, courtesy of KytK: 脱糞 dappun "bowel movement" (which is what their latest lyric booklet looks like)

    1. Peace Heavy mk II
    2. peffy


      i prefer 肉棒 (also learned from Kuroyuri)

      it... rolls off the tongue better


  23. Wow. Buying both versions of SCAPEGOAT's mini-album was SUCH A WASTE OF MONEY

    1. inartistic
    2. inartistic


      Nvm, just saw -_-

    3. peffy


      It wasn't cheap either. 2700 yen for A, 2300 for B, plus expensive Amazon shipping. Probably wasted $40-45 (Canadian) .

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  24. Yousei Teikoku's DISORDER is my new jam, holy shit

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