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Posts posted by Ikna

  1. 30 people is pretty good for a unknown and cheesy band like them. Unfortunately I never went to VK concerts in Germany, despite I don't live so far away from you (also I knind of missed all Austrian gigs too. I wasn't really a concert goer). So I have no idea how many fans other bands got at their lives (such as BLOOD, Unsraw, Calmando Qual, Eve of Destiny). I think VK bands generally don't attract many viewers in Europe (except for big bands like the Gazette), so having a audience of 30 people isn't that bad.

    Thanks for the background info. It's interesting to read how organizers are bringing bands here to Europe and why they bring mostly the cheap, unknown indie groups.


    And to commence the thread topic, have some delightfully crap songs:



    A+ singing skillz




    Good grief. No words.

  2. So this is what today's oldschool vk sounds like? I see, I see...


    Well, they are inspired by mostly the late 90s, early 00s bands. Their first releases were pretty much Gauze era Dir en grey worship. But they do indeed sound a whole lot more modern than other groups you'd label nowadays as "Kote kei". Their output is a weird mix of songs, that have Kuroyume qualities, that are Dir en grey imitations or are more 2003-ca. 2008 VK material. (I hope it stays that way. I don't need Grieva to become another boring wannabe br00tal Metalcore band)

    Also "today's oldschool" is really hard to find, I think. La'veil Mizeria may be the only ones doing it straight and then there is also Ant1nett, but there are actually no "real" oldschool bands existing today. All the oldschool inspired or influenced bands have in some way incorporated modern VK elements (see Madiduor, Metis Gretel and so on). But I could be wrong, I am not an expert on this.


    Every time i try to give this band a try i hear the same thing again and again. I liked some songs on their debut album like Kikei and tokage but after that... ehhh

    Did you try out their latest album? Many people have said that 十字架二捧グ赤イ××× has these Kuroyume-ish vibes, which was the case for kikei as well. Their second album may not be as diverse as their first, but it has some good moments. (the songs are also much calmer, in my opinion)

  3. Haha, yeah the fandom is pretty crazy and funny. :D
    But I also laugh at some of the official commercials, mainly the bizarre korean one here:


    Still figuring out on which kind of drugs the makers of this have been.

  4. Couldn't give less shit about their look honestly. Though it's good to see them finally wearing something that differs heavily from their previous costume sets.

    I can't say much about the song though, the preview is way too short for me, but I really like the end, starting at ca. 0:33. I wouldn't call it new school as it still clearly has the pre-2006 VK  sound and vibe. But let's just wait and see when the full thing comes out. (also I agree that they should take more time for writing. I am feeling that their output just starts to sound the same. I still have problems with Shuuen not having as much outstanding songs as their debut, which on the other side was just diru covers).

  5. NOISIA's pretty interesting. Would anyone share it? *leecher mode*

    I Like the instrumentals in Croix Chevalier too. It could be an awesome song if the vocalist would be better.


    Celestia Le Ciel / Merveille Magique were touring europe quite often… and apparently many people payed to see them. Guess they had their little fanbase XD


    Time for some embarassing accidents of the past from well known vocalists!




    Vocal is Natsuki from -OZ-. Unbelievable, but true. But I love this track, i have a soft spot for those tracks that sound as if they were recorded in a bathtub.


    Former band of Ice/Eros from BFN/Zodiack. Complete crap kei and god did Eros sound horrible.


    Those wolf screams and barking growls always crack me up.


    No crap kei thread without the infamous Pumpkin Head! They are so low budget, freaky and hilarious it's excellent. All of their PVs are cheesy and funny as hell.

  7. If you expect a series in the line of any of the Hannibal fils you'll be disappointed. They're based off the same characters, but that's it really.


    This series is just awful. Hugh Dancy and Hettienne Park is the worst actors I've ever seen on any film or TV-series. They're so bad. The dialogue is really poor, and the psychologial game doesn't work one bit. It has a good Mads Mikkelsen, but he doesn't get much to work with. The blood and gore is nice, the food looks excellent and it's at times very good visually. BUt that's it really. The rest is so bad.


    This is easily among the worst series I've ever watched.

    Well, tastes are different I guess, because I can't really agree with you. It is right, that Fuller changed the story so drstically it might come off as a Fanfic to the books, but if you manage to see the series as being it's very own reinterpretation of the franchise, then it should be more enjoyable. But then I was never a fan of the movies and think that Mads' Hannibal is way better and more convincing than Hopkins'.

    About Hugh Dancy: I think he acts really good. Most of the acting in the series is rather subtle, as the setting is generally very calm (which is quite surprising for a thriller). It seems the expression of their faces, the body language and symbolism has more weight in this series than in others (which are also more action oriented). And I love the dialogues. Even if they come off as super poetic and wannabe deep. But i love it when poetry, philosophy and references to the canon (here the books) are woven into the dialogues.


    Not saying you are wrong. I can understand where you are coming from as this series clearly isn't everyone's  cup of tea and I guess it can be really hard for many people to like it (which is proven by it's status as niche series and the low ratings).

  8. You look like Siouxsie and that makes me happy  :lolita_love:


    Aw, thank you very much. X3 Siouxsie is indeed my "fashion idol". She is so stunning and her looks are inspiring.


    You look stunning actually. I love that style. ,o, Especially the eyeliner.


    Also thank you. <3

    You are welcome and thanks. Everybody seems to like my eyeliner skills. Now I wish I'd be able to make my eyebrows symmetrical (on this photo one of them are thankfully covered, hah)

  9. Not a big fan of them actually, but like seikun their LILIA song was really making an impression on me. It isn't neither too poppy, too electronic (the kind of pop and dance electronica, as I am fine with classic electro, electrowave and synth pop) or Metalcore influenced and rather reminded me of the stuff Megaromania would release. Maybe some other older songs are in the same vain, I don't know as I have herad only a hand full of songs yet.

  10. Kyo smiling isn't really that rare. All across the EU and NA tours he is constantly seen grinning after the shows, and even in some cases with a big smile on his face.


    Where did this impression that Kyo was an always depressed, serious man come from anyway? I see so many fans who talk about him as if he was a completely humourless, grim person who constantly thinks about how much life sucks all day.

  11. I haven't listened to them in ages and am, well… shocked is the wrong word, but it's really surprising in a bad way how the have turned from a heavy "edgy" band into this. The song isn't extremely bad (actually I like the chorus somehow, it's catchy, despite being rather unoriginal), but it is so poppy and compared to their former self really embarrassing. The video is completely silly and cheesy too.

  12. I like how Lin do not actually fit in with the other bands (musically and visually). But anyway; great to see that these bands will play again (ZEDEKIAH, yay!), even if it's just for once. Sadly I will never be able to see them performing.

  13. I really don't understand everyone's obsession with Riku. I actually think he wasn't even that good and that Kisaki has worked with better vocalists before in various bands and projects (Jui, anyone?). As some people have already stated Kisaki only worked together with him in two bands and his side projects so there is no "a Kisaki band needs Riku!" rule.

    And as mediocre as Lin was with a better line-up this could maybe change for the better. A few Megaromania influences wouldn't be that bad and enchance the song writing and Sui has progressed so much since the days he was in Metis Gretel (which you can't say about Riku) that i am really excited to hear him singing again.

  14. 7.8 Kyouki isn't sounding all too different here from his recent songs in Grieva, but I feel his growls and screams have become better now, therefore not a full 8 or 9. (and I like his singing better in Grieva too)

  15. My entrance to the Vee kay fandom was pretty similiar to most people's experience here. I was a huge Manga fan back in 2003 and a freaky mallgoth. So when I discovered in manga and anime magazines that Visual kei existed I was immediately interested, because it appeared to be the perfect mix of Mallgoth and Animu. The first bands I bought CDs from were of course Moi dix Mois. I "accidentally" saw their album Nocturnal Opera being sold in the CD section of an electronic retailer. I thought "whoo, that's goffick Vee Kay from Japan, I'm gonna buy it!!"
    After this followed CDs from Dir en grey, D'espairsRay, Gazette and Unsraw. I was a big fan from 2004 to ca. 2006, then I had a one year pause. In 2007 I finally got internet (very late, I was 15 I think) and browsed around youtube, watching some Dir en grey PVs. Somehow I ended up watching Aliene Ma'riage and Madeth gray'll videos and I was hooked again. And since then my love for Visual kei (mainly oldschool) hasn't topped.

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