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Dark Kinma

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Everything posted by Dark Kinma

  1. Dark Kinma

    Requiem – Where the Hell did the Romance Go?
  2. Dark Kinma

  3. Dark Kinma

    Wednesday 13 – 'Candle for the Devil'
  4. Dark Kinma

    reduce price can be apply if you buy more than 2 cd. If you take a Surprise box with 2 or 3 cd, shipping can be reduce (for europe) or free (for France)
  5. Dark Kinma

    FAINTEST HOPE - An End, Another Life (EP)
  6. Dark Kinma

    [.:Message suprimé:.]
  7. Dark Kinma

    Tout les "anciens" visualeux qui faisait tourné la commu' nautiljon il y a quelque années l'on fuit. Mais il y'a ici pas mal de mauvaise herbes, mais bon toutes les bonnes plateformes attirent ce genre d'individus. Et à savoir que la plupart des français d'ici vienne de nautiljon (je ne citerais aucun nom, ils se reconnaitront). J'avoue que l'anglais me freine énormément, pour les review également par exemple, j'ai même la flemme de les lires (c'est pour dire ^^) , c'est sympa de pouvoir partagé sa passion avec de Brésiliens ou des Russes, mais c'est toujours bon de la partager avec des gens qui partagent la même langue que nous ^^.
  8. Dark Kinma

    TEARS OF TRAGEDY – Deep Rain
  9. Dark Kinma

    llll-Ligro- – INVITE rerecording、remastering ver.
  10. hate live limited single.... but it's nice to see them come back ^^
  11. Dark Kinma

    Bienvenue, french girl ^^ I'm a "little" be boring by the actual scene xD but some pf actual band still interest me (and because I can't stop a 10years of addictivity). If you need anything, aski it. Take care!
  12. Start to read an Russian Author : Dmitry Glukhovsky ! Like his style ^^

    1. Minami


      oh yeah... really ggod! i like Metro 2033, Metro 2034))

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      I start with Metro 2033, didn't play the video game, but I like the book ^^ I see he write some other book, so after reading Metro maybe take his other book!

  13. Dark Kinma

    I think this is good for the band, they latest released aren't really inspirated, just classical DEATHGAZE since Ai take the vocal position... hope they start to tink about the band, their music and their impact because, because they have no idea about what they represent for fan, for the VK scene and for their music (cf : interview realized on VisualVice) Maybe for taking time for them to relax, take time with family, take a step back and come back with new fresh idea for composition ^^
  14. Dark Kinma

    My "WTB" list. In case of some member have it for a decent price(and if I have money at this time.) I accept to have an exchange with any cd of my sell list (equitably) Dir en Grey : If you have any cd to sell (even if it's not listed) send me a PM too (chek my signs, all of my DeG cd are listed). Cd: 業 / 蒼い月 1997 MISSA 1997.7.25 JEALOUS 1998.5.10 アクロの丘 (Akuro no Oka) - 1999.01.20 ゆらめき (Yurameki) - 1999.01.20 GAUZE - 1999.07.28 (Reg&Limited) 脈 2000.2.16 【KR】cube - 2000.06.07 太陽の碧 2007.7.26 FILTH - 2001.09.12 embryo 2001.12.19 鬼葬 (Kisou) 初回仕様限定盤 - 2002.01.30 Child Prey 2002.7.31 DRAIN AWAY 2003.1.22 かすみ 2003.4.23 VULGAR 2003.9.10 Regular & Limited)) THE MARROW OF A BONE (Regular & Limited/2cd) - 2007.02.07 DECADE 1998-2002 - 2007.12.19 DECADE 2003-2007 - 2007.12.19 AMON (Special CD BOX) - 2011.07.22 UROBOROS (Reg & Limited) 2008.11.12 DUM SPIRO SPERO - 2011.08.03 UROBOROS [Remastered & Expanded] 2012.1.11 VHS/DVD/MERCHANDISING/Flyer : Anything you can have for a decent price. LAZAROUS : LDC/MSD - 2013.9.1 FS - 2014.02.01 107 - 2014.02.01 Re:dis : V.A Beast & Beauty - 2011.04.18 Their Two distributed Dvd 「羅生門」 [from 瞬獄殺 (Shungokusatsu)] - 2011.03.30 Vanilla : コラボディスク (Collabo Disk with Fatima) Blue Vanilla Edition - 2003.05.05 狂オシイ贓物ヲニラト痛メ・・・ (Live distributed cd by alter ego band Le†vanilla) - 2003.05.03 Villain : Link - 2007.04.14 FIctITioUS - 2007.09.05 IN PAST~「Villain」~SYSTEM [DVD] - 2009.03.25 - Band with 葵 (Aoi) : キマイラ (Khimaira) : 反逆のシナリオ - 2003.05.05 ギル (Gil) : 『貴方からの贈り物』『Distraction』 (1st demo CD-R) - 2005.02.13 Neah : Melt or Masturbation - 2010.04.xx Thank's to RED RUM !
  15. There is no reason to debate, masterpiece of 2014 will be release on 10th December !

  16. I see this album on pure sound, and didn't realize it's a new release because didn't see this news xD Gaz , it's available on pure sound. http://puresound.co.jp/user_data/sp_artist_product_detail.php?pid=101085010&aid=bloodyvalentine&bck=%2Fuser_data%2Fsp_artist_product.php%3Faid%3Dbloodyvalentine
  17. My favorite shop is CDJapan, because it's the most simple for me and they are fair price for oversea, and because I receive my cd in air mail as fast as EMS, so that's a good deal. I like too ClosetChild, because they are serious and not really more expensive with shipping charge, and have some low price for cd but they are really expensive for live distribe cd. has try Brand-x one time and, they are expensive and don't give bonus (and has spent more than 5000yen for bought an album)
  18. Dark Kinma

    I will wait the art cover now and preview, but I think I will buy the Regular edition in Limited (with the bonus cd)... even if it will be stay in original plastic packaging ^^
  19. My Favorite album is withering to death, because it's the first album who I have bought. But for say truth all of their album are the best, because each of these are the best album of their era, and I think Arche will be the best album of 2014. DeG 4 Ever & Ever.
  20. Nice victory by Zenith St Petersboug| Hulk as always the best :)

  21. Dark Kinma

    Get your Surprised Box. It's limited in time.
  22. Dark Kinma

    new price with some new items.
  23. Dark Kinma

    Shirt, short & cap from NBA Team Boson Celtic's
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