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Dark Kinma

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Everything posted by Dark Kinma

  1. Dark Kinma

    I didn't know who are the owner of LastFm and I didn't care, seriously ^^ I know LastFm since 2007 and I never pay for an account.... because I use just for scrobbling xD and see how poeple like what I listen and make stat (like number of listening tracks, artist...) I didn't use Itunes for listen music so I don't have any problem for scrobbling or ect... I like the scrobbler program and can't see the essential data for each track (title, album, cover art) And I don't know an another website like LastFm for Scrobbling, you talk about spotify but it's just for listen music on web right? I hate so much this sort of website ^^! (edit: hups, forget the s in the title >_< can someone fix that? ^^' Edit => use full editor => corrige your title... nothing complicated!
  2. Dark Kinma

    /french eiheartx , oui la fin du premier fichier Vob arrive au moment de la fin du drum solo, en faite le concert et coupé en deux chapitres et chaque vob correspond à ces deux chapitres, tout tombe pile poil. /english fitear1590 , no didn't know this software, I has used DvD Decrypter and after converting with VLC and for finish use audacity to make each track. (and Easy Cd-Da for tag all of it off course ^^) But for my next rip, I will try yout software, maybe it's more easy ^^
  3. first dvd rip on mp3 is a success !

  4. Dark Kinma

    LoL serious stop to compare GAGA and EYA... it's totally different... ok it's an ex-EYA but that's stop here... this band have totally unrelated to EYA.. so people who can't understand that... go to EYA topic and basta...!
  5. Dark Kinma

    /french Merci d'avoir pris le temps de m'expliquer, entre temps j'ai trouve une solution (probablement pas la plus rapide) J'utilise Dvd Decrypter pour prendre uniquement le son de mes fichiers Vob. Ensuite que les convertir en mp3 grâce à VLC et enfin je découpe grâce a Audacity (et je fini par tout tagger xD) Pour le moment j'ai tester sur l'intro et sa fonctionne, alors je fait faire le reste comme sa et je verrais bien !
  6. Dark Kinma

    Thank's. /french eiheartx, je suis pas très fortiche en informatique. Je suis sur Windows 7. On m'avais conseiller une technique, j'ai mes fichier du dvd en vob (uniquement les audio) et pour les convertir je sèche un peu. Je vais voir avec ta technique (par contre le programme mac, faut pas être sur apple hein? sur windows sa fonctionne aussi ?)
  7. Dark Kinma

    I would like try to rip some of my live dvd, but I didn't know how I can make it (rip in mp3 and cut the file for have a folder with all tracks) So for all uploader of dvd rip, how do you make it ^^ ? Thank's.
  8. What program do you use for rip and cute dvd live to mp3 ?

  9. Dark Kinma

    レガリア – 失涙の欲望
  10. Dark Kinma

    DI3SIRAE – a deathlike silence
  11. Camera Obscura, certainly the most boring album after Femme Fatale...

  12. Dark Kinma

    メビウス – Shadow eyes
  13. That's for a news, it's a bad news, they are really good (and more original than ViViD or someting classic pop band...)
  14. Dark Kinma

    Nihilizm – MIRROR
  15. 2 release of three, just miss Lily [通常盤] and it will be ship ! ^^

    1. Shmilly


      Is that Nihilizm? I've been meaning to get that single for a while but not quite yet >.<

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      Yes Nihilizm single ^^. I've listen first and second track on the website and I totally love it!

  16. sounds baddiest than album previous... but how we can judge we have no official realease by them ^^.
  17. Preview of album sounds good and 9 tracks for 1500yen, it's really interesting ^^ (But I doubt about single, that's sound like elctro fucking shit...) But first I will wait for album.
  18. Dark Kinma

    I'm not an addict of Anime, but recently I start to watch Pokemon XY and I really like Opendin & Ending ^^ Opening, music by Yusuke : http://youtu.be/s2DNaHSD68A Ending, music by J☆Dee'Z : http://youtu.be/0gkL9HNoNbU
  19. It's Fucking Shit! Fucking Shit! Fucking Shit!

  20. Dark Kinma

    Impressive collection, Matsuchan Do you live in Japan for have the chance to get unknown Vk band and Live limited single...
  21. Dark Kinma

    Football (Soccer for US & Australian people xD) Team : Olympique de Marseille (for other sport I'm not an inconditional supporter) I like Hockey too and like Anheim & Kings Team (from California ^^) and like the national Team of USA & Canada (but don't ask me name of player, I'm will incapable to do it) Like NBA too with Celtics Team and Sacramento Kings ^^
  22. Dark Kinma

    Preview of both three songs are good for me ^^ I'm impatient to listening complete single =) !
  23. Dark Kinma

    VIVALET – Mr.RuLer (featuring 光孝 from PolterGeist)
  24. Dark Kinma

    They sounds not special... it's banal kei...
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