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Everything posted by ghost

  1. Just gotta use the right link. Typically, I think you wanna use the direct image source link. You can grab this by right clicking on the image and selecting "copy image address". Paste that link in and you should be good to go!
  2. ghost

    Solid review as usual Zeus. It was interesting to read your thoughts because I practically had the exact opposite opinions. I felt like this was not a particularly compelling single. "Ningen wo kaboru" is very average and doesn't have any standout moments. The riffs and melodies sound phoned-in and the drumming, as people have noted, are typical for a Dir en grey song and recycle the same rhythms and patterns. The distortion sounds really cool but that's just related to tone. I actually like "Utafami" more as an A-side. It felt tighter and I liked the riffs more, although "Utafumi" didn't really win me over either. The "Ash" remake sounds unfinished and messy. I appreciate that the song remains melodically faithful to the original, but they could have re-worked the guitar parts and added more complexity like in the ending of the song. The added melody (is refrain the correct term?) doesn't really incorporate well into the song and really sticks out as a stitched element. I think same goes for the acoustic passage. It sounds great and is a highlight in the track, but it's so brief that it's more distracting. The shortened length really hurt the song too as some of the sections sound like they should continue on resulting in clunky transitions. I'm also just such a fan of Kyo's original line delivery that his performance here sounds uninspired by comparison. It had so much more character and conviction. Here he just kinda spills out his vocals and they lack any texture or variation. I gotta agree with Zeus here. This sounds like a pretty solid performance. I mean, I hate live tracks in general but this is definitely far from the worst. That Despair in the Womb live in general had some pretty poor performances as far as Kyo was concerned.
  3. Honestly, I'd prefer it that way. It's a money saver. I'd rather drop more on a full album than a single with: 1. A song that'll be on the album anyways 2. Some average b-side/average remix/average live track 3. Some average b-side/average remix/average live track 4. Etc. I just want to know what the album will sound like and buy that. And if there are some killer b-sides, I'd rather they find a way to put it on the album even if it's just as bonus tracks. I think the after-market value also tells just how much people care about singles too since their value drops drastically within months of release. Unless it's its own standalone release, I find physical singles kind of pointless nowadays.
  4. Ash sounds incredibly scattered and half-baked. Kinda think they need to leave their past the heck alone.
  5. ghost

    My insta is food, records, and my illustrations: https://www.instagram.com/dan_yun_/
  6. Preorders for Mouse on the Key's third album are open from Topshelf Records. You can choose from a variety of formats including CD and vinyl. The album releases on May 23rd 2018. Pre-order Sample *I gotta say, the sample sounds niiiiiiice
  7. ghost

    *sniff* mmm you smell nice
  8. ghost

    Ranunculus sounds like a Harry Potter spell. Google search shows that it's a plant, so maybe the spell could make anything smell like flowers. "Ranunculus: A spell used to enhance one's aroma. Useful right before a date or when you're about to meet your husband's parents for the first time and you're just nervous. Tips: For a more powerful effect, roll the "r" in Ranunculus."
  9. ghost

    I just love it when bands use Disney films as inspiration
  10. ghost

    Yes true, but bongos, a tambourine, and splash cymbal sounds so much more fun. And Reita can play cello or something.
  11. ghost

    Get Reita a standup bass and problem solved. And technically, acoustic means without electronic amplification so this shouldn't affect Kai's participation. But the cajon or bongos is another option!
  12. ghost

    This is how I would describe all their albums. I figure you can start with what sounds appealing to you and make your way around. My personal favs are Macabre, Vulgar, and Arche. Gauze - Classic 80's/90's jrock with a bit of bite, a nice mix of pop songs and heavy metal Macabre - An evolution of Gauze with more experimentation Kisou - Crunchier, heavier, and more industrial than the previous two Vulgar - An evolution of Kisou, heavier, more industrial and refined. Still retains a fun upbeat atmosphere. Strong Western rock influence. Withering to Death - A stripped down form of Vulgar with less industrial sounds. Even stronger Western influences and a darker more vicious listening experience. Marrow of the Bone - Raw, violent, unrefined and dark. Very depressing and hopeless atmosphere. Uroboros - A change in direction. Injects strong oriental and spiritual vibes into their sound. The album is a journey. Dum Spiro Spero - It's like an exaggeration of Uroboros. Takes the sounds from previous album and intensifies everything. More spiritual vibes, heavier, more contemporary/avantegarde song writing. Arche - A return to form. You can hear a bit of all their past work mixed in with their current sound. Overall, a softer more tame listening experience.
  13. ghost

    Final Fantasy Distant Worlds II is available on vinyl at $35 a pop on amazon. It's a double lp set on black. https://www.amazon.com/Distant-Worlds-II-music-FANTASY/dp/B07BR8DLSY/ *I think there's only like 20 copies left.
  14. ghost

    do want. Great collection btw
  15. I really like Contagion. I'm not sure why, but I like this more than Glass Pill. I gave Glass Pill a lot of tries, but it still hasn't clicked with me. The "proggy rotten atmosphere" is excellent, but I can't put my finger on what's keeping me from really getting into it.
  16. I gotta say, animated banner?  Niiiiiiiice.

    1. fitear1590


      Very snazzy, indeed!

    2. Zeus


      @helcchiamazed me with it too!

  17. He's packin' a guitar on stage now
  18. Possessor is really good. It's the only thing I've been listening to the past few days. On my way to see him live right now. I'm about to get wrecked
  19. ghost

    Funny thing is, it'd probably be cheaper than their deluxe edition CDs. He might as well move onto the format already. With each new album the packaging gets obnoxiously larger. If we're being honest, every release after Dim is just a glorified box for the actual CD packaging: Dogma had an enormous box but the actual discs lived inside another CD digipack Beautiful Deformity was also a giant box with CD digipack (allbeit, the box is cool although annoying to store) Division and Toxic were really just photo books (which was done as far back as Verwelkcanneverspellthenameofthisbook). Ruki should get more into the medium. In a lot of ways, there's so much more he could do in terms of creativity. These are some of my favorite vinyl packaging: Katamari Damacy Soundtrack Blak - Between Darkness and Light Gremlins Soundtrack Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me Soundtrack Perturbator - Dangerous Days Robert Parker - Crystal City
  20. ghost

    Maybe not hardcore, but, you know, heavier than classic punk
  21. ghost

    I'm half and half on Nil. It has some of their best work imo like "Taion", and "Baretta" and "Nausea and Shudder" as you guys have mentioned. But tracks like "生暖かい雨とざらついた情熱", "Shadow" and "Silly God Disco" are so forgetable and don't fit with the tone of those aforementioned tracks. And I think Kareuta should have totally replaced cassis! I feel like it maybe doesn't get talked about as much because Stacked Rubbish was released like only a year after and it generated more buzz because of tracks like the hilarious "Agony" and because of the various RnB/rap influences the album used. At least, I remember it being a polarizing album because of it's somewhat extreme style shift. I also think the "Filth in the beauty" PV helped them gain more attention internationally. I often saw this PV being compared to other Dir en grey's PVs for graphic content, lyrics, and etc.. Disorder takes place first place for me though. I still think it's their most original album and it marked the height of their punk rock sound which is my favorite Gazera. It took the foundation of their past work like hardcore punk rock, heavy riffs, experimental electronics, catchy pop hooks, and japonesque melodies and compacted it into one album. Yaaaaaaas
  22. ghost

    They're the worst band in history
  23. ghost

    The soundtrack to Katamari Damacy is being released on vinyl in April by Mondo. Pre-orders open this Wednesday at 12pm Central Time on their webshop: MONDO If you're looking to score a copy, I highly recommend being ready at noon to furiously refresh the page.
  24. ghost

    Early ガゼット is golden. Glad to see there are still fans who enjoy that era of their music. ガゼット < the GazettE any day of the year.
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