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Posts posted by lichtlune

  1. On 7/18/2017 at 10:34 PM, lichtlune said:

    Finally got through the prologue of Nier Automata and got the first ending of the game. Really solid Soundtrack, Atmosphere, and Gameplay I liked it. Now to decide between either Persona 5, Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX (I've never played a kingdom  hearts game) or one of the tales of games. I've come to really love Action Jrpg's.

    I ended up deciding on Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX. This series is proving much more difficult than I expected. I beat the first game and now I'm getting through Re:Chain of Memories. The card based system is interesting but feels needlessly challenging at times. I'm level 60 and getting my *** handed to me by axel at the end. I don't know if I'll be able to beat the game. I was just spamming sonic blade to get through most of the organization bosses and the RNG has dealt me a bad hand literally. As I have no stop cards for lethal frame attacks. I'm considering just watching cut scenes and moving onto Kingdom Hearts 2. 

  2. Sometimes I worry that images and video will get lost to time. Since most image hosting sites and places like youtube aren't forever. I wonder if bands sell or keep their photo shoots around somewhere? Anyway I'm wondering if any of you guys are already doing that sort of thing? Scanning or collecting images? Do you see much value in it or do you mostly just care about preserving the music itself? There aren't a lot of high quality MV's and images of bands say before 2010 or so. 

  3. I just got around to listening to the MV. Dude needs to freaking scream some more. Such a strong riff and potential for a song which could really use a little more grit. 


    Their vocalist had some crazy good scream-singing or whatever you'd call it. I like the production of their new songs It's just like their vocalist doesn't want to put anymore energy into it. 


  4. 21 minutes ago, Takadanobabaalien said:


    The majority of the japanese fans are indeed girls/women, that being said - there still exists male fans. They're called ギャ男 (gyao, slang for bangya + boy). I have some japanese gyao friends who I've been to lives with and it's usually very fun. Of course it all depends on the band as well, I've never seen nokubura live but from what I've heard they have a big male audience for a vk band (probably because of their heavy music), when I attended a Avelcain boys only live one of my gyao friends told me most guys there was gay (he's gay himself as well), and for some reason I think that's the case a lot of the time. Also the fact that boys only live exists proves that there is indeed male fans. 


    But to answer your question: yes, most japanese men (and women) dislike visual kei. It's a small and niched scene. 

    Are non-vkei shows different? It seems so strange to me. As if fans only attend vk lives if the members of said band are the sex they're attracted to. Looking at this exist trace live video it seems they have mostly male fans. What have you guys observed from the Visual Kei lives in your countries? 


  5. Every live I've ever seen of  a visual kei show has had only females in the crowd. I don't think I've ever seen a male in the crowd. Why is that? Are men embarrassed to be seen at those types of shows or is there some cultural reason behind it? I can kind of understand for some acts but the same is true even for a lot of the heavy metal vk concerts too. Is visual kei not "real metal" for them or something? When I went to see The Gazette when they toured the U.S. there were both men and women in the crowds. Maybe the men prefer to stay in the back of the crowds and that's why it seems to skewed? 

  6. On 9/11/2017 at 2:11 PM, ArtFart said:

    I CANNOT believe I really just got into an argument with a bunch of white girls from England about how the N word is not about them, so just because they think it's funny means they can use it as a casual cuss word. LIKE WHAT YOU GUYS LTERALLY HAD A PERSON THAT THAT WORD WOULD APPLY TO STEP IN AND SHOW THAT THEY DONT LIKE IT BEING USED THAT LOOSELY AND YOU ARE STILL LIKE NAH ITS OK?????

    TIL Molly is black. 

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