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Everything posted by ghost

  1. ghost

    Hah Hah. I have like 3 moves myself...
  2. ghost

    Totally! Unleash my inner self.
  3. ghost

    Thought I'd try something different and show myself (by not showing myself) through videooo. I don't really know how to dance but I know how to enjoy myself. Who needs to go to the club when you have a laptop, big tv, hdmi cable, foobar2000, youtube, and a living room.
  4. @ D: Sorry to hear that. I guess I have to/should reply.... Never dated. Not planning on it right now. We'll see in the next 10 years.
  5. ghost

    Sounds good. Yes, what method did you want? Thanks for contacting!
  6. Hi everyone, I have a Tooru but just don't have the time to take care of him. I've had him since he was a child. I'm hoping there will be someone out there who will give him the love and attention he deserves. He's house trained and very well behaved, although, sometimes he screams, vomits, makes funny faces, flips people off, points at people, and throws things at you. You'll have to work out those behavioral problems but I know a very good trainer that we're actually seeing now. See photos for examples Another thing is he really loves hats. I mean REALLY loves hats. So, you'll probably have to buy him a new one every few months or so. These are all the kinds he has now. Thanks so much for taking the time to read this. If you have any questions feel free to ask me. Right now I'm taking offers for him so just PM me an offer. Shipping will depend on location. Paypal preferred. Tooru and I both appreciate this!
  7. My eyeholes are ready. Can't believe I missed this last time : O
  8. ghost

    9goats black out - Karte I love the red color of the sand and the sea of ripples. Contrasted with the clean blue sky, it really pops out. The font on the cover is appropriate and its placement doesn't distract from anything. And the 3 distant burning figures add a sort of surrealism to everything. Sadie - gain I'm pretty sure this is some are art (I canz spell?) piece so I'm not sure if they should get credit for the cover, but regardless I like how they used it. It's super creepy and fitting to the mood of the mini-album. I just want to try and touch the faces. school food punishment - Riff-rain I love how much there is to see in this cover. You have all the stuff on the models head, the different hues of purple/blue everywhere, the model, the negative space around the model, etc. This is the first album I wanted to hear when I was looking through SFP's discography for the first time. The cover got me so interested to hear what their music was like.
  9. ghost

    Got meh a brennew copy of Mucc - Kuchiki no tou (limited edition) And no, I don't spend a fortune on this stuff. I try to find good deals.
  10. ghost

    Started season 5 again and ahhhhhh soooo gooood! edit 4:33AM Dangit I just finished it all. And it gets sooo good! Maybe it's because its been a while since I've watched The Walking Dead, but this second half of the season felt really strong. I love how it developed certain characters more, the new story line and where it ends, and Carol. I won't spoil anything but I think it's just fun to watch her. I canNOT wait for the next season.
  11. ghost

    US Limited Edition Teal vinyl of Purity Ring's "Shrines" Love this album! BTW, if anyone wants, I have 2 more mp3 downloads of the album available via promo code.
  12. ghost

    Anyone else see the resemblance? On a related note, here's an image from tumblr that shows physical copies of GOD COLLAPSE. http://yumyumshow.tumblr.com/image/114800857656
  13. ghost

    Quick question, where did you find this anthology? Are you watching physical copies, a stream, etc ?
  14. ghost

    Lol. Well, it seems like most people I know don't like Shane and most definitely don"t miss him. So. If I remember, no they were all just an hour.
  15. ghost

    Keeping up with the Kardashians 2011 .... 2014 That went well
  16. ghost

    I miss Shane : ( I saw a death scene from the second half of season 5 and it's the first time I felt really uneasy from watching The Walking Dead DX
  17. ghost

    That Corgi better be a CD too. GazettE - Beautiful Deformity Fan-Club edition. Also, waaaaaaaaaaaaaah.....
  18. ghost

    Okay to be perfectly honest....I really dig GOD COLLAPSE so far. Ryouga's screams are overdone, the music is simple, but it's so fun and focused. And, that's what I've been missing from born these days. Their sound has been all over the place and it's nice to hear something simple for a change. I mean, probably not gonna be my new favorite song of the year, but c'mon. We all need a song to ham out to once in a while yah? AWAKENING PERSONALITY....just exists. Ehh, it's not so bad. Just nothing particularly special sounding.
  19. ghost

    I'm a fan too! Although, sometimes it's a little corny (especially how Ryouga does it. But I love corny) I know most people didn't like In Blossom from BD, but I particularly liked Ruki's "roar-shouting" in the beginning of that song. I agree that Ruki hasn't let out any good screams in recent songs. I think I remember him doing some pretty good shouting in Gabriel on the Gallows though. Speaking of "roar-shouting" and Ryouga, check out the preview for God Collapse. It's like roar-shout heaven. jk you already did hahaaa...
  20. ghost

    The instruments sound nice, but lets see what happens in the Ruki department...
  21. ghost

    Well, I've seen the main classics like Dracula and Frankenstein. I don't know if you know the Angry Video Game Nerd but he talks about it a lot on his YouTube show and so I found out about it through that.
  22. ghost

    Ahhhh yeaah! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts! I just got done watching Ju-on: The Grudge 2 and it does nooooot hold up very well. I'll be honest, I'm kind of a fanboy and the whole time I was trying to convince myself that it's reaaally scary, but I had to face the facts. It's not. Anymore at least. There's a lot of cool ideas and some of the execution is done very well, but the story line is hard to follow because of the way it jumps around to different characters and different time periods. Also, there's not enough scares and too many boring scenes. I don't care about these people because they're going to die anyway. But the movie(s) spend so much time building them up. On the plus side, the acting is pretty good. The way the curse acts is really unclear too. It can do whatever it wants with no rhyme or reason. It bends time and dimensions, alters a person's state of mind, takes control of objects, creates minions that don't do anything, vandalizes photos and homes, ruins coffee dates, and even straight up kills people. If it can just kill people, what's the point of all that other stuff???? Well, for people who never were interested enough to look beyond the American Grudges, there are a total of 10 Japanese Grudge movies (including the "series finale" coming out this year June in Japan). There's: "4444444" "In the Corner" "Ju-on: The Curse" "Ju-on: The Curse 2" "Ju-on: The Grudge" "Ju-on: The Grudge 2" "Ju-on: White Ghost" "Ju-on: Black Ghost" "Ju-on: The beginning of the end" "Ju-on: The Final" *I'd post some pictures but I'm too scared to look up any. The American Grudge is actually the 2nd horror film I've every watched, and it began my craze interest in scary movies. So, yeah it doesn't stand the test of time too well, but man does it bring back the feels.
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