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Everything posted by Lestat

  1. Lestat

    I feel like I am the only one overzealous about No Man's Sky, my god. I'd buy a second console for just that game because I haven't seen anything more beautiful in a looooong time. Also, Assassin's Creed: Unity, Farcry 4, Mass Effect 4, Halo 5, and a whole lot of other things. I can't wait for 2015.
  2. Lestat

    I don't know any of those artists, sorry for that inconvenience. 凛 -the end of corruption world- - The Psalms and Lamentations 己龍 - 鬼遊戯-再録- Metis Gretel - 混血 DEATHGAZE - insult kiss me 凛 -the end of corruption world- - World in Flames 12012 - ocean Jupiter - LAST MOMENT Megaromania - Sabbath ClearVeil - A.R.S Phantasmagoria - NEVER REBELLION Wow, this list. Excuse me, how am I supposed to pick just one? I love absolutely every track on here to bits. I guess I am just going to stay loyal to Mago here.
  3. Lestat

    Nothing VK-related, but I've been kind of obsessed with Behemoth again after seeing them live for the first time.
  4. I haven't listened to much (nor enjoyed them that much) of D since 鳥籠御殿 ~L’Oiseau bleu~ was released... unfortunately their sound has been so general lately, the mystery and elegance are sort of missing from their music, like it would feel like with their darker tracks. I hope this new single can change my mind about them again, somewhat.
  5. Lestat

    http://amaranthes.tumblr.com Mostly anime and video games.
  6. Lestat

    Thank you, Lord Asagi.
  7. Ugh, Moulin Rouge just fits his sass so much, I can't help but absolutely love it. And the third song in the preview sounds amazing too.
  8. Lestat

    Ghost - Con Clavi Con Dio
  9. Lestat

    Slayer - Hell Awaits
  10. This is Kamijo. The man is a true artist who defies genres and can entertain without needing to prove anything to his fans by sticking to the same thing over and over again, and this has always been his forte ever since Lareine, so whoever says that this 'new direction' he flows in to sucks, should remember where he comes from. They're his roots, he's always been more of a pop-artist rather than a metal-vocalist, or if anything it proves that he can pull off multiple genres just fine. And he pulls it off without embarassing himself like most artists would because even if he is cheesy, he is just flawless anyway.
  11. Lestat

    My poor ears. This is absolutely terrible.
  12. Lestat

    Not travelling outside of the Netherlands for them, but if the tiny chance that they'll get a gig here actually is given its chance, then I might just go to this. They're both fun bands. Not extremely good, but entertaining.
  13. And he swore to never wear red lipstick again, aha. Liar! But those are good lies. I am extremely excited about this.
  14. Ovaries are something that existed in the past.
  15. Not. (Biggest Phantasmagoria-fan but never found him attractive at all) Go for it.
  16. Our dreams are a gateway to hidden desires, past events, movements that pull on our heart-strings and might give us insight on the future: who we want to be, who we were, what satisfies us most. Share your subconscious illustrations here, if you dare.
  17. Lestat

    I think Kisaki plays a pretty big role in getting these guys to have a revival-show in the first place and he is friends with basically everyone pre-2000 VK, I mean... look at all these 90's VK bands he recently got to revive for Ayame's memorial and such, he has a great influence. And I don't see why Sui would be concerned about it. Nazisism isn't a thing in Japan as it is in Europe or the US so I don't think it'd bother him at all?
  18. Lestat

    The Netherlands, not much to do here.
  19. Lestat

    DEAD END, my God... why not do a full European tour.
  20. Lestat

    KAMIJO - Louis 〜艶血のラヴィアンローズ〜
  21. Lestat

    The Ink Spots - I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire
  22. Lestat

    Why would they? It's a perfectly natural spot to grow hair (as in every other place) and it isn't much of a common body-part that is particularly meant to attract mates with, or is sexualized. I've never quite heard of anyone having an arm-fetish, and people attracted to women don't tend to concentrate much on the arms as much as they do on the legs and private sections, or in the pits (because that is just nasty, simply). Technically hair isn't meant to be shaved off as it serves as a protective need, thus the removal of other hair initially already is going against nature. Although I have to admit I do shave my arms once in a while, or else I'd be in full werewolf-mode all the time. If you could choose to travel back in time, what life-changing decision would you alter?
  23. Lestat

    When I was 13, I was briefly involved with a 21-year old guy, but it didn't last long and I think it's good it didn't because realizing when I am 21 myself now, I would never in my life date someone that young or even make a move on them. I like older men (>30 - <50), to look at and to admire, but not to date, I think. Up until now, men around my age have behaved nothing but inappropriately, childish and immature around me, and I suppose that left me somewhat biased against anyone under 25. I simply have never met any mature guy around my age (who was not in a relationship) apart from my family members. I think where I am now, anything between 25 and 30 would be my limit considering an age gape between them and myself.
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