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Status Updates posted by kyoisKILLINGME

  1. time to spend more money on dlc's :/ i hate you dead or alive

  2. trying to think of a new signature to use...

  3. ugh i hate when i get headaches..

  4. ugh i hate when i get random headaches

    1. Rize


      Headache... GO AWAY!

  5. ugh i hate when i get sinus headaches...

  6. ugh i think i need to get a new xbox controller....

  7. ugh my back been hurting me lately..

  8. ughh it's boring i hate sundays!!

  9. updated my itunes what a pretty icon color :D

  10. walked in the damn rain to get a card and got soaked -__- never doing that again

    1. beni


      But you just got a free shower! X'D

    2. kyoisKILLINGME


      xD well yeah but my clothes and jacket were wet ;-; and my shoes

      it was annoying

  11. watching food channel at night=bad idea

  12. we love you trombe!!! <33

  13. well i couldn't get my old account back so...heres my new one..its kind of boring soo yeah akanegasai.tumblr.com

    1. digi



    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      I'll follow as well

  14. well i didn't do so well on my exams :/ oh well i tried lol

  15. what a great night to be listening to nocturnal bloodlust while my net acts up yay

  16. what kind of virus protection should i buy?

    1. GazeRockSnob


      I suppose you can get symantec then since it is true you have to pay for it to be effective. Also, for hardware and external devices, use USB Disk security~~

    2. GazeRockSnob


      And by pay for It I meant Norton xD

    3. Rize


      I used in the past McAfee, pretty good software ^^

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  17. what's the image size on here? cause every image i used it says its too big :/

  18. why are all the good names taken on tumblr -.-

  19. why can't everyone just stop being mean to each other...

    1. beni


      Some enjoy it unfortunately.

    2. Kawaii_Minpha


      There's nothing to understand about that. With time, i learned one thing about M-H. M-H is just like everywhere else: you have 2 kind of people: the good one, and the retarded dumbfuck that everyone is wondering why they're allowed to stay here for so long without getting their asses kicked.

    3. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      As much as I hate to say it because I genuinely like them, the mods either don't care or have become immune to said users. It sucks because it pretty much gives said users the free will to run rampant as they please.

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  20. Why can't school be over already -___-

  21. why do i always suck at games..why can't i be good at something!! bleh

    1. Tetora


      Well you beat Ninja Gaiden, that`s a start.

  22. why does it always take me million years to find a good avatar x___x

    1. togz


      too many options or not enough options lol

    2. beni


      lol, same here, I just end up switching back to an old one xD You always make the nicest choices though, good pick!

  23. why is saturday so far away

  24. why the fuck should i be force to do something i don't wanna do... -_-

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