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Posts posted by fitear1590

  1. Im Großen und Ganzen kann man eigentlich sagen, dass es eine Glückssache ist, ob man Zoll bezahlen muss, da der Zoll nicht jedes Paket überprüft.


    Die offizielle Zollgrenze liegt bei 23 €, aber wie gesagt, es ist einfach unterschiedlich. Ich musst auch schon bei Paketen über 100€ kein Zoll zahlen.


    Wirkliche Tipps gibts eigentlich nicht. Zumindest nicht, wenn du Shops wie cdjapan oder brandx benutzt, die von selbst ins AUsland versenden. Bei fromjapan kann man den Betrag ja ändern und das mach ich auch immer.


    Edit: wo wirst du denn wohnen? AUslandsstudium?

    Danke, stylelover.  Ehrlich gesagt erleichtert mich das ein bisschen.  Ich dachte, man muss immer bezahlen.

    Wie oft denn werden die Pakete überprüft? Im Durchschnitt jedes zweite Mal oder so? Weniger?

    Und ich werde in Koblenz wohnen und ich arbeite als Englischlehrassistent an einer Schule. 

  2. Sehr geehrte Monochromiums,

    ab Freitag ist Deutschland mein neues Zuhause (für die nächsten zehn Monate zumindest).  Als Amerikaner weiß ich überhaupt nichts über die Zollkontrolle in Deutschland... Während meines Currywurst-Jahrs habe ich vor, mindestens ein paar japanische CDs zu bestellen, also hat jemand einige Zoll-Tipps für mich?  Wie viel Zoll muss man durchschnittlich zahlen?  Kann man das Zoll eigentlich vermeiden? Und so weiter... 

    Danke im Voraus!

  3. Jesus H. Christ, they are busy.

    Anyway, here are some additional details about the "美空結び(Misora Musubi)" release:

    Release date 2013.10.09
    Regular edition, ¥1,575
    Limited Edition, ¥2,625

    Shame "わすれもの(Wasuremono)" won't be included.  I wonder the other 5 announcements will have in store for us... 

  4. wow congrats you own the new live DVD. Suck that I can't buy anything until the end of the year


    will check the live

    Highly recommend that you check out HMV Japan, if you want to get the DVD.

    I got the limited edition one brand-new for 4700 yen (despite the 5900 yen retail price), because they have some kind of "multi-buy" sale.  I think you just have to buy 2 "multi-buy" items total and you get great discounts.  Even the regular edition DVD goes from 3900 to 3100 with the multi-buy discount.

    And let me know what you think of the video!

  5. Received the 2-disc compilation live DVD "spark of FLOWER" and I'm loving it!

    First of all, we've got some creative packaging again.  "spark of FLOWER" has to be THE biggest piece of music media I own; definitely top of the hierarchy.  Compare its size (left) to the LP, DVD, 7 inch, CD, and tape.

    Also, I uploaded some songs from the DVD.  They're really good live so, check it out!  Lots of variety here.

    1. week...end
    2. nameless
    3. ふわりのこと (fuwari no koto)
    4. NO
    5. greatwall



    They are too horrible to post so click the link.









    Did I win?

    LOL, that's true.  The Dear L'Novel one I posted is beyond god awful, but at least they're just a tiny indie band.

    ViViD is fucking MAJOR and they produced this crap.  I particularly love the "whoosh" effect on this one:


  7. 0.jpg

    The Kinodoku na Shiawase album by sanpun is pretty tacky, but i love it either way.

    All sanpun album arts are pretty tacky and cute though lol its hard to pick the weirdest one :love:

    I'm not sure this is "tacky" especially in comparison to the other filth in this thread.

    In fact, this looks kinda Shintaro Kago-esque. I like it!

    HOWEVER, the absolute worst VK cover art is from Dear L'Novel's album "Tsumi to Batsu"




  8. I have some issues with 摩天楼オペラ (Matenrou Opera)

    I've expressed this before in reviews and stuff, but in my opinion, vocalist Sono and keyboardist Ayame are dragging down the band.  Starting with Sono... when the band first debuted, I was very excited for them.  He had a unique and capable voice and a "high pitched" one at that (something I tend to lean toward in male vocals).  There was the occasional hiccup (I didn't like his performance in songs like "悲哀とメランコリー" or "Last Game"), but overall his voice held out for me, that is UNTIL the release of the Murder Scope single.  Ever since then, I've noticed he has the tendency to affect his voice in a very nasal, obnoxious "squeaky" way and he also applies some of the most exaggerated VK-brato I've ever heard (see "ニューシネマパラダイス" among many others).  There's also other instance of just plain "WTF?!"-inducing filth (see the "Hoooooooooooo-ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!" session at the end of the song "Justice"). Not that I don't enjoy his vocals every once in a while, but before Murder Scope, it seemed like his singing was maybe 90% hit and 10% miss and now it's just the opposite.  I want to like Sono's voice, but with each and every release, it seems like he's going further down a path that just isn't for me.  Now for Ayame, I'm going to copy/paste something I wrote in a previous review. "This has been something I've felt for a while with this band. I find myself rarely complaining about the guitarist, the bassist or the drummer so much. It always comes back to Ayame. Tbh, I don't know how much he actually plays himself, and how much is just the studio arrangement, but man does this band overuse the "hah" choir thing. And cheap synthy strings. The fact that the album opens up with midi-sounding keyboards in Justice is already a bad sign. Maybe I'm just bitter since "風の鳥" by the first keyboardist is one of my favorite MO songs... I think Ayame's probably the weakest member of the band. His keyboards hardly bring anything special to their sound and they'd probably just be better off with a second guitarist (since they could add extra synths and stuff in the studio arrangement anyway, to maintain their "symphonic" quality)."  I still feel this way.  At best, he's adequate and at worst, he's a song-ruiner.

    Liphlich and A (エース) are not the greatest/most creative "new" VK bands
    I'm going to preface this by saying, I don't "dislike" either of these bands, AT ALL.  I'm thankful they are part of the new VK scene as they do bring something that is fairly new and refreshing.  The bands just haven't "clicked" for me personally.  I find Liphlich's sound a bit repetitive and the vocalist is a little too exaggerated for me.  Rookie Fiddler from "A (エース)" deserves a medal, cause that guy can play!  He really is the core of their sound.  Unfortunately, I feel like the guitarist falls short (at least from what I've heard; I still need to check out their most recent stuff).  His playing hasn't really wowed me ever.  And the vocalist is also just decent; I don't think he's "epic" enough to take the band to the next level that Rookie Fiddler is obviously ready to go to.  But like I said, I'm still very excited for these bands and I hope I'll eventually become a bigger fan of them.

    Love this thread idea!  I'll try to think of some more...

  9. Pop/Rock
    **★NOハウス (hoshi NO house)
    **サウイフモノ (souiumono)

    "Gothic"/"vampire"/"dark"/flowery crap
    Scarlet Valse
    Lacroix Despheres
    Dear L'Novel
    **クリシュナ (crishuna)

    己龍 (Kiryu)
    **カルペディエム (carpe diem)

    Bands noted with a ** are "honorable mention" bands that I'm keeping an eye on.  They are probably future favorites, but I'm still waiting to hear more releases.

    I feel like I might be forgetting someone...

  10. Pandabear, I'm thoroughly enjoying the groups in your first post.  Loving that 80's/90's sound.

    My Spanish music interests are mainly (indie) pop oriented.

    Papa Topo (Mallorca)

    Wildcard band with dual male/female vox.  Sometimes stupidly poppy/catchy, sometimes beautifully classic and bossa nova-esque, sometimes chaotic and punky.  ALWAYS fun music videos (usually with some morbid aspect).  A new favorite!  Occasionally, they'll do a song in their Mallorcan dialect!


    Belanova (Mexico)
    Good synth pop, nice female vox.


    La Casa Azul (Spain)
    Some definite "shibuya kei" influences here.  I'm not too fond of their newer material, but I enjoy these older tracks a lot.

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