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Posts posted by fitear1590

  1. A tracklist update!
    DVD "spark of FLOWER"

    Regular Edition (¥3,990)

    2013.05.11 at Zepp Tokyo
    01. 潜在証明 
    02. Re:myend! 
    03. メルシールー 
    04. フラワー 
    05. メイドミー・・・ 
    06. 街 
    07. トレモロ 
    08. week...end 
    09. たしかなうた 
    10. greatwall 
    11. nameless 
    12. ループ 
    13. カロン 
    14. sharp ♯


    Limited Edition (¥5,980)
    DISC 1 2013.05.11 at Zepp Tokyo

    -DISC 2-
    2011.10.08 at AKASAKA BLITZ 
    01. サイダーの海  
    02. ワンダーワールド  
    03. メルシールー 
    2012.05.12 at SHIBYA AX 
    04. ループ  
    05. 季節  
    06. うずまき 
    07. ふわりのこと  
    08. sharp ♯ 
    2012.12.16 at TOKYO DOME CITY HALL
    09. greatwall  
    10. Lightdentity  
    11. NO 
    12. たしかなうた
    + Included "FLOWER baku" bandana

    I might have to pick up the limited edition, because disc 2 is like a time capsule with those lives from 2011 and 2012!

  2. DOPPELeggknock_zpsae4bb896.jpg

    First of all, I’ve never really listened to DOLLY (but I’ve heard great things about them!), so I don’t have much to compare DOPPEL to.  This was one of those rare “blind purchases” for me, where I wasn’t familiar with the band members or their previous work, but I went on my gut feeling of really liking the PV preview and some song snippets on Amazon.jp.  In any case, I’m thoroughly enjoying this release!  “-胎瞳-“ is a pleasant little SE track.  Nothing to write home about, but it does set the mood well.  “エッグノック” starts off like an old Moran track (the style that I love): prominent basslines, airy piano, lovely violin.  I don’t know how much to attribute to the compositions or the great guest musicians, but the music is beautiful.  I’m also enjoying Mitsu’s voice!  Like I said, I’ve never listed to DOLLY before, but Mitsu has one of those highly exaggerated "VK" voices, but in the good way.  “Anemθne” has a great funky beat to it and some cool guitar riffs.  Once again, some great musicianship.  “Till” amps up the electronic elements.  It’s a combination of a very dance-y beat in the foreground, with some beautiful twinkly bleeps and bloops in the background (kind of reminded me of the group neue nahel’s take on electronic).  However, I’m not AS keen on Mitsu’s singing in this song; sounds a bit strained (or restrained?)…  Still a very solid track.  “-朔剥-“ is another SE track, this time combining heavy beats and some faint piano chords.  “MOONLIGHT xxxx” is a worthy closing track.  It opens with a very video game-y synth line, before going into some pretty piano.  As the song builds, it introduces all kinds of elements like some string arrangements giving it a “grand” feel, as well as a beautiful acoustic guitar solo. 

    My favorites are definitely “MOONLIGHT xxxx” and “エッグノック” and they exhibit a kind of feel-good, yet mature, well-composed pop.  The songs are very pretty, “pleasant,” and easy to listen to in a “pop” sense, but there are also creative compositions with many layers of piano, strings, and synths.  I’m looking forward to what this group will do next and I feel like I also need to peruse the DOLLY discography in the meantime.  Also, from a purely visual perspective, I think the band has a unique aesthetic, from their costumes to their booklet design.  DOPPEL is definitely a band to check out!


  3. Not to impose but I think a good idea to go along with this thread is to give to those that are interested the best release to check out from the list of bands they listed. Of course, if you don't want it that's all cool too. I just find myself that bands I haven't gotten into I didn't get into because they have so much to go through and I don't have a good starting point.

    I definitely also have this problem.  


    In fact, *dusts off the old thread* perhaps it's time for the "Where should I start listening?" thread to make a comeback.  It can be a nice companion to this thread.

  4. I'm creating this as a kind of sister-thread to jduv's topic. So instead of bands that are on the decline, what bands do you think are improving?


    Off the top of my head, THE NOVEMBERS would be my first choice. I've been loosely following them since 2008, and at the time, they seemed to be your slightly above-average indie-rock band, but their works from 2011 and beyond have converted me into a full time fan. Their sound has become much more atmospheric and there's an air of sophistication about them now that many indie-rock bands can't seem to create these days.


    Japanese reggae/dub/indie-pop band Tam Tam have improved with every release, and this year I really feel that they've found their niche. I'm hoping they'll continue on this trend of theirs.

    I've only been a listener of THE NOVEMBERS and Tam Tam since their supposed "better" periods, but it's nice to hear they're steadily improving.  I definitely enjoyed Tam Tam's newest mini-album more than their album.  Really excited to hear how these bands continue to develop.


    UNITE! - Their first album was decent, but they really shined with their second album. Catchier songs and more versatility with the second album...well versatile compared to the first album.

    Fellow UNiTE fan :D


    蒼-AO- Their first release was very low quality and low budget, but when they got their second guitarist, HIROKI, that all changed. Their single, "Oasis" was amazing... Way better sound quality and the music improved 100x because of the added guitar. The singer's vocals also improved greatly and his voice now fits their style of music in my opinion. They seem to be on fire... Touring a lot... And they're releasing their 3rd single, "Afterglow" at the end of this month and will already be releasing their fourth single in August. Hopefully they continue to improve and keep producing amazing music!! 

    Glad to hear, because I was NOT impressed with the first single either.  I'll have to check out Oasis and Afterglow when it's released.  I see they have a show coming up with Dear L'Novel AND Scarlet Valse, both bands that I enjoy, so maybe I'll become an AO fan too.

  5. 踊ってばかりの国 (odotte bakari no kuni) is definitely improving.  I've always liked their psychedelic, folksy brand of indie pop, but vocalist Shimotsu had VERY grating, high pitched squeaky voice for the longest time (at least until their 2011 album Sekai ga mitai).  On their most recent release "FLOWER", I think he finally mastered his voice and found the "sweet spot," haha.  So much improvement; still very unique, but he toned down the squeakiness he had before.  I also enjoyed his new solo project "The Acid House." for singing in a lower, "croakier" style.  Looking forward to what he/they'll do next!

    Dear L'Novel has also improved a lot.  Their first single was so wretched I deleted it from my hard drive.  Their second single and subsequent releases showed continued improvement as vocalist Kazuho started relying less on autotune and more on his own voice.  Their debut album had a lot of great tracks, if you're into flowery, dramatic VK; the worst thing about that album was the hideous cover art.  Looking forward to their new concept album!

    Hotel Mexico is another one.  Their first album intrigued me with the one or two songs that everyone kept sharing around (Starling, Tiger, Fox & Its Twinkle), but I really did not enjoy the rest of the release.  A lot of moments which bored me or were marred by terrible vocals.  When I saw their next single on Spotify, I gave it a spin and it was fantastic!  They developed a lush, beautifully atmospheric, yet still catchy sound.  Their second album Her Decorated Post Love continued in that vein and I'm officially a fan of them (at least their newer stuff, haha).  I think they've really found their niche in the "chillwave-y" (or whatever the fuck) style.

    DIV started out with a blah mini-album in my opinion.  I suppose Chisa's voice is somewhat unique, in that he's not exactly your typical over-exaggerated, whiny singer, but the music was fairly standard VK rock stuff, with the most random chiptune intro track.  Then, they released a single which caught my attention.  Despite having two songs with almost identical choruses on one 3-track single (I still don't forgive that), I came to love two of their songs (蛍火 & milky latte) and awaited their next release.  Their second single wasn't as good as the first, but it had some moments.  Finally, their third single TASTE OF LIFE officially converted me into a fan.  They finally showed that they can do a number of different styles pretty well; plus, I actually enjoyed all (four) songs on the release!  They still occasionally have some tendencies towards generic, but they've certainly shown a lot of improvement.  Based on their newest look, their fourth single will be something darker/heavier, so we'll see how that turns out.

    The projects of 天野攸紀 (amano yuki): DIMMDIVISION. & StrangerSaid.
    This guy is a bit of an exception, since I liked everything I've heard so far.  It's just that I like his stuff even more with each release.  With "dim my division," I thought, okay now this is pretty good alternative (nagoya?) stuff.  When the band changed to "DIMMDIVISION." and released a mini-album with a shoegaze influence, I thought, okay now this is really good stuff.  With their newest single this year, I'm absolutely hooked; this is fucking amazing stuff.  I feel like I always name drop DIMMDIVISION. but that's just because they're still so underrated, haha. As far as I can see, the only thing holding them back is slightly sub-par recording quality.  His new solo-project StrangerSaid. introduces a delicious violin element to his sound.  Between Strangersaid. and DIMMDIVISION, I LOVE this man and I can't wait to hear more.

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