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Dark Kinma

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Status Replies posted by Dark Kinma

  1. RIP Leonard Nimoy.

  2. Did you know if PureSound ship to oversea ?

  3. Did you know if PureSound ship to oversea ?

  4. ok now i promise i won't buy any CDs in a long time. except new fixer single. and that blesscode mini-album. i guess i'm fucked...

  5. The 'Site Announcements of Awesome' has hit a new high for being awesome. <3 Thank you~ ;3; Kamijo can so do that, hai. Huffity.

  6. Just find (and bought) some FANG single on itunes ^^

  7. Just find (and bought) some FANG single on itunes ^^

  8. anyone else have on demand and know what the showwith the wings was? Also should i try vikings? I loved s1-3 of game of thrones. I defintly prefer the tudors and more recent reign. Other news Avelcain's ga came on and it was nice.

  9. To all my Russian friends on here, it is very unfortunate that in less than one hour's time Rusev, the hero from Moscow will be CRUSHED by John Cena.

  10. To all my Russian friends on here, it is very unfortunate that in less than one hour's time Rusev, the hero from Moscow will be CRUSHED by John Cena.

  11. Pretty excited to day 25 to come. DIV and DELUHI (:

  12. Come on Pentagon! I'm fuckn ready!

  13. Come on Pentagon! I'm fuckn ready!

  14. Why did CDJ decline my card...? TAKE MY DAMN MONEY!

  15. Why did CDJ decline my card...? TAKE MY DAMN MONEY!

  16. 2015's Hall of fame inductes : Rikishi ! Holy Shit, that's sooooo coooool !

  17. I still think ROSARIO is the best song SADIE has done. Feel free to debate this with me.

  18. Um, can we please talk about the sexy ass photo of naked Yuuki and Hiyuu in the CO booklet?

  19. OK, need to save up. No more spending money on record for a whi ..."From: [email protected] Subject: You sent a payment"

  20. Have receive V/A dvd "DNA -Do you have VK-DNA?-" with a lot of visual kei band around the world, and the Thailand & Indonesia band are really graet ^^!

  21. Woah, so many negative status updates.

  22. Woah, so many negative status updates.

  23. After the Kuroyuri to kage album release, listening to Grieva and Gossip just doesn't feel as satisfying :v

  24. I kinda want to listen to クレイドル songs, but is there anything uploaded? The Forum Search is not working for them :(

  25. camera obscura 4eva

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