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  1. Thanks
    patientZERO reacted to cvltic in lynch.   
    Yeah, the new EVILLY(.wav) got cut from the best of by King Rec because it had banned words in it lmao. Since it was distributed for free on their site it's probably OK to share it here, right? EVILLY.wav
  2. Like
    patientZERO reacted to Yukimoto in Deviloof new album, "Devil's Proof" release + Gt.&Vo.Ray (ex-ベルゼモ (belzemo)) joins   
    I'm not sure why the few seconds of cleans vocals = softer song.... 
    Also maybe it's not them trying to fit in with other bands but just something he wanted to do from the beginning or add in but just never did.... It's probably best if you just let the band do what they want and just like or don't like what they dish out but I thought the song was excellent!
    Plus most bands do that same new look positioning so Deviloof and DIMLIM having the same pose is understandable lol
  3. Like
    patientZERO got a reaction from suji in Deviloof new album, "Devil's Proof" release + Gt.&Vo.Ray (ex-ベルゼモ (belzemo)) joins   
    Also, they have a new OHP. Their old link is dead.
    With all this talk of a "restart" or whatever they're calling it and with the new OHP not having any information regarding their first releases, I wonder if they're legitimately trying to start anew (and wash away any traces of Ryuya?).
  4. LOLOL
    patientZERO reacted to swagman in New band "MERALOA" has formed   
    band names that start with m and end in a
    whats next... MACADAMIA
  5. Like
    patientZERO got a reaction from Xerath in KRAD best mini album 「Re:puzzle」 release   
    The same type of people who release a live-limited best-of mini album.
  6. Like
    patientZERO got a reaction from suji in KRAD best mini album 「Re:puzzle」 release   
    INB4 they disband and reform as something else.
  7. Like
    patientZERO got a reaction from suji in GreeΣ will disband   
    From what I can gather, it seems Mikado wanted to quit and told everyone in July he'd be out in November. He feels like the catalyst for the disbandment. Ral said that this will be his last time taking the stage as a visual bandman, but wishes to continue being involved in music and producing.
  8. Thanks
    patientZERO got a reaction from helcchi in JILUKA   
    Oh, they also have two live DVDs.

    『THE CHAOTIC ZION』– Live abstraction from 160521
    1. ZONE
    2. Raison d’etre
    3. Primal Urge
    4. Screamer
    5. Twisted Pain
    6. Lethal Affliction (MV)

    『The Chronostasis』- Live abstraction from 160923 -
    1. ZONE
    2. Prisoners
    〜drums solo〜
    3. Lethal Affliction
    4. Lluvia
    5. Crossing Fate
  9. Thanks
    patientZERO got a reaction from helcchi in JILUKA   
    They have a single when JaiL (original drummer) was in the band, called Sicks. It had two tracks, the second of which is a precursor version of B.A.L.U.S.

    1. Sicks
    2. Segregater
    It fetches a pretty penny and I've seen it on sale for ~8,600Y, but there's no way in hell I'm paying that amount of money for it, especially since Ricko is not at his prime in it and whines in it.
  10. Like
    patientZERO reacted to saishuu in Mysterious "名古屋系" (NAGOYA KEI) live announced   
    ugh enter brain is/was such a fantastic label/distributor ;_;
  11. 悲しい
    patientZERO got a reaction from Komorebi in 3 members will depart from Sick. + activity pause   
    Damn this sucks. Tsukasa talks about a dream they all had, but it sounds like they gave up on it. I wonder if this is due to their low attendance at their last oneman.
  12. Like
    patientZERO reacted to Suuu in Deviloof new album, "Devil's Proof" release + Gt.&Vo.Ray (ex-ベルゼモ (belzemo)) joins   
    RAY is an incredibly talented guitarist, I have no doubt that he will fit in perfectly and will add a new great dimension to Deviloof's music.

    I have known him for several years now, so I have full faith.

    please everyone welcome and support RAY

    as for his band, Belzemo, their last live was held recently.
  13. Like
    patientZERO got a reaction from Ada Suilen in BLESS THIS MESS restarts activites under Starwave Records + new album, "XIALL RAIN" release   
    First full album, XIALL RAIN announced to release on December 20, 2017.

    1. Mannequin film
    2. SKIN & BONE
    3. 醜滅醜焉
    4. old【new】order
    5. DEMIGOD
    6. cadolea
    7. Elegy of Fate
    8. 悲恋蜉蝣
    9. PERSONA
    10.Lunar Regret
    3,240Y, limited to 1,000.
  14. Like
    patientZERO got a reaction from zaa_zaa in BLESS THIS MESS restarts activites under Starwave Records + new album, "XIALL RAIN" release   
    First full album, XIALL RAIN announced to release on December 20, 2017.

    1. Mannequin film
    2. SKIN & BONE
    3. 醜滅醜焉
    4. old【new】order
    5. DEMIGOD
    6. cadolea
    7. Elegy of Fate
    8. 悲恋蜉蝣
    9. PERSONA
    10.Lunar Regret
    3,240Y, limited to 1,000.
  15. Thanks
    patientZERO got a reaction from suji in BLESS THIS MESS restarts activites under Starwave Records + new album, "XIALL RAIN" release   
    First full album, XIALL RAIN announced to release on December 20, 2017.

    1. Mannequin film
    2. SKIN & BONE
    3. 醜滅醜焉
    4. old【new】order
    5. DEMIGOD
    6. cadolea
    7. Elegy of Fate
    8. 悲恋蜉蝣
    9. PERSONA
    10.Lunar Regret
    3,240Y, limited to 1,000.
  16. Like
    patientZERO got a reaction from Seimeisen in new band "ソロソロ眠ルコロ…zzZ (Sorosoronerukoro...zzZ)" has formed   
    Why do people who can't sing insist on being vocalists?!
  17. Like
    patientZERO got a reaction from efuru in New band "一輪は瓦礫の隙間から" has formed   
    Best typo of the day. That "sample" video was pretty miserable. 
  18. Like
    patientZERO got a reaction from platy in Show Your Desktop   
    I like to keep things simple. And I'm kinda OCD, so this is my super minimal desktop.
  19. Like
    patientZERO got a reaction from efuru in What are you listening to?   
    The only Lolita23Q song I ever liked thanks to you being on an omnibus WAY back in the day.
  20. Like
    patientZERO got a reaction from Furik in DIR EN GREY best album release   
    "This video contains content from direngreyweb. It is not available in your country."
  21. Like
    patientZERO got a reaction from Visutox in Instru-metal   
    This thread is dedicated to instrumental metal music. I have quite a catalogue of good instrumental metal bands, from djentlemen music to technometal and figured I'd spread some of that over here for people who don't particularly care about vocals. Are there MH people who dig this too? Here's some picks of not-so-widely-known instru-metal (I skipped the obligatory Animals As Leaders, Russian Circles, Cloudkicker, and Pelican).
  22. Like
    patientZERO got a reaction from Komorebi in random thoughts thread   
    We could talk ourselves in circles about this, but I've said my part. There's a difference between keyboard crusaders and those who act in real life. I was just trying to instill in people that the difference is in how you react to those who slur shit online and not in person. I didn't mean to get anybody's knickers in a twist for taking a positive-seeking spin on things. Il'll see my way out now.
  23. Like
    patientZERO got a reaction from Komorebi in random thoughts thread   
    There's a difference between being a keyboard crusader and doing this stuff in real life. As I said in my earlier post. Had this been something that was done to anybody personally, then it's a different story. And not to dive into my personal story too much, I was once a bible-thumping (it's thumping by the way) "Christfag" and went around the country "spreading the ministry" and found out the leader was against gays, etc. His daughter came out and they disowned her and tried to scare her straight. It didn't work, obviously, and I vehemently stood up against him and his family and organization. I'm obviously not a religious person anymore, nor was I ever a bigot, but like I said before, hate thrives on attention.
    And seriously, in a conversation about bigots, you're liberally throwing around the word fag ... so yeah.
  24. Like
    patientZERO got a reaction from Komorebi in random thoughts thread   
    Well, to speak truthfully, you do have to accept his opinion. You may not believe it (nor do I), but it is his opinion and we have to be okay with the fact that people will have differing viewpoints on things. When it becomes an issue is when it starts interfering with your everyday life. He's using YouTube as his platform to spread his hate, and honestly, YT is a cesspool of hate anyway. I'm glad you won't let it get to you, but wasting time watching, reading comments, and spending time thinking about it won't change his opinion or help better your life. It is sad that people can be this low-key, but right now, you're in a place (MH) that's accepting of you for who you are.
    Hate thrives on attention like fire thrives on oxygen. Fail to give it that and we can snuff out the flames.
  25. Like
    patientZERO got a reaction from platy in random thoughts thread   
    Well, to speak truthfully, you do have to accept his opinion. You may not believe it (nor do I), but it is his opinion and we have to be okay with the fact that people will have differing viewpoints on things. When it becomes an issue is when it starts interfering with your everyday life. He's using YouTube as his platform to spread his hate, and honestly, YT is a cesspool of hate anyway. I'm glad you won't let it get to you, but wasting time watching, reading comments, and spending time thinking about it won't change his opinion or help better your life. It is sad that people can be this low-key, but right now, you're in a place (MH) that's accepting of you for who you are.
    Hate thrives on attention like fire thrives on oxygen. Fail to give it that and we can snuff out the flames.
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