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Posts posted by fitear1590

  1. 1. Just imagine having 20 new releases in the section only to come to a topic that tells you to listen to 17 of them. How to get around that I don't know (might not even be possible with this model) but it's worth keeping in the back of our minds as we discuss this. Finding a way to cut it down to maybe 5 or 6 topics on average per week would be nice, but maybe not doable.

    2. Instead of a time frame, what would you think of instead calling it "Recommended Front Page DL's" or something? As long as a topic is on the front two pages (plus one or two onto the third page) it's OK to recommend? That would make things more flexible, because quantifying things in terms of time gets sticky and hard to enforce. At least topics close to the front page have a better shot of being "new" and it's much easier to spot someone trying to game the system by bumping old uploads.

    Addressing the first point, I can see the topic possibly being a little busy at first, but it would probably calm down after a few weeks, right? Then, hopefully, just peoples honest recommendations of their recent absolute favorites would remain.

    And I like your second point. I don't care about the name, but I like the concept of recommending things from the front few pages of downloads. That'll probably be a more intuitive way to go about it, rather than "hm, is this release already too old to go in this thread?"

    Hopefully some other members chime in with their opinions about this thread idea too!

  2. Thanks for the reply, Zess.

    Here's some answers!

    - Who are people? Certain appointed people? All members? Exclusively mod staff (please say no)? If we appoint people (dear god say no), should it be on a regular basis or just "whenever"?

    I say ANY member should be able to post. No offense to our sexy and hawt mods, but I don't want ONLY mod opinions. With everyone being able to contribute, then we can have a nice "survey" of all the releases that week that MH-ers find worthy of downloading. And no, I don't think anyone should feel obligated to post every single week. In fact, please don't! If you hear something great one week, please recommend it! But if it was just a "meh" week for music, then there's no need to post anything.

    - Other than the 1 or 2 releases a member would recommend (which is a great number IMO), what should go in the post? Should there be a minimum number of things that a user must include on top of other things? Should just the release name and link be allowed? Personally, I think a reason why along with maybe a sample is a great thing to add, but that's just my opinion. I ask this particular question because I can see this quickly turning into uploaders spamming the topic saying "hey hey, check out my upload I recommend it!" which leads me into my next question...

    Well hey, I'd LOVE it if people provided at least a mini-blurb about WHY the release is good. I know I will, at least. You probably will too, Zess, haha. But obviously not all people are gonna do that. We should probably at least ENCOURAGE people to put a little bit of effort into their posts (and of course, not to mindlessly spam), but I'm not totally opposed to simply posting the name of the release. That's at least a starting point of some kind, albeit a lazy one.

    - Should people be allowed to recommend their own uploads? On one hand, releases that wouldn't get a lot of attention otherwise have a second shot at redemption. OTOH, I can once again see people recommending things simply because they uploaded it and they want Internet Points.

    People should be allowed to recommend their own releases (because I'd probably recommend some of my own, now and then), but please just keep it REASONABLE. Obviously not EVERY single release you upload is the greatest CD since sliced bread, so don't be a doucher. Just be honest with yourself, lol.

    - Let's say I have a topic X that I uploaded this week. The release in the topic isn't particularly new or unknown. Should I still be allowed to recommend it or should this topic be exclusively for new releases? On one hand, not all great new releases that people like are found the minute they're released. Then again, having too many old releases that are recommended simply because "it's a classic" can clog up the topic.

    Maybe "of the Week" is a bit misleading. I'd say it should at least be recent enough. Maybe in the last month? Because if it's something that's already from last year, the person can just bump the actual download thread, right? Or make a review or artist thread. In any case, I think there's enough avenues already out there on the forum to say "hey, this older release is also awesome!" This particular recommendation thread idea is mainly for providing a little bit of help to those who are overwhelmed with "current" downloads.

    EDIT: I realize I misunderstood this question! In that case, I'd say if you truly feel that an older release needs recommending, then go for it! Some of my uploads are old/overlooked releases and I probably would post about them here, if the thread existed, haha. You probably know better than me, but (with the exception of the recent "re-uploading" of older releases in 320 and lossless) most things that are uploaded on MH are fairly "new" or at least not widely uploaded on the netz, right? If so, then I don't see the occasional recommendation of older releases being too much of a problem. Those uploads are usually for a few "niche" listeners anyway (right?), so I don't think they will hijack the recommendation thread.

    Hope those answers help give you more of what I had in mind!

  3. I've been pretty busy over the past two weeks, but I've noticed the download section has been EXTREMELY active lately. I'm usually pretty slow to download new stuff (unless it's bands I already know and love), but nowadays I'm totally lost with where I should even start, haha.

    I was thinking, perhaps a "sticky" topic in the Download Section might be helpful, where people could recommend notable releases of the week. People should probably try to limit it to their top 1 or 2 releases of the week, I think. (Obviously, the recommendations would be quite subjective, but I think a lot of us already know, more or less, which member's our personal music tastes correspond with.) A simple recommendation post in this thread would be an additional way to help advertise and ultimately "bump" releases in the download thread, making sure they reach as many listeners (especially those listeners that you KNOW would love a particular release) as possible.

    Anyone else support a "Recommended Downloads of the Week" thread?

    (or something along those lines?)

  4. Gwenno - Ymbelydredd


    New solo project release from a singer I followed way back in the day. Since it's sung in Welsh, I don't understand a word, but I love it! It's funny, if it's playing in the background, I would think the vocals were English, but the moment I try to listen for the words, I obviously don't understand anything.

  5. Wow, the video quality of this PV (compared to their first two PV's) is fantastic.

    I'm glad. And it sounds like their music production has indeed improved since "Temptation". (Maybe that song was more of a demo?)

    Hopefully some more previews emerge, but I'm looking forward to this album!

  6. Well, this is a very easy one for me as I don't even consider myself a "fan" of D...

    So without a doubt, Versailles wins for me.

    However, I'll substantiate these claims. I've never been able to get into D for some reason. On the one hand, Asagi's voice (while admittedly technically talented!) has never really resonated with me. I can't get into him for some reason. D's music, from what I've heard of course, also hasn't "clicked" with me yet. They're talented and I respect them, but they're not something I'm excited to listen to at all. I enjoyed listening to 7th Rose when I downloaded the album, but it wasn't something that has been memorable to me. Perhaps the new mini-album will make me a D-believer, because some of the samples were pretty sweet.

    So yeah, Versailles wins. There are so many songs by Versailles that I love, from the riffs, to the atmosphere, to Kamijo's vocals. I thought his vocals up to about Jubilee got consistently better (starting with weird on the first single, to too forced/deep on Lyrical Sympathy, up to pure bliss on "Prince" and the Jubilee album). And guitar-wise, Versailles is good shit. Call them repetitive if you like, but I'd rather listen to just about anything Hizaki and Teru play than boring, messy chuggy riffs of some random indie band. Though I agree, the band has generally fallen into a rut lately with the latest 2 albums, I certainly don't hate them, nor do I immediately turn my back on them like some people. I still love Jubilee and most everything before that. They're not as consistent as before, but they still have tracks here and there that I love, even on the new albums. Even if their music got a bit predictable lately, I still find myself listening to those tracks every once in a while.


  7. Ugh, where do I begin? CaRaN, how dare you make me choose between these two bands, haha.

    Since you brought this upon me, I've been forced to answer in a "TL:DR" gigantic reply.

    Anyone on this forum who knows me has probably inferred by this point that I'm an admitted Canzel/UNiTE fanboy.

    Both bands are in my top-tier of the current VK generation. Canzel has a bit more sentimental value for me, because they were the first VK band I really got into that wasn't the usual "gothic"/"dark"/harpischord and organs type stuff I listened to before. But from listening to their first single, I knew they were something special. It turns out I already knew Icchi (the vocalist) from another band (Milphinne), but he had improved so much, I wasn't even sure it was him at first. I love love LOVE his vocals in Canzel, and if someone put a gun to my head and asked who my favorite vocalist was, it'd be him. He has such a unique voice. Additionally, Canzel's head composer Shiina Mio is the king of that twinkly, synthy pop-rock style I've come to love. His style is also pretty unique and usually instantly recognizable (one could say, it's a signature style). Canzel was the first band that was crazy for and collected ALL of their CD's, even the live-only shit. I was pretty disappointed when they disbanded, but shortly after it was announced that 3 of the members would move on to a new band: UNiTE.

    I was skeptical at first.... Could Shiina Mio find other members (mainly a vocalist) to keep the same level of awesomeness of Canzel? Then, it was announced "Kai" from ALiBi would be the vocalist (now named "Yui"). Instant deflated boner... I didn't like ALiBi or Kai's singing for that matter, haha. Oh well, at least the music would hopefully still be good. The new guitarist was "aki" (now, "LiN") from the indie band "LeMpicka?", so I thought his influence would be a cool addition to the mix. Then the first single came out: great, catchy SE track; a VERY Canzel-y track with some new-wavey sounding guitar parts and a final heavy track with some sweet guitar work. Most of all, I didn't dislike Yui's vocals, at all. In fact, I honestly loved them! Wtf? Oh well, I didn't fight it. Unfortunately, the two singles afterwards didn't impress me as much. They were decent enough, but I thought maybe the band had already peaked after their first single, haha. NOPE, then came their great album last year. Since then, they've been releasing singles, all top-rate stuff AND they've really experimented with different sounds. Whereas Shiina Mio practically wrote every song in Canzel, in UNiTE, the other band members are stepping up to the table and helping with composition. And it shows! LiN has become the band's wildcard member, delivering the cheesy, yet amazing disco-funky "BadRequest", the Aicle-ish Halloween track "Love_Duck_Core_Nothing," and loads of other fun tracks, all the while coaxing some great vocal parts out of Yui. Even drummer Yukimi is perfecting his composition skills, starting off with almost awesome Chronus (marred only by terrible rapping sections), the simply beautiful "答え無いコトバ," and most recently the wonderful piano-laden "3rd Blue". Overall, the band has really nailed their "synthtastic, technical and heavy, yet catchy, but not overly happy" pop-rock style a lot better than Canzel. I'm truly looking forward to their second album, coming out next month.

    So, to sum up that convoluted mess, both bands are really important to me. Canzel has more sentimental value for me at this point and Icchi is my favorite vocalist. However, UNiTE has so far proven that they might be the better band, music-wise, and Yui is actually quite awesome as a vocalist too.

  8. I can guarantee, I always do AT LEAST the band names in both kanji/kana and romaji when I post things.

    I think all uploaders can at least do that much.

    Tracklists can be a bit more work though, especially if lots of kanji with uncommon readings are involved. But I'll try my best from now on to also include romaji, whenever possible.

  9. The general layout of my Japanese music collection is in two parts: shelf & plastic tubs (I'll need a third tub soon)


    Here's the "sprawled out" version of some of the bigger band collections that were on the shelf:



    And here's some "privilege items," flyers from bands I actually like, and bonuses that I really like OR find hilarious (you'll know which):


    Nice collections, everyone! But Biopanda, (and you already know this) your collection is RE-DICK-ULOUSLY humongous.

  10. halloween band "JULiET." will perform at Urawa Narciss at 2012/10/31

    "JULiET." members:

    Gt.SHIN (ex-アセトアルデヒド(acetaldehyde)-->fiore-->VesuVio-->Metry)

    I didn't think his name was SHIN, but I love this guy's guitar playing. And a "halloween band" sounds kinda cool, haha. Hope he gets into another real band soon.

  11. Currently, I seem to be playing nothing but Dead or Alive 5 and Super Monkey Ball, haha.

    Am I the only Super Smash Bros. fan here?

    You're not alone ! I played the first one with some friends years ago and it was love at first sight ! This game is completely addictive when you play with more than 2 people. Some arena are so cool like the pokemon arena or the F-Zero race arena. I usually tend to use Samus or Falcon.

    I'm glad you appreciate the "fun" levels too, kodomia. I know a lot of SSB players that insist only on playing the bare-bones, flat levels like Final Destination (the level where you fight the Hand guy).

    Gets boring, haha. They say it hinders their strategy to fight on the "cheap" moving levels, but hey, I say it's part of the strategy to know how to fight on those levels.

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