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Posts posted by pinkmakona

  1. Hey can i buy all the Libera chekis of you please? I think you have a misa cheki, from Libera as well? :wub::wub::wub: Just tell me the postage costs to United Kingdom please? I will buy straight away. Paypal charges will be small right i presume?

    EDIT: Just to say this seller is 100% trustworthy and she is amazing! :wub:

  2. Despite the really bad name :), It's a pleasure to see these two together.

    I hope they stear far away from the last type of music both of them made. Wishing for something heavier, let's see how it works...

    Agreed darkside also Jui in a new band is fantasic news! One of the best visual kei vocalists in the scene. His pop solo debut wasn't doing it for me. Please return to Luinspear/early Vidoll style and music please Jui. :wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:

  3. Single life is sweet FOR A WHILE but when you are single for a long time you just get fed up with it. I have been single forever haha and do want to meet someone. But i haven't met a guy who i am interested in/ really like yet so i am enjoying my job, having fun and doing other things.


    Zephyr is one of my absolute favorites from the VK pantheon.

    This is such crazy news. I'm ordering that single as we speak.

    The fact that the website has been all updated is a good sign. I wonder if they are back for good?

    Thanks for providing this magnificent news.

    Also, nice look:


    Love them :wub: also wow they look great in that pic. I want the single.

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