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Everything posted by VkBrutaliaN

  1. VkBrutaliaN

    finally *after almost 3 weeks of waiting...* some new CDs arrived: Vorchaos – Singularity ZeR'0-ゼロ – Unbalance グリーヴァ - 妄想主義者ノ背徳。 マーブルヘッド – 「あいうえおかきくけこさしすせetc…あっ! ダニぽよっ!!もっ!もっ!もっ!ピぃー―。」 NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST – PROVIDENCE (ltd. Edition)
  2. VkBrutaliaN

    it's Ok *orz*
  3. VkBrutaliaN

    loving their look and i hope i can hear something from them soon cuz i followed the vocalist on twitter for quite some time now and i am really eager to hear what he sounds like.
  4. VkBrutaliaN

    Óô yea i can read but there were already one coin singles in the past which had 1-3 tracks!
  5. VkBrutaliaN

    hell yeah! just wondering if both releases only contain 1 song or more...
  6. VkBrutaliaN

    loving the cover artwork but god nooooo! i thought this release is being sold nationwide in august because some weeks back when their official homepage still worked it sayed something "8月" so i thought they'll release it later in august... but i guess not... >.>
  7. VkBrutaliaN

    thanks for your heads up on the new details Trombe - can't wait for the release!
  8. VkBrutaliaN

    ^ I'm almost 100% certain it is live limited like their 2 other releases cuz nr.1 release is on their concert on 13.7. and nr.2 the price is 3000yen... ever seen an album including taxes costs 3000yen? i don't...
  9. VkBrutaliaN

    sounds really promising - maybe gonna get it!
  10. finally fuuma is back! just hoping at some point he'll form a new band again cuz i loved his voice back in the day
  11. VkBrutaliaN

    just wow.... a lot of time will have to pass until it's release... XD
  12. thought their minialbum was pretty lame but this sounds superb!
  13. VkBrutaliaN

    imo they are already better than rozero so i 100% need to get their upcoming CD as well.
  14. VkBrutaliaN

    i never thought this word can be become handy but sou looks pretty fugly - but in a very special interesting and good way of course! anyways can't wait for their many releases and hearing his brutal growls and more of his beautiful voice!!
  15. pretty curious about this new release since their last single was suprisingly really nice!
  16. VkBrutaliaN

    OMG their look makes me instantly falling in love with them! 8D
  17. VkBrutaliaN

    they look good and they sound awesome!
  18. VkBrutaliaN

    ^ sure 2222 copies is a lot and i guess they'll have to throw like at least 50% away after some time cuz i don't know if there are even that many fans going *even by accident* on one of their concerts... but for such small lesser known indie bands there's almost no one putting up such distributed things on auction etc... anyways was just interested cuz its much easier to just grab it in a shop than going to a concert but i read that if i didn't mistranslated it that you'll get also a free cheki if you get the CD so i assume they give it only away at their lives...
  19. VkBrutaliaN

    super excited - less than 24 hours until they reveal all details.
  20. VkBrutaliaN

    FUCK YEAH!! 8D finally some official release by them - can't wait! ...just wondering if their distributed single will be available only at their lives or also at indie Vk shops...
  21. VkBrutaliaN

    wondering if it'll be live limited or finally another "official" release cuz i really like these guys!
  22. VkBrutaliaN

    really wondering how they sound...
  23. VkBrutaliaN

    their 1st maxi single is fantastic although i still gotta say the vocalist could be way better but the music itself is soo great that i just need to get their 2nd maxi as well!
  24. loving the new look - but i hope this release will be as good as their last maxi single cuz their full album was pretty disappointing for me unfortunately...
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