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Posts posted by pinkmakona

  1. Cool, I like both bands.

    Crack brain (without HIZAKI & 藍梨(airi)) 

    OH. I guess Hizaki isn't "indie" enough for this lol. 


    Aww, NO AIRI either. :( Only original members are Yoshi and Mashiro...


    Still nice i guess. Yoshi is a pretty good vocalist, he should come back for good.

  2. A little unexpected... I'm not that upset about it personally, I've lost interest in them for quite a while now. The new releases weren't doing it for me...


    I do really like v neu with Jun and some early stuff with Mitsu though. RIP 

  3. I think I will prefer this new concept. Looks like AvelCain, yes...but it's a lot better than this electro-pop style ^^'

    Well, yeah. I can't remember their old concept being special or anything anyway. I prefer this style... I don't mind the AvelCain influenced looks, etc, would rather have that than Royz or some shit.

  4. Dr.亜依-ai-(相田恵里/aida eri) has clarified that RENS has disbanded in 2014/02

    Aww. :( I actually liked their first single... but i did guess that they disbanded or something a few months ago, the band went really quiet after that release, members not posting much on their blogs, etc...

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