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Posts posted by lichtlune

  1. On 11/29/2017 at 2:01 PM, JukaForever said:

    Or just give them money

    Do bands usually post donation links and things like that? You might be joking but I actually wouldn't be terribly opposed to the idea. If that was the difference to having my favorite bands stick around and staying afloat or not. But of course bands would probably still disband for some other reason or another. 

  2. Yuuki actually had a pretty decent Growl back in -9- days but he lost that ability after his throat problems in UnsraW. His screams are still kinda okay at times though especially on Inside Fear. If he's still capable of -9- like vocals I think he should take a look at his technique and try to figure out the problem there.  The ballads aren't so bad though! I'll definitely take this over early doak. So is this like his solo project now? 

  3. 25 minutes ago, The Bread Wolf said:

    Lol, don't think that all the women here are just passively waiting for someone to contact them. I chased after my elusive boyfriend (now husband) for two years before he succumbed, and I was the one taking the lead.


    To answer the rest of your questions: I met mine on this forum. He used to be around back in the day, so I got into talking with him and realised he's just the kind of a jerk I wanna marry and proceeded to hunt him down like a wild animal. 


    To answer a question you didn't ask: Dating someone from another country is not such a difficult feat if either of you is willing to move. I was itching to get out of my own country and it so happened my love interest lived in a country I liked, so I moved after we had dated for about... half a year. 

    I guess I've just never had someone aggressively pursue me in such a way so I thought it mustn't happen very often. I suppose I could be swayed into moving to another country but I would have to abandon my family and try to learn a new language/find a job some how. And of course there's the whole citizenship problem. Just seems like a lot of work that might not even be worth it in the end. But I'm happy it worked out for you!

  4. I feel like if I'm ever to truly find success with women then I'm going to have to start getting out of my comfort zone and going to bars or something because I just don't understand how else to find someone. I recently ended things with a girl from Brazil I was dating because of the language barrier issue and because I couldn't connect to her emotionally in the way I wanted to. But it's like any time I find someone they are from some other country which makes dating them so difficult. I've tried all sorts of dating websites. Even really niche ones. But never really had much success. I'd really just like to connect with someone from my state (Or country at this point) some how but it just never seems to work out that way. I've recently turned 24 and I'm still without much success. 


    To the people who have had relative success with dating can you tell me how you do it? Do you date other visual kei fans or are cold approaches with randoms really the way to go? And to the women of this forum. How did you find your boyfriend? Did they message you somewhere or did they cold approach you at university or a concert or something? I'd really like to hear from the perspective of some of you here. 

  5. 5 hours ago, Ikna said:

    Not just vibes, I actually think they took that elody from a MM song. It is so oddly familiar…

    Definitely reminds me of something off of 薔薇の聖堂. Almost sounds like a slowed 再会の血と薔薇 to the tempo of 真夜中に交わした約束 or something. I don't think they're plagiarizing though. 

  6. On 3/17/2016 at 11:16 AM, Undead burger said:

    And the guys from OZ ?

    I was just thinking this now. I've been listening to their best of the past few days. Natsuki hasn't updated his twitter since 2013. I guess most of them have become salarymen or something? Natsuki was a good vocalist. :tw_bawling:

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