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Everything posted by lichtlune

  1. lichtlune

    Why would you need two hands? Unless the thing has a mind of it''s own. Using your phone at a urinal does seem kinda unsanitary though.
  2. lichtlune

    Kyoki ex. Secilia Luna and Insanity Injection as Kim Jong Un.
  3. lichtlune

    I can deal with imperfect vocals sometimes but every time I hear synth like this in my VK it's next and no thank you.
  4. lichtlune

    MGS5 was free in the PS store so I've been enjoying that. I like the stealth play.
  5. It's almost 2018. I wish Moi Dix Mois would give an update on that album. They're truly missed... 

  6. lichtlune

    No idea of knowing if it's true or not. But if it is then it sounds like something the band would have to figure out internally. I don't really care much for band drama as long as they can work it out.
  7. lichtlune

    I just don't like that label. Just call it glam or something else. KISS existed before x japan after all. I think western bands can do something similar but they might not be able to pull off an exact replica. Not unless you're a talented femboy from Sweden who can speak and write Japanese. Forming a visual kei band is difficult enough on it's own. Throw learning to sing an entirely different language on top of that and it just becomes that much harder. And then there's Production, Makeup, Costumes, etc. All of this work to try and appeal to a small niche of people who'd probably rather just listen to Japanese visual kei anyway. I'll also chime in with something a little more controversial. White people just don't typically look good in visual kei style. It took me a long time to accept that reality and it sucks I know. We age like shit and our noses are too big. Although girls can usually pull it off a lot better than us guys can. I've mostly given up the fantasy of being in a visual kei band now. I'll always be a fan though because it's shaped my whole life.
  8. lichtlune

    Hey thank you so much for your help! It seems like it's going to be some work to try and get my hands on this stuff. I'm only finding it on Japanese sites.
  9. Hello I've been looking for info about a particular song for a long time. GIANIZM 2 here sounds much different than it does on the GIANIZM ~ore no mono wa ore no mono~ CD and I'm wondering if they released this other version somewhere? I'd love this version in higher quality if possible because It's one of my favorite NIGHTMARE songs but I just don't know where to find it. Thanks.
  10. I really like Hitomi's solo work It's the perfect chill music. 

  11. I'm probably moving to colorado some time next year from texas. Any of you guys from around there? 

    1. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      No, but I also just moved to Colorado a month ago!

    2. lichtlune


      Awesome! Nothing is set in stone yet but it sounds very likely at this point that I'll end up there soon. :)

  12. lichtlune

    EMIRU and MAYU aren't even in the MV. It seems this girl is more in the spotlight than they are and I hate that. I want a real band with the bois. This sounds like a bore.
  13. I only like the last song really. Completely different sound than what I expected from him.
  14. lichtlune

    I think maybe they just needed a break? They were putting out songs pretty fast for a while. They'll be back next year some time imo.
  15. Dang I guess he really is out of the band.
  16. I feel the sames tbh. This just sounds like megaromania to me so far.
  17. lichtlune

    I'm all for it. 2018 is already shaping up to be a good year.
  18. lichtlune

    Now this is a look I can get behind.
  19. Versailles should do a throwback tour to noble. That would be pretty neat. 

  20. lichtlune

    In no particular order. 1. UnsraW 2. Kagerou 3. Versailles 4. more 5. Malice Mizer 6. The Piass 7. Megaromania 8. Lament. 9. DEATHGAZE 10. deadman If BlESS THIS MESS's new album ends up being a banger they'll probably overtake more or deadman on my current list. My top ten list is not permanent. Artists come and go depending on how I feel.
  21. lichtlune

    They look really great!
  22. Nice but I have my doubts. This thing has been on hold for like 2 years.
  23. lichtlune

    They seem kinda cool!
  24. lichtlune

    I ended up deciding on Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX. This series is proving much more difficult than I expected. I beat the first game and now I'm getting through Re:Chain of Memories. The card based system is interesting but feels needlessly challenging at times. I'm level 60 and getting my *** handed to me by axel at the end. I don't know if I'll be able to beat the game. I was just spamming sonic blade to get through most of the organization bosses and the RNG has dealt me a bad hand literally. As I have no stop cards for lethal frame attacks. I'm considering just watching cut scenes and moving onto Kingdom Hearts 2.
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