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Dark Kinma

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Everything posted by Dark Kinma

  1. Super Smash Bros for 3Ds.... definitely a bad game...

    1. Elazmus


      I love SSB, but it seems like the new ones keep killing off their charm in the name of fixing the bugs that made 64 and Melee so ridiculous and great.

  2. Dark Kinma

    Nice news, but two months after Dir en Grey album's, it's a little bit short.
  3. Survivor Series 2014... epic... Welcome STING on WWE !!!

    1. Elazmus


      He'd make an awesome GM replacement. That deathdrop looked sick too..

    2. Tetora


      In for Dolph Ziggler, Sting, Miz and Mizdow. And of course Cena.

    3. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      Cena was saved by Ziggler ^^. The two "flop" of the night it's Big Show & the victory of Miz.

      Don't forget Dean Ambrose and the Roman's annouce of is comeback ^^ epic show.

    4. Show next comments  75 more
  4. Dark Kinma

    Je n'avais même pas vu ce message ici xD ! Et bien encore merci alors !
  5. It's time to Inquisition. #DragonAge3

  6. who want play to "insurgency" ? I have 3 free code to share ^^

  7. There is no reason to debate, masterpiece of 2014 will be release on 10th December !

  8. hope it will be sell at RSC bandcamp like other Vivalet single.
  9. DepositFiles suxxs! I can't Debrid it :/ !

  10. Dark Kinma

    Leto – Express vida
  11. Dark Kinma

    System of a Down – Know
  12. Dark Kinma

    Brantley Gilbert – Bottoms Up
  13. Dark Kinma

    Amaranthe – Theory Of Everything
  14. Dark Kinma

    coldrain – My Addiction
  15. Dark Kinma

    Welcome here
  16. Dark Kinma

    Pleymo – Galaxie Autarcique
  17. Dark Kinma

    ahah, every day I have one good news, that's my good new today ^^
  18. Dark Kinma

    Hydro can be buy here : http://hyral.bandcamp.com/album/hydro
  19. Dark Kinma

    SiCroW – Observation Diary
  20. Dark Kinma

    SiCroW was good, and I'm a little bit afraid of "DJ" but finally I I really like Re:born, hope they will have more success than SiCroW (I still search release of ex-band of bass & drums : code:「13」 )
  21. Dark Kinma

    their 3 consecutive singles can be bought by mail order : [email protected] (cd title + how much, name, adress, e-mail) they don't say if it's for oversea or just japan people.
  22. Dark Kinma

    I would like know if poeple here has already bought some visual kei music from Bandcamp... for exemple I see vivalet cd : http://realstylecreation.bandcamp.com/music, but didn't know if they are as good as cdjapan or other shop somebody has already order japan music can say me or not if it's sure ! thank's.
  23. Dark Kinma

    Hope, if cdjapan give a bonus poster, it will not this stupid artwork ...
  24. Dark Kinma

    Fear and Wonder – The Animal Inside
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