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Everything posted by lichtlune

  1. lichtlune

    Well I don't have a good source but I can't find any information about takayuki online. https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Takayuki (The Piass)/works. "Takayuki was born in 1980. A gifted individual, he had mastered the electric guitar by age 10 and now was already in a band playing revolutionary visual shock rock. His adult male bandmates adore him, not only for his shredding abilities, but also for his ability to get them off." Yeah... I don't know lol.
  2. lichtlune

    I don't think I ever truly acknowledged this but The Piass are probably one of my favorite bands ever. I really wish they would show up again. Even just a live DVD or something would be incredible. I just read somewhere that takayuki was born in 1980 which would make him about 37 years old now. You mean to tell me the dude's been retired from recording music for damn near 10 years and he's only 37? Somebody in japan needs to do some detective work or something and see what's up. Does the band even do lives anymore? Their OHP doesn't seem to show much activity since about 2015 or so.
  3. lichtlune

    Second song sounds pretty good. They could be really good with better production.
  4. I don't know what this is but It's gonna be great.
  5. Dude you're coming straight for Florida I see u. 

    1. CAT5


      @doombox- Apologies, our meetup wasn't supposed to happen this way!

    2. doombox


      Too late to tell you to turn back now? X"D

  6. lichtlune

    He's making a mockery out of his work and ruining X's legacy by the day.
  7. lichtlune

    Happy they are continuing. Or seem to be. I'm totally cool with insanity injection just being kyouka on vocals. Lets do this.
  8. lichtlune

    Love your shirt.
  9. lichtlune

    I know for damn sure I'm not downloading 1.5 or 5gb's worth of content a day. MegaSync seems to be working so far and no quota limit as far as I can see. Thanks guys
  10. lichtlune

    I've never had to use MegaDownloader. I downloaded a lot from mega in the past. I think MEGA did change something. Now if only people would stop uploading with mega now but doesn't seem to be the case.
  11. lichtlune

    Now that I think about it I recently switched to firefox. Would that really have an effect? I'll try on chrome. Now I get this. So it seems to be downloading but it's going to make me wait 8 hours or so to resume it. But since I closed the link it'll probably just restart if I go back to it later. I'll wait and see.
  12. I get this popup every time I try to download something over a certain amount of mb's. The weird thing is no one else seems to be having this problem and before I was downloading like a mad man for a while without any problems. I've even tried VPN's to try and bypass the limit to no avail. And the little wait at the bottom doesn't seem to do anything either because I'll come back later and still get the same popup. Are you guys still able to download albums from mega.nz like before? Looking at the threads it seems everyone else is downloading just fine without any limits.
  13. lichtlune

    You forgot to add "more". Which would put the artists to 11.. I guess someone fucked up somewhere. lmfao.
  14. I'm so happy for them and this is really great. Good job guys.
  15. lichtlune

    Kamijo always bringing the fresh jams. I don't even care about versailles at this point. This sounds incredible.
  16. lichtlune

    Mucc DADAROMA is kill Dir en Grey 12012 Moran Deadman Asriel e.mu Luna Sea cali gari Moi dix Mois more
  17. lichtlune

    I've been waiting for something new from him! I'm dying to hear him without sui for once.
  18. lichtlune

    You too and welcome to the forums.
  19. lichtlune

  20. Damn this sounds pretty poop compared to that first spot. Cautiously optimistic.
  21. lichtlune

    They are looking really great at least. I did like their last album alright so I'm looking forward to it.
  22. lichtlune

    Pretty nice titties
  23. Seems pretty impossible for me to not have found Japanese music one way or another since I also enjoy anime, visual novels, and Jrpg's. But if for some reason I did I'd probably be listening to rap and r&b. Most western metal and rock music just doesn't vibe with me in the same way.
  24. lichtlune

    What's with metal and cheesy synth in vkei? It never sounds good but still bands continue to do it for years on end.
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