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Posts posted by pinkmakona

  1. Haha, we're all a bit weird here :P But you'll soon find yourself to be loving us. Since I'm the youngest of the staff, I suppose I would be the youngest sister who's surrounded by all the big brothers and sisters who help me with stuff.

    I see! I think i wil fit in here.

  2. DerKnecht said:
    Zesshoku said:


    Man, the vocalist is painful and those synths are just really, really bad. I also lol'd at the guitarists during the solo. It was on the bland side but neither one of them were even trying to play along. =__=

    I believe this belongs in here. It certainly qualifies.

    Nah, the guitarist on the right is doing the solo while the one on the left is doing rhythm. Also, if you watch the solo guy's left hand closely you can see that he's (probably) hitting the correct notes.

    Band is crappy, but Gene has a nice voice... I really liked him in SectMateria and Medue'obscur. 


    Furik said:
    How dare you accuse REALies and POPCORE of being crap!



    To be exact, I am still playing Jet Set Radio Future at the moment since De La Jet Set Radio brought me to the point where I don't know whether to cry out loud or feel nauseous because of godawful voice acting (Not sure about you DC fans but it bugged me, and alot!)

    Will be taking up Killer 7 once I've ended up with this architecture crap I have to do

    LOL LOL LOL i used to have that game on the XBOX right? I used to play as GUM all the time but the game was really hard i gave up on it because i couldn't unlock all the chararcters. The game is quite rare to pick up in game shops my copy got mashed up.

  4. Hello pinkmakona!!! I think you know who I‘m? 

    It‘s nice you came here. 

    Welcome to MH. (^-^)

    Hey, Megumi! I thought it was you! Thanks!

  5. Hello! :D i am pinkmakona erm i am new on here hehe. I love old school visual kei the most and some oshare kei bands haha.

    Hi it's me ^_^

    It's nice to see you join and nice to see you made an introduction!

    Here's the minichat; where you can chat with other VK fans (many of which I'm sure you have already met.)


    You'll generally find us at about 8 PM your time or so, but we're usually the most active at night which is early morning for you.

    Thanks! I will join in at minichat when i can. :3

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