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Everything posted by lichtlune

  1. Sometimes I worry that images and video will get lost to time. Since most image hosting sites and places like youtube aren't forever. I wonder if bands sell or keep their photo shoots around somewhere? Anyway I'm wondering if any of you guys are already doing that sort of thing? Scanning or collecting images? Do you see much value in it or do you mostly just care about preserving the music itself? There aren't a lot of high quality MV's and images of bands say before 2010 or so.
  2. Other than that awkward engrish at the beginning I kinda like this
  3. Scarlet Valse is cool but I feel they could be even better with a different vocalist. The only thing holding them back from being Versailles tier  imo. That and maybe being on starwave. 

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I go back and forth on his vocals. Sometimes they're fine, but he doesn't have as much of a range as some of their songs call for.


      My problem with them is that their compositions seem kind of pedestrian; like they're trying very hard to be an off-broadway radio-friendly-Versailles or a watered down Stratovarius instead of just a their own symphonic metal band. I loved "Schwert" on their mini, and their opening instrumental track was great as well, but the rest of the songs seemed like they lacked the punch that their earlier stuff, like "Eternal White" or "揚羽蝶乃夢" as an example, had. Maybe if they wrote songs in more than 3 different tempos or the same 2 kind of songs structures (bombastic epic metal or slow """"heartfelt""" ballad) they'd have more of an appeal.   

  4. lichtlune

    Woah I didn't know if they were still around hasn't it been years since their last release?
  5. lichtlune

    A shame really since they're one of the best new faces around the scene these days.
  6. lichtlune

    lol wtf who releases a best-of mini album?
  7. I wish he would stick around on instagram though. Ameblo looks so outdated. Shame about facebook.
  8. Did he just delete his account? That didn't last long.. lol
  9. lichtlune

    I just got around to listening to the MV. Dude needs to freaking scream some more. Such a strong riff and potential for a song which could really use a little more grit. Their vocalist had some crazy good scream-singing or whatever you'd call it. I like the production of their new songs It's just like their vocalist doesn't want to put anymore energy into it.
  10. lichtlune

    His voice is really beautiful but I'm not feeling the music too much.
  11. lichtlune

    Welcome Malice Mizer bro.
  12. lichtlune

    We need a new female visual kei band that kicks ass.
  13. Lol tatsuya covering his tracks as pami. Someone should have saved that video before it was taken down. Sigh. Come on over to the dark side tatsuya we'll still accept you.
  14. Some of these live recordings kamijo has been uploading lately are really incredible. 


  15. lichtlune

    Welcome! Love your profile gif. That MV and song is probably one of my favorites ever.
  16. It's interesting that he's going by Juka atm.
  17. Come back shaura <3 btw VII-Sense was underrated.
  18. The MV is giving me some Edward Scissorhands vibes.
  19. This'll be fun. I do like makoto's vocals by themself too though.
  20. lichtlune

    Are non-vkei shows different? It seems so strange to me. As if fans only attend vk lives if the members of said band are the sex they're attracted to. Looking at this exist trace live video it seems they have mostly male fans. What have you guys observed from the Visual Kei lives in your countries?
  21. lichtlune

    Every live I've ever seen of a visual kei show has had only females in the crowd. I don't think I've ever seen a male in the crowd. Why is that? Are men embarrassed to be seen at those types of shows or is there some cultural reason behind it? I can kind of understand for some acts but the same is true even for a lot of the heavy metal vk concerts too. Is visual kei not "real metal" for them or something? When I went to see The Gazette when they toured the U.S. there were both men and women in the crowds. Maybe the men prefer to stay in the back of the crowds and that's why it seems to skewed?
  22. Wow sui is holding a mages staff! First time I've seen that in vk.
  23. lichtlune

    TIL Molly is black.
  24. lichtlune

    I think it's one of the first things that pulls up when you search takayuki the piass on google. haha
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