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Everything posted by VkBrutaliaN

  1. VkBrutaliaN

    NAZARE new maxi single INNOCENCE will be released on November 20th 2019. It will come in 2 Types. Ltd. edition Tracklist: 1.INNOCENCE 2.Lie. 3.受難 (junan) (Unplugged Ver.) 4.They Don't Know About Us(Symphonic Ver.) Reg. edition Tracklist: 1.INNOCENCE 2.Lie.
  2. WTF - i am more than surprised now. it's hard to believe they are the same guys as Unite... really debating whether to buy or not to buy this now cuz this was awesome!
  3. VkBrutaliaN

    hell no!! where shall we get now all the great stuff from fukuoka based bands!? >.>''
  4. They are currently recruiting 10 people (men only) who shall play a "corpse" for their new PV for their song デス・パレード (death parade). PV shooting will take place on October 2nd from 17:00 - 21:00 o' clock and will be filmed somewhere in Kanagawa prefecture. (Less than 1 hour by train from Shinjuku)
  5. they were already good from the start but still they continuously get stronger with every single song they release - really hope they announce a new CD anytime soon! they waiting for it is too long already...
  6. VkBrutaliaN

  7. Oó what happened with DRR!? the drummer is actually allowed to hit his drums!? thats a first i think! XD at least from what i recall for what ever reason DRR always let their drummers only play air drums in front of their kid which looked always extremely stupid in PVs... Song's nice btw.
  8. VkBrutaliaN

    sounds good! 8D
  9. VkBrutaliaN

    i expected something better - from their PV songs this is probably my least favorite... the refrain unfortunately is my least favorite thing about this.
  10. VkBrutaliaN

    defintely need to wait for more/longer previews but so far i like what i hear.
  11. they just announced that the release date of their new single will be sooner, so new release date is now 2019/10/02
  12. VkBrutaliaN

    not sure how familiar you are with their discography but imo without a doubt their most brutal song has to be "粉砕するぞ!" so in case you don't know it make sure to check it out.
  13. VkBrutaliaN

    MAMIRETA – 次のニュースです少年B(4)猥褻願望のため思考停止 (Type A+B) DEXCORE – DON’T BE AFRAID (regular edition)
  14. VkBrutaliaN

    their last release DEVIL'Z was absolutely amazing so pretty excited for this one.
  15. THIS - and OMG Nao's voice is just A+++
  16. VkBrutaliaN

    ...and my interest in them completely vanished - i think i liked IGGY even more than this...
  17. out of curiosity today i visited shimizuya records webshop to see if they have anything new and i got this: "清水屋SHOP JAPAN はクローズ中です" so basically their shop is closed... wonder if that means anything in regard of LAY ABOUT WORLD will be ever releasing their album... ôÓ
  18. VkBrutaliaN

    i also dislike live limited releases for the most part but i am sure there are TONS of japanese fans out there who also hate live limited releaeses which we oversea fans often tend to forget. cuz within whole japan i am sure there are still hundreds if not even close to thousand of Vk interested persons who don't live in tokyo/osaka area so unless they are lucky on auctions they also have zero chances in ever owning live limited releases... so basically every Vk band doing live limited stuff don't only fuck over oversea fans but their potential japanese fans big time as well. and imagine how shitty it must be to know you live in the same country as your beloved bandoman and still you aren't able to obtain this or that...
  19. VkBrutaliaN

  20. VkBrutaliaN

    I LOVE THIS!! just wondering where it is on sale... Óô
  21. VkBrutaliaN

    ...well with 3 re-recorded and 2 completely new songs and everything else being remastered now we're talking and i can call myself officially interested now! 8D
  22. that short MV spot sounds awesome - but again too bad it'll be a digital only release... i get that it is cheaper for bands to distribute their songs in digital format but i really wonder if really more people therefore buy their songs or if their might be a lot of people thinking like me like: give me something physical or keep it to yourself i don't buy digital files - couldn't care less for that unfortunately... >.>'' like at least it would be nice bands could do it like SLOTHREAT with their first minialbum. release it a few weeks in advance digitally and make it available physically later on even if it's only live limited... anyway enough ranting...
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