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Everything posted by Ikna

  1. Ikna

    Also agree with D'espairsRay. They were one of the first VK bands I heard of. But I prefer ther pre Coll:Set looks more. Which are obviously not everyone's cup of tea.
  2. Ikna

    Am I the only one who is allergic to typical tumblr speak? Something like: “Umm, excuse me? Can u not??? You are literally offending me right now, omg, I can't believe this????? You are literally shit???” I am sorry, but writing like that makes me angry and puts me off, because it sounds extremely passive aggressive, spiteful and rude. I also always read it in my head with a really conceiting voice. Also the overexeggareted use of question marks and hyperboles is an eysore. And I am saying that as someone who is terrible at writing (especially in English) I rather prefer people wriiting in 4chan speak or reading through stupid youtube comments.
  3. Ikna

    I don't understand anything about poetry My writing is lame All Art sucks anyway Fuck everything SHIT SHIT SHIT The best I could ever manage to do. True masterpiece!!!!
  4. The have released a bunch of live distros this year :/ Wish they would put out something that isn't live limited
  5. Ikna

    Nun, da wir in einem Forum sind, würde ich eher duzen ^^ Schließ,ich ist das eine eher heimelige Musik Community und nicht ein Business Klub Aber ja, im Englischen ist es wirklich einfacher mit dem „you”. Wobei es da auch Höflichkeitsformen und Anreden gibt, siehe Sir und Madam. Jup, es ist extrem repititiv und einfallslos. Noch dazu imitieren leider viele Let's Player diesen Stil :/ Ist schwer zu sagen, wann, weil der Übergang wirklich graduell war. Angefangen habe ich mit LPs schauen in 2008. Ich kenne Gronkhs sehr alte Videos, als er auch oft Gastkommentatoren hatte, die nicht so bekannt waren (TrueMG zum Beispiel). Man hat einfach gemerkt, dass es ihm darum ging, Spaß zu haben und das mit anderen zu teilen. Außerdem war er früher viel viel ruihger, hat sich mehr Zeit für die Story der Spiele genommen (als heute, wo er einfach schnell hindurchrennt, ohne nachzudenken) und wirkte einfach authentischer, weil er nicht zwanghaft ständig nach einem Gag gesucht hat. Ich weiß nicht, wann genau sein Stil mir nicht so gefallen hat, aber es muss wohl vor zwei Jahren bewusst geworden sein. Für mich war Cry of Fear das letzte, große und gute Horror LP. Auch Minecraft wurde mit der Zeit langweiliger (wobei das auch daran liegen kann, das es auf einmal überall war und jeder es gespielt hat)
  6. Ikna

    Ich mag Pewdiepie auch nicht >_> Ich verstehe nicht, was andere an ihm jetzt so witzig finden. wenn ich ein Horror LP sehen will, dann will ich mit den Spielern mitfühlen und mitfiebern. Pewdie schafft es aber, die Athmosphäre des Spiels zu zerstören und ich kann auch keine Verbindung zu ihm aufbauen. Ich glaube, der einzige Grund, warum die Leute seine LPs ansehen ist, weil sie es cool finden, wenn jemand sich wie ein Clown benimmt und alle 5 Minuten ein Schimpfwort ins Mikro schreit.
  7. Ikna

    Mochte ihn früher ganz gerne, aber inzwischen ist der Ruhm ihm wohl ein bisschen in den Kopf gestiegen. Keine Ahung, aber seinen derzeitigen Stil mag ich nicht besonders. Und er macht heutzutage viel öfter streams, und ehrlich gesagt stört es den LP Fluss, wenn er ständig nebenbei auf Kommentare im Chat eingeht, vor allem während er Horror Games spielt. Letzteres ruiniert die Athmosphäre ziemlich. (Was Horror LPs angeht habe ich mir LaNoirSakuras angeschaut, aber die macht das nur noch unregelmäßig.)
  8. Yeah, that photoshop job looks terribad, but that kinda makes it charming. It reminds me lot of the currently very popular “80s/90s trash retro chic” that many underground and wave bands ride on. I am hoping this project will continue where Art Marju Duchain ended, because I really need more of this kind of sound.
  9. Ikna

    I too will stay. Despite the shit last.fm have pulled off with this half arsed action. But I really like my stats and couldn't dare to close my account. I rather let it die with the site. And call me crazy, but I still have some tiny little hope left for the site (or an alternative), even if it's just really small. But I really needed last.fm's huge database on bands no one has ever heard of except for maybe 1 or 2 people. And there is really no replasement for that yet. And it was really nice to go through others scrobbels to find new bands. The band picture issue is a shame though, because I also like how last.fm was a nice place to collect bandpics. Also I am glad that I have bookmarked all the bands (and their bandpages) I am interested in, instead of tagging them. Though it could be that the 0 plays artists might return, once they have re-installed the tags.
  10. Ikna

    The about me is back again, but limited to 200 characters… Hopefuly the other features will return soon too. Scrobbling works for me fine, thankfully.
  11. Ikna

    The good thing lastfm had (and still somewhat has): it's a really great database of bands no one knows about. That's what I used it for mostly. But considering that the futire of the site now looks really dark… I wonder where I can continue to search for new and unheard bands (especially old visual kei groups)
  12. Ikna

    The fancy looking music library is now a boring, shitty list. Also you can't sort by alphabet any longer. Oh and the "top listeners" will be gone forever. And I thought this was a music community, where people can look at stats, see who listens what and find friends with similiar tastes.
  13. Ikna

    ^hope this gets fixed. On the beta version the playcounts are correct though, at least for me. This doesn't seem to be the only error that happens since that test run. Since Friday I can't upload any images to bandpages or changing my avatar. Am I the only one? Also the website is terribly unstable. I get so many bad gateways and when the site actually loads it takes forever. Really bad move. That's not really how you update a website design, when the result is the old current site being fucked and no one can use it properly.
  14. Jeezus, the heat is killing me X_X Two weeks of 40 C° straight without a pause. If it won't rain sson I'll be dead.

    1. pinkmakona


      ;( I can't STAND hot weather. I just melt away.

    2. PsychoΔelica


      Come to us, we have a sweltering heat of a little less than 40C°, but with the humidity it feels hotter, and you sweat like a pig even inside the house. Best thing we can do is go to the beack but not very late because then the sand is like hot iron. And the sun is baking you up. I was also 'lucky' enough to get curly hair and it's fucking impossible. lmao

  15. Ikna

    Not so long, considering how bad it is most of the time.
  16. It's actually a wonder they managed to survive with all the departments in the last years. I hope they find new members and a better label.
  17. Considering their look and Ruki being so obsessed with hipster aesthetics I would have preferred something like "Witchhouse kei" (dark synths instead of dubstep, alternative rock, maybe some punk or new wave elements). But as people say, the Gazette never do such severe changes, instead they lazily adopt the metulcooore music style that every other boring stale VK band plays nowadays. Seriously, when have they put out anything interesting in the last 8 years? But then I am not a fan and stopped caring about them after their NIL album and so my opinion probably doesn't matter.
  18. Ikna

    Yeah, it's a shame how such shows never truly make it. Even though Lost and X-files were immensily popular, which might make you think similiar shows have a chance. I haven't read so much Stephen King yet, but plannend to get my hands on more of his books, especially because of the influence that his work had on shows like Lost or the X-Files. I've heard someone planned to do an adaption of The Dark Towers, is it true? There is also Under The Dome based on the same called book, but I heard the show isn't so good.
  19. Ikna

    Also started Heroes after Lost. Actually I am in search of a TV show that can fill Lost's place (I already know Fringe and X-files and I'll plan on finally finishing Twin Peaks). Doubt that there is really one as Lost was really unique and amazing. Oh and I am also watching Sense8. So far it's good and I can't comprehend the shitstorm the show caused.
  20. Something classic from Germany and the 80s: Marquee Moon. Amazing and nearly forgotten band. A recent find and a band I am currently spinning and listening to a lot is The Soft Moon. Amazing bland between shoegaze wall of sounds and post-punk. Totally recommend this stuff!
  21. How many people have received their package? I am still waiting for mine.
  22. Ikna

    After Akane dropped his "I am so anti religion" attitude he had to choose something else to be angry at. Let's see it positive: now we have something new to laugh about. Also yes, I am one of those filthy leechers. Like others I have not the privilege to buy shittons of music, especially japanese music. Most of my buys are now from bandcamp or alternative stores (or secondhand shops), but as many have said, japanese bands have the tendency to make access to their material very difficult for foreigners. Or you could still get it, but it costs just so much. And while once in a while I spend 80€ for a few CDs, I am not going to do that all the time. But then I mostly listen to old, obscure shit. And I don't know how much the 90s VK bands that had 10 fans feel about it (they probably don't care). I wouldn't give a shit about what the fandom says. VK has the most delusional fanbase, like Kareki. I remember her from a German Manga board and she has always been an entitled bitch. She was exactly the same rabid fangirl/bangya who thinks she knows the banmembers the best, as if they are her BFFs in real life. And fans like this who believe they are the bands true fan/waifu will think they have the right to dictate others what they are allowed to do or not. They are utterly pathetic and to be ignored.
  23. I also hope things would run more smoothly in the future. I was waiting so long for the invoice, I was not especting to receive it today, hence my Paypal is empty now. I will pay within the next days or next week, once there is money on it again. But I wish I had received the invoice way sooner, so that a situation like this could have been prevented. My tip would be to limit the amount of sold items. 400 was way too much. To be honest, it was really difficult to sit through 7 hours of streaming and the logistics behind it are just insane as well.
  24. 50% of the bands I listen to. But especially the kings of kvlt Veekay, Madeth gray'll. Or at least Hisui should come back to the scene. Phobia/Kisui to retrun would be nice too. Also La'Mule (Cell just weren't as good and I am afraid that's because Isuke wasn't a member). I'd rather want Metis Gretel back than Megaromania. Also I am probably one of the few people who thinks D'espairRay desbanded for good.
  25. could be worse. But maybe I am just too used to crap kei and mid 00s mediocre VK. It‘s a bit too nice and sweet for my taste though. Especially for a band with a concept like this, but maybe I expected too much since I hoped for another Lulu too.
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