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    koutetsuhime reacted to Shmilly in DADAROMA   
    Here's the set list for tonight's live stream, hopefully they will leave an archive for at least 24 hours so those who missed it can still watch.
    As I'm writing, the live portion has finished and there will be an after-talk starting shortly.
    DADAROMA ONE MAN TOUR「POINT OF NO RETURN」緊急生配信無観客ライブ 2020-05-20
    01 「ポルノグラフ」
    02 「ミスター・テロルマン」
    03 「リズリーサーカス」
    04 私、バンギャじゃないわ
    05 MONEY
    06 キスをしよう
    07 音の無い森
    08 嫣然
    09 「溺れる魚」
    10 ケイドロ
    11 NPD
    12 FAKE
    14 ロマンスグレー
    15 「DAY BY DAY」
  2. LOVE!
    koutetsuhime reacted to GuancheVK in DADAROMA   
  3. I feel ya..
    koutetsuhime reacted to Kabukichoatmidnight in DADAROMA   
    Have they ever played いいくすり live? As I've never seen any clips of them playing it and is one of my favourite songs by them. Wouldn't surprise me if they had as it was a single.... but still, seems to rarely if ever come up in their sets for some reason.
  4. Like
    koutetsuhime reacted to nullmoon in DADAROMA   
    Dadaism #1. Done
  5. Like
    koutetsuhime reacted to NightFall in DADAROMA   
    Preview for their next single デンドロビューム (which seems to be an alternate way of pronouncing デンドロビウム, the flower Dendrobium https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendrobium)
    Yoshi's still a clown, but I'm enjoying the luminescent/neon colours going on. As for the song, I'm quietly excited for the release.
  6. Like
    koutetsuhime reacted to Jigsaw9 in Last movie you saw.   
    Apparently I didn't have anything better to do yesterday so I watched the 'extended version' of the original Swedish The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (a.k.a. Män som hatar kvinnor), which was like a 2-part movie in 3 hours total. I haven't previously read/seen any of the books/movies so this was my first encounter with this franchise. It was a pretty cool crime thriller that took its sweet time fleshing everything out but it didn't give me a chance to get bored thankfully. In other words, it had a good pacing, great characters, and I'm glad that basically all questions were answered by the end. I'll probably check out the sequel(s) too, and eventually the US remake/reboot thingies, even though I heard they aren't as good (tho I did hear praise about the David Fincher one).
  7. Like
    koutetsuhime got a reaction from PIZAZ in What video games are you currently playing?   
    I can't put down Resident Evil 2: remake. It's so fucking fabulous, I feel like a young teen again. I played the original RE2 to death, and it was definitely my favourite of the series. The remake is really up there. My only complaint is that I wish certain segments were longer. It felt like they may have been a bit rushed to complete the last act or so of the game. That said, I'm still having so much fun playing it. Finished Leon A on Hardcore, working on Claire B also on Hardcore now. Hardcore ain't a joke, that's for sure!
  8. Like
    koutetsuhime got a reaction from evenor in What video games are you currently playing?   
    I can't put down Resident Evil 2: remake. It's so fucking fabulous, I feel like a young teen again. I played the original RE2 to death, and it was definitely my favourite of the series. The remake is really up there. My only complaint is that I wish certain segments were longer. It felt like they may have been a bit rushed to complete the last act or so of the game. That said, I'm still having so much fun playing it. Finished Leon A on Hardcore, working on Claire B also on Hardcore now. Hardcore ain't a joke, that's for sure!
  9. Like
    koutetsuhime got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in Your last music-related buy!   
    Actually grabbed a good deal on a Dadaroma CD off of eBay of all places. The holiday coupon helped, too. $10 instead of 2,000yen+shipping.
  10. Like
    koutetsuhime got a reaction from plastic_rainbow in Letterboxd   
    I'm always trying to get my friends to use this site, haha. It's neat to see what people watch and how they rate it, I think
    Mine is just the same username: https://letterboxd.com/koutetsuhime/
    Mostly a horror, action, and sci-fi movie junkie.
  11. Like
    koutetsuhime got a reaction from Tokage in What video games are you currently playing?   
    I quite liked it. If you can grab it on sale I'd say do it. You can learn a little about Indonesian spirits through it as well (if you don't already know about them).
  12. Like
    koutetsuhime reacted to Floogurt in DADAROMA new mini-album, "dadaism #4" release & new drummer 諒平(Ryohei) joins   
    New video for Dadaism #4 coming out 11/14/2018!!!
    Anyone know who the drummer is? This is fucking incredible, starting off right!!! 
    Edit: his name is 諒平(Ryohei) Twitter is https://twitter.com/DDRM_ryohei
    I believe he’s Ex member of Link and Clack inc, correct me if I’m wrong! 
  13. Like
    koutetsuhime got a reaction from Reiko in Your First Favorite VK Band   
    My first favourite band was Dir en grey some time back around 2000. I remember Gauze wasn't that old yet. I can't at all remember how I found them, but I remained a huge fan from Gauze all the way til Withering to Death. Sometime after that I just lost interest in the changes in their music. I was so suuuuuper into Dir for so many years, had a fansite, super involved in the Dir en grey LJ community and Batsu threads, wrote cringy fanfics I wish I could forget, even ordered an expensive as fuck aknot only dvd set once. A 5 or 6 year run isn't too bad, but I was still really sad when I stopped liking their new music coming out. I still listen to them from time to time, but nothing past WtD still.
  14. Like
  15. I feel ya..
    koutetsuhime got a reaction from karai · ebi in DADAROMA   
    Listening to the sample again, it just sounds like they're trying so hard to make the song catchy. Then the yelling after about a minute in is just a complete turn off and makes the song worse. MASTURBATION was catchy, but this one? Not feelin' it. I'm definitely not pre-ordering nor getting the one with the DVD.
    I was really disappointed after dadaism#3 (I only liked MASTURBATION, sadly, wish it were a single) and Pornograph. Pornograph actually wasn't bad, but wasn't really the kinda sound I liked either. But then ii kusuri to warui kusuri really revived my hopes for their sound to go back in the direction I liked. I've listened the shit out of that release and it was my first DDRM purchase. Fingers crossed the other songs save this release.
    EDIT: Just listened to the samples that are up on their youtube channel now. I'm completely disappointed. I'll give it a listen after release, but it looks like it's a huge pass for me. Only sample I liked was KIDS WAR and it doesn't even sound like it fits on this mini-album IMO.
  16. I feel ya..
  17. I feel ya..
    koutetsuhime got a reaction from Wakarimashita in DADAROMA   
    Listening to the sample again, it just sounds like they're trying so hard to make the song catchy. Then the yelling after about a minute in is just a complete turn off and makes the song worse. MASTURBATION was catchy, but this one? Not feelin' it. I'm definitely not pre-ordering nor getting the one with the DVD.
    I was really disappointed after dadaism#3 (I only liked MASTURBATION, sadly, wish it were a single) and Pornograph. Pornograph actually wasn't bad, but wasn't really the kinda sound I liked either. But then ii kusuri to warui kusuri really revived my hopes for their sound to go back in the direction I liked. I've listened the shit out of that release and it was my first DDRM purchase. Fingers crossed the other songs save this release.
    EDIT: Just listened to the samples that are up on their youtube channel now. I'm completely disappointed. I'll give it a listen after release, but it looks like it's a huge pass for me. Only sample I liked was KIDS WAR and it doesn't even sound like it fits on this mini-album IMO.
  18. I feel ya..
    koutetsuhime reacted to platy in DADAROMA   
    Not unpopular. I find it hard to take them seriously these days, although warui kusuri restored my faith and now this shit has destroyed it in one clean punch to my face. 
    I'm still hoping that somewhere in that CD, there'll be good stuff. 
    To think I was gonna pre order this lmao
  19. Like
    koutetsuhime got a reaction from Reikatsumi in DADAROMA   
    I really liked their last single, especially "ii kusuri". Still waiting on my CD to arrive (I bought secondhand), but I'm excited to receive it! I bought type A.
    Since "This is 'Live'" is releasing 2 days after my birthday, I thought I'd pick it up as a birthday present to myself. Still debating what version to get. I hope they release a teaser for "The Kinky" soon. I'd like "KIDS WAR" but I also feel like an mp3 of that will be way easier to find than the PV. Hoping the PV song will be good! I wonder if "shiroi geranium" or "aru hi, sekai wa utsukushii to omotta." will be ballads. The 2nd one definitely sounds like it will be, based on the title alone.
  20. Like
    koutetsuhime reacted to NightFall in Old fan returning after some years!   
    Pretty obsessed with Dadaroma myself so I hope to see you over on their artist thread!
    Haha, I can relate to this actually xD
  21. Like
    koutetsuhime got a reaction from NightFall in Old fan returning after some years!   
    Hey everyone. I'm koutetsuhime, or kou for short. I've also gone by awakenthesadist/medicalshower in the past on LJ and batsu (ohh boy blast from the past). I also ran a few communities over on Livejournal, so if you recognise me from there or batsu, heeey. It's really quite strange to come back to a fandom you used to know so well and feel so lost, so I thought I'd join this community and try to get settled back in.
    So apparently I made this account way back in 2012 and never introduced myself, oops. Seems like a little while after Versailles went on hiatus, I kinda lost interest in VK, and now I'm trying to return to being somewhat involved in the VK fandom. I got super into the metal fandom for a while there, even doing concert photography and shit, but I was getting a little bored of it and somehow ended up coming back to VK. Embarrasingly enough, I think it was that terrible Finebros 'people react to VK' vid that sparked my interest again. Of all things.
    I don't have many newer bands I like, but I've been obsessing over DADAROMA like crazy! And that last lynch. release was pretty awesome. (I'm totally open to band suggestions.) I'll forever continue to love Aikaryu, but I also still quite enjoy Phantasmagoria, Unsraw, Deluhi, older Versailles, really old Dir en grey, and some others. I also listen to various metal bands, BAND-MAID, aaaand... Babymetal. I really need to get back into my listening game, honestly.
    A bit rambly, but yeah, that's me.
  22. Like
    koutetsuhime got a reaction from suji in Old fan returning after some years!   
    Hey everyone. I'm koutetsuhime, or kou for short. I've also gone by awakenthesadist/medicalshower in the past on LJ and batsu (ohh boy blast from the past). I also ran a few communities over on Livejournal, so if you recognise me from there or batsu, heeey. It's really quite strange to come back to a fandom you used to know so well and feel so lost, so I thought I'd join this community and try to get settled back in.
    So apparently I made this account way back in 2012 and never introduced myself, oops. Seems like a little while after Versailles went on hiatus, I kinda lost interest in VK, and now I'm trying to return to being somewhat involved in the VK fandom. I got super into the metal fandom for a while there, even doing concert photography and shit, but I was getting a little bored of it and somehow ended up coming back to VK. Embarrasingly enough, I think it was that terrible Finebros 'people react to VK' vid that sparked my interest again. Of all things.
    I don't have many newer bands I like, but I've been obsessing over DADAROMA like crazy! And that last lynch. release was pretty awesome. (I'm totally open to band suggestions.) I'll forever continue to love Aikaryu, but I also still quite enjoy Phantasmagoria, Unsraw, Deluhi, older Versailles, really old Dir en grey, and some others. I also listen to various metal bands, BAND-MAID, aaaand... Babymetal. I really need to get back into my listening game, honestly.
    A bit rambly, but yeah, that's me.
  23. Like
    koutetsuhime got a reaction from Ozileras10 in Old fan returning after some years!   
    Hey everyone. I'm koutetsuhime, or kou for short. I've also gone by awakenthesadist/medicalshower in the past on LJ and batsu (ohh boy blast from the past). I also ran a few communities over on Livejournal, so if you recognise me from there or batsu, heeey. It's really quite strange to come back to a fandom you used to know so well and feel so lost, so I thought I'd join this community and try to get settled back in.
    So apparently I made this account way back in 2012 and never introduced myself, oops. Seems like a little while after Versailles went on hiatus, I kinda lost interest in VK, and now I'm trying to return to being somewhat involved in the VK fandom. I got super into the metal fandom for a while there, even doing concert photography and shit, but I was getting a little bored of it and somehow ended up coming back to VK. Embarrasingly enough, I think it was that terrible Finebros 'people react to VK' vid that sparked my interest again. Of all things.
    I don't have many newer bands I like, but I've been obsessing over DADAROMA like crazy! And that last lynch. release was pretty awesome. (I'm totally open to band suggestions.) I'll forever continue to love Aikaryu, but I also still quite enjoy Phantasmagoria, Unsraw, Deluhi, older Versailles, really old Dir en grey, and some others. I also listen to various metal bands, BAND-MAID, aaaand... Babymetal. I really need to get back into my listening game, honestly.
    A bit rambly, but yeah, that's me.
  24. Like
    koutetsuhime got a reaction from platy in Old fan returning after some years!   
    Hey everyone. I'm koutetsuhime, or kou for short. I've also gone by awakenthesadist/medicalshower in the past on LJ and batsu (ohh boy blast from the past). I also ran a few communities over on Livejournal, so if you recognise me from there or batsu, heeey. It's really quite strange to come back to a fandom you used to know so well and feel so lost, so I thought I'd join this community and try to get settled back in.
    So apparently I made this account way back in 2012 and never introduced myself, oops. Seems like a little while after Versailles went on hiatus, I kinda lost interest in VK, and now I'm trying to return to being somewhat involved in the VK fandom. I got super into the metal fandom for a while there, even doing concert photography and shit, but I was getting a little bored of it and somehow ended up coming back to VK. Embarrasingly enough, I think it was that terrible Finebros 'people react to VK' vid that sparked my interest again. Of all things.
    I don't have many newer bands I like, but I've been obsessing over DADAROMA like crazy! And that last lynch. release was pretty awesome. (I'm totally open to band suggestions.) I'll forever continue to love Aikaryu, but I also still quite enjoy Phantasmagoria, Unsraw, Deluhi, older Versailles, really old Dir en grey, and some others. I also listen to various metal bands, BAND-MAID, aaaand... Babymetal. I really need to get back into my listening game, honestly.
    A bit rambly, but yeah, that's me.
  25. Like
    koutetsuhime got a reaction from Mamo in Old fan returning after some years!   
    Ah, how cool! I agree, it's great to see others returning too. Makes me feel less awkward about it for sure xD Thank you and I hope I will too! ^^
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