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Everything posted by ghost

  1. @Paradoxal I see that SLOD CD we were fighting over ; )
  2. ghost

    Had 10 minutes, batteries died, no good poses, but I like the lighting. P.S. I've had that dinosaur sandbox since I was 3.
  3. ghost

    Why is there no Dezert thread yet??????? Vocal: 千秋-Chiaki- Guitar: キラ-Kira- Bass: SaZ Drum: SORA I just started listening to them 30 minutes ago and I seriously regret not listening to them sooner. They're so freaking heavy. Their music is harsh with loads of distortion and crunch, but they mix in nice melodies once in a while to balance things out. I would compare them to bands like early D'espairsRay, Deathgaze, AvelCain, and (I would say) even Kagerou. The vocalist is probably one of my new favorites because of his diversity. He has a singing voice sweet enough to be in a band like Sug, but his screams have bite and he can easily be compared to vocalists like Satoshi from Girugamesh. I pretty much like everything I've heard (which isn't all their music), but tracks that have stood out to me so far are: -「胃潰瘍とルソーの錯覚」 (ikaiyou to rousseau no sakkaku) *The video above -「変」(hen) -「秘密」(himitsu) So, Whaddya all think of this band??? (I mean, from what people have said around the forum, I know they're generally loved).
  4. ghost

    Fun little thing, you can buy the kind of jacket Kyo wore for his Arche look. http://page7.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/g145941520 .....that is if you have $1000.....Me personally, I'm good with my $30 one from American Eagle thanks..
  5. ghost

    Doop doo doop got mah package ba doop born - Dust pain (1st demo) born - Vermin's cry (live distributed) born - sakura (live limited) sadie - dekiai (live house limited recording ver.)
  6. ghost

    Konami sucks. I thought it was an April fools joke aaaaaand it wasn't. On a different topic, I can't wait to see the DLC characters for Mortal Kombat X in action. That game is sweeeeeeeeeet.
  7. ghost

    I also enjoyed Trend Killer the most. Gain was pretty solid too IMO. If we're going for their best releases not just albums, I really liked their first single as well "kokui....hana...that really long title". I feel like they never wrote anything like this after oboreru sakana.
  8. I have a go-to person for buying goods from Japan. I'm not sure if they do "going to lives" purchases, but I'll PM you their email address and maybe you guys can work something out. He/she is really good with helping me get the things I want (usually yahoo,mbok,puresound (before you pointed out they ship overseas), etc.) and he/she has really good with communication. Not sure if this will be a fruitful option, but good luck!
  9. ghost

    I wish I had known with all my heart that this was an option from the start. Thanks Seimeisen!
  10. ghost

    Added: Girugamesh - 13's reborn (Limited Edition)
  11. ghost

    Ryuujii: Good question. I took them out once and they're just simple wooden balls. I'm not sure why they're there though. For Mucc's first release of Antique,they included a nail in the spine. As far as I can tell, it's just a nail they bought at their local store. And it's not like it's a thing Vkei bands do either I think. It's kinda fun though.
  12. ghost

    Added these items: Girugamesh - Girugamesh (CD + DVD) Sadie - grieving the dead soul (CD + DVD) Sadie - Ice Romancer (CD + DVD) Screw - Fusion of the core (CD + DVD)
  13. The single title sounds hopeful though. Voyage implies a return right? RIGHT??
  14. ghost

    @@MikuKun Well, this thread IS just for the release of "DOGMA". People have already expressed their in-depth opinion of the album in the review thread. This sort of discussion is better suited in the "artists" section anyways. edited 10:47 I personally enjoyed BD for what it was and am looking forward to Dogma, different musical direction or not, as long as they push themselves further. They're a talented group no doubt.
  15. ghost

    My favorite line.
  16. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Got my CD today! Item was very well packed and arrived quickly. Would totally buy from again. Thanks Silv! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  17. For reals. I gave their album "Twin Gates" a listen and it was really bland. I stopped following them after "Vanguard". They certainly had their own unique style pre-"Vanguard".
  18. ghost

    Speaking of which, it made me think of some of my favorite lynch. tracks that weren't on the best of: -Mujun to sora -rasen -roaring in the dark -ecdysis -cultic my execution -Before you know it
  19. ghost

    Jaja sukekiyo - Vitamins (web shop limited edition) Dir en grey - Missa (East West Japan release) deadman - Amefuri no Himawari
  20. Or maybe it stands for: LBSAA Laughably Bad Sadie Anniversary Album
  21. ghost

    What did all ya'lls think of their new best-of anniversary album? Me personally, I didn't find it all too exciting. It was cool at first hearing their older tracks re-recorded but it didn't stay that way. They weren't terribly different, if at all, and if anything lost the feel of the originals through over production. Except songs like "Blasted Back Bone" which needed some heavier mixing from the beginning IMO. That stuff is gooooood. What are some of your favorite re-recordings? Mine are: -from the end -I'm sic b cuz luv you -The Blasted Back bone
  22. Interested in: deadman - in media deadman - no alternative mucc - just another tsuuzetsu PMing right now.
  23. Gosh darnut why do I have work right now!!! $ asjdei82
  24. ghost

    Well, "Uroko" translates into fish scales, fish live in the sea, Disney made "Finding Nemo" a movie about fish and the sea, in the movie there was a scene where crabs try to eat a fish (Nemo), the band also tries to eat a fish in the video (although in lady from)......Toshiya is imitating the crabs from "Finding Nemo."
  25. ghost

    I think they definitely could have pushed the videos more. Could use more polishing and content. Like in "Uroko", if they're gonna have the band interact with the other actors, excuse me, just the one actor, then it would've been cool to see them do more than just sit still while the camera pans out. Kyo's hair in "The Unraveling" reminds me of Gobby jr. from "The Amazing Spider Man2 ". Kyo: "Oh snap losing my balance! JK I'm a ninja AHhhhh"
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