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Everything posted by VkBrutaliaN

  1. this really looks like a lot of fun!
  2. VkBrutaliaN

    OMFG!! 1.7.2015 i can't wait! finally seeing their look and i'm pretty sure they announce their first release... just wondering whether it'll be live limited or not... and good lord those sweet growls! 8D now i deff can say best band of 2014 is クロノギア and best band of 2015 can only be KRAD!
  3. YES for ex Diement. vocalist! loving their outfits as well!
  4. Geld≒XXX > YAY for using a german word in a song title! ;D
  5. VkBrutaliaN

    sounds absolutely amazing! can't wait for more previews!
  6. VkBrutaliaN

    LOVING the cover of the A type!
  7. VkBrutaliaN

    pretty curious how they sound... hope they'll up some previews anytime soon.
  8. i just can hope the vocalist will improve his vocal skills a lot soon! cuz i was sooo hyped to listen to them but since the release of DEEP MORE DEEP #3 he's currently my NR.1 contender for the worst vk vocalist up to date Óô
  9. good news - just hoping his growls sound better again on the full album than on their previous release...
  10. VkBrutaliaN

    oh yea another live dvd from 'em! 8D
  11. VkBrutaliaN

    can't wait to listen to their new maxi single - btw. they look badass!
  12. VkBrutaliaN

    OH YES! can't wait to actually hear them!
  13. VkBrutaliaN

    pretty interested in their new album... wondering if they'll head to a more core-ish musical direction this time...
  14. meh XD all old songs but at least something to buy from them - pretty surely gonna get it. not to forget the cover artwork for the CD looks dope!
  15. OMG I love what i hear! 8D
  16. VkBrutaliaN

    well at least their twitter thumbnail looks good so pretty curious to see the bandmembers.
  17. wow this is really ASS... only 1 song and pv and 2 songs... but anyways gonna buy both versions pretty sure cuz i wan't the extra live dvd and i love their new musical direction.
  18. VkBrutaliaN

    アヴァンチック – ひとりごと (Type C) REVINE - 帝國革命主義者-立國ノ紫煙- (Type B ) Azero – JULIA 最上川司 - まつぽいよ (limited edition)
  19. VkBrutaliaN

    on one hand its kinda sad cuz i love MISS voice but on the other hand maybe its for the better cuz the Dice music can't even scratch on the surface of originality and awesomeness B.C had. so hopefully he'll form another band were everything works out for him in a better way.
  20. well now they are getting interesting - not that it's super amazing but at least again from the musical direction it's absolutely unique as of now in Vk which is a good thing!
  21. what a nice timing from them! ;D if I get lucky and there are still some tickets available in august i might be able to attend that live. 8D just hoping if that's the case i'm able to get this live limited CD since its so limited...
  22. they got boring for me pretty fast but this preview again kicks ass!
  23. VkBrutaliaN

    can't wait for their new CD - loving their breakdowns! 8D
  24. VkBrutaliaN

    wow ~ in most cases i can't stand women on the mic but this sounds perfect! but because they aren't located in tokyo i guess it'll be pretty much impossible to ever obtain this CD unfortunately...
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