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Everything posted by VkBrutaliaN

  1. VkBrutaliaN

    Release date is finalized at 2019.8.28(Wed.) for a price of 1000yen. Tracklist: 1.君が君である理由 (kimi ga kimi de aru riyuu) 2.黒髪清楚に気を付けろ。 (kurokami seisoni ki wo tsukero.) 3.溺愛 (dekiai)
  2. currently i am hoping like an edison won't be the next Vk shop to dissolve...

    cuz like zeallink etc. they haven't posted anything new in their release category for about a week which seems pretty strange...

    with zeallink it was the same they didn't post anything in ages and then the announcement > we're done...

    EDIT: as soon as i posted this i checked like an edison just now (check them every day...) and today they finally added some new stuff so i suppose like an edison seems save for now!^^° *what a coincidence*

  3. VkBrutaliaN

    New Tokyo based (Band) Project DELTA has formed as of today. The Bandmembers are: Gt.HIYU (ex WeeD) Gt.Kōsuke Ba.KATE They are currently looking for a Vocalist and a Drummer. Also they released their first Demo today. https://twitter.com/Prt_Delta
  4. 配信 means it'll be distributed in a digital form... i hope this doesn't become a big new Vk trend that every band only releases digital stuff - don't care for that shit. GIVE ME SOME TANGIBLE RELEASES!
  5. i really LOVED their first full length but at least from my first impression after the first listen i like this song a as well but i don't really like the main synth cuz it sounds quite boring imo... so i hope after a few more listens i'll get used to them but if not well opportunity to save some money spotted, we'll see... XD Edit: well like 10 listens later i got quite used to the main synth and i don't mind them anymore... so excitement for the release restored i guess.
  6. VkBrutaliaN

    they probably only do it to give their fans anything in a physical format since the finished versions of the 3 demos songs will be on their first digital EP anyway. for me personally since i couldn't care less about digital stuff gotta say well no money from me - give me a physical release and i would've probably bought it but digital big NO THANKS from me!
  7. ...some of you might know i mostly 99% only listen to japanese bands and i admit it i usually dislike female singers cuz most of them sound just nothing special to me BUT holy shit at the band Dream State i just discovered a few hours ago. OMG their music and specially their female vocalist got an outstanding voice!!



    1. God


      i like female vocalists a lot, but i haven’t heard this band before.  good shit.  i’ll be listening to more.  thanks for mentioning them!

    2. secret_no_03


      I know how you feel, I've tried over the years, but I just can't stand females vocals.

  8. VkBrutaliaN

    very excited to hear more from 'em! loved their first maxi single and i was praying for a new release announcement every day! 8D
  9. VkBrutaliaN

    NAZARE - 荊海 CODA > big THANKS @ "..." for helping with the NAZARE CD. (you know who you are.^^) アルケミ - 血塗れ菩薩 エンヴィル - 「白 × 黒」
  10. GRIMOIRE new minialbm はじまりエンドロール (hajimari endroll) will be released on 24.07.2019 for a price of 2160yen. Tracklist: 1.ひとりトピア (hitoritopia) 2.からくりパルム (karakuri palm) 3.ブラッディマイパレード (bloody may parade) 4.「シン」せかい (shin sekai) 5.アルギュロスのはね (argyros no hane) 6.ゼロとくろ (zero to kuro)
  11. VkBrutaliaN

    sucks, but at least they released one great single so they'll be remembered.
  12. DILLINGER will release their first live limited Double A-Side Single 『トカレフ/ルサンチマン』 (TOKAREV/RESSENTIMENT) at their live on 21.07.2019 at 金沢AZ (kanazawa AZ). You can listen to live snippets of the 2 songs at the following video:
  13. VkBrutaliaN

    usually i am not to upset when bands disbands cuz i am most likely always like well sucks but as soon one is down another cool band forms and replaces them... but with DictavE its the first time i experience that really sad feeling since i know there is no Vk band on earth which can replace them for me - i only saw them live 2 times but from these 2 lives i have by far the VERY BEST Vk memories i've ever experienced within all the years being a fan. they will be truly missed and i hope i'll see one or all of them in some other band(s) rather sooner than later.
  14. Seems like DictavE my favorite Vk Band ever is going to disband on 01.08.2019.

    FML! >.>



  15. VkBrutaliaN

    Finally they are mine! 8D ZON - 他ならぬ美学 (Type A) DEVILOOF – 鬼
  16. can't wait i like their new line up (vocalist) more and more with each release.
  17. VkBrutaliaN

    because of their first PV spot i thought like - meh boring but glad i 99% still end up watching almost every Vk related PV nonetheless cuz the full version sounds perfect! really love that song and i was extremely surprised to hear that kind of breakdown from them - now i am super excited what SCREW YOU will sound like. ...if SCREW YOU sounds anything like "I HATE YOU" this will be a killer release.
  18. THIS IS SO AWESOME! although i also liked MOST of their mainly english songs (was nice to be actually able to know what they sing about) i always wanted hiro to sing/scream more in japanese and sounds like my dream finally came true! 8D
  19. VkBrutaliaN

    YAY loved ゴア so this can't be anything but good.
  20. OMFG this style suits them so well - definitely need to get this. SO GOOD!! 8D
  21. VkBrutaliaN

    imo the have the potetnial to sound very good cuz their songs are really cool but i refused to buy their last maxi single cuz the production was so utter shit that i just didn't want to spend any money on it although from the samples the songs sounded pretty great. so hopefully their next release will have a more decent production...
  22. VkBrutaliaN

    hm seems you are right... i could've sworn by the way Kareha looks he's also not japanese cuz look: but who knows since their OHP says Kareha was born in fukushima... maybe one of his parents isn't japanese and therefore he looks not so japanese (at least to me) or Vk tricked me big time... ôÓ
  23. VkBrutaliaN

    just for fun fact since no one mentioned it yet although with most bands such things get called out mostly pretty fast both of their guitarists are none japanese - just not sure anymore from where they are except they are both from europe...
  24. For Neth Priere Cain CD there will be 2 Types: Tracklist: 神盤 (kami ban) > price 2160yen 01. Thanatos-散りゆく華 (Thanatos-chishiri yuku hana) 02. Hera 《DVD収録内容》 「Thanatos-散りゆく華-」 MUSIC CLIP 華盤 (hana ban) > price 1620yen 01. Thanatos-散りゆく華 (Thanatos-chishiri yuku hana) 02. 「キンセンカ」 (kinsenka) 03. 「ホオズキ」 (hoozuki)
  25. Hiro doing more vokill in japanese is pure awesomness!! the only thing i thought this song was missing was a breakdown but then at the end! really love this song - hopefully all of their new stuff will follow this direction but not too long anymore and we'll see.
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