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Everything posted by whitegrey

  1. Hmm... Afrirampo in Paris next month is very tempting. Still unsure atm but I totally love PIKA so it might be worth the hassle.

  2. whitegrey

    solarium - kimi ha oboreteiku sakana They have 3 singles out so far and I have high hopes for future releases, definitely on my 'to follow'-list. Female vocals, light use of electronica (even glitch elements), some piano, 3 minutes in the guitar turns shoegazey... They're pretty much down my alley, especially this one. The single is available on bandcamp btw; solarium03.bandcamp.com
  3. I stumbled upon this cuteness overload animated indie-pop PV with cats in it... Usually I don't care... but the music is really nice too... and... CATS!!! -> something for you@CAT5?
  4. 'dafuq did I just see o__0' of the day... sounds nice tho ^^ 


  5. huehue @ the new LAZYgunsBRISKY PV... I can totally see what they did there :P 


  6. well, looks comfortable... featuring death by strangulation upon turbulence or u-turn ^^ 170331_kibidango_05.jpg

  7. I love some good HipHop/Rap with meaningful, deep (sometimes political) lyrics and a high skill level regarding the intelligent use of language, grammar, rhymes (native language is a plus)... Needless to say this stuff is quite hard to find and buried under a sh*tload of testosterone-driven gangster-stuff praising booty, booze, drugs, money and whatnot... D; It does exist to, it's just like... rare...
  8. I wish I had a shirt like this... for visiting McDonalds ^^CezKk13WsAAY4sX.jpg

  9. whitegrey

    Welcome, hope you'll like it here! Make sure to check out the Art section, seems like you might be able to contribute; https://www.monochrome-heaven.com/forum/33-art-showcase/
  10. Couldn't help it; that's my soundtrack to kawaii-mh right now... :3 


  11. Find of the day; Bears Markin' - TRUMP MAN (J-Indie) :P 


  12. whitegrey

    Hmmm... I should really keep better track of the artists/bands I care about *drop* (seen her live as Loveless, she's a really nice lady and thus I wish her all the best) Anyways - good to hear she's moving on!
  13. whitegrey

    Nice - thanks for the update! Kind of unexpected tho - I thought she's busy enough with TEENAGE KISSERS...
  14. Gah, why did they name this label ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION RECORDS !!! I mean; google for a official website to that... D:

    1. lichtlune


      "So what kind of music do you listen to?" Oh you know just a little bit of Erectile Dysfunction Records and some Dad Aroma.

    2. Himeaimichu


      You've heard of "ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION RECORDS", now get ready for



    3. whitegrey


      Actually, I'm listening to the Victoria's Shithole EP right now... (They're clearly 'fans' of Victoria's Secret, lol) paris-death-hilton.bandcamp.com

  15. whitegrey

    And HEMP SHOCK DRAGON have a new PV I've overseen last month... Very interesting style imo.
  16. whitegrey

    For me it was Shibuya O-nest in summer 2008 (way before they went TSUTAYA)... I would need to dig a bit for full line-up (can't really remember); it was a Hardcore-Punk show but I went for the's who also played there. Favourite livehouse... hmm, difficult... but definitely the smaller (non-corporate) ones... I really enjoyed the regular Sunday midday-lives at mona records live-space; nice laid back indie-music in a very relaxing atmosphere - just perfect! As for 'regular' livehouses: most of the time I went to the Shimokitazawa-venues, e.g. Club Que, basement bar, Mosaic... Good memories on Shinjuku Red Cloth and Zher the ZOO YOYOGI also. As of finding the venues -> I usually went 'venue-scouting' soon enough; earlier at the day of the live or even a few days in advance when I happened to be at the right ward. Saved my a** quite a few times as some of the venues are really not that easy to find - even with directions - and the concerts literally always start on-point so you better don't be late.
  17. whitegrey

    The new last girl HIKASA one is also pretty nice... They've just released a mini-album.
  18. Daria from FEEL SO BAD honouring ZARD (RIP). Nice stuff! *__* YT embed didn't work -> linkage; 【川島だりあ】あの微笑みを忘れないで【ZARD提供曲セルフカバー】

    1. whitegrey


      And besides of that FSB still doing 'their' stuff... BLAST FROM THE PAST! WHOOO! 【FEEL SO BAD】DIRECT MAIL

  19. whitegrey

    I hate to *spam* this thread (it deserves love from more people!), but well - can't help it... D; This time more on the calm and 'Sunday-music' side genre wise; with all the mathy-influnce in focus nowadays I don't mind putting on some indie-pop in between, especially on Sunday... sasaguchi so-on orchestra - waga tsukimi ru kun sō fu This one went under my radar earlier this month somehow... But now I'm really glad I found it; it is definitely one of the nicest music videos I've seen in a while. The freeze-style perfectly fits the overall mood, the facial expressions are full of both joy and sorrow, the whole setting and story is wonderful with interesting characters and the multi-instrumental backing that chimes in slowly -> I can watch this over and over again...
  20. Happy b-day! It's always nice to see that CAT5 heaven header up there! :3

    1. CAT5


      Thank you.

  21. whitegrey

    YESMAN have a new PV up: It's totally on the simple & happy / poppy side (I'm always a bit sceptical on stuff in that direction - cuz most of the time I just can't 'feel it') but her vocals save it for me, they have that special something making it authentic. The slower more silent part starting around the 2:30 mark is way nice imo... Anatari also did a new one: The PV itself is not that exciting (to put it simple)... But I can always dig this kind of music style - it's nothing fancy/new style-wise (I've heard similar sounding stuff before) but has a nice pace and feeling to it - works for me. and shibaigoya put their 1st PV up: Now that one... It's pretty strange stuff... I think it's excellent tho - I gave it a few repeated spins at least, which is not a bad sign.
  22. best music to dance like crazy and loose your sh*t to even if you totally can't dance ^^


  23. There was a REDЯUM (!!!) concert in mid 2016 and I've totally missed it? Well, seems so... 


  24. whitegrey

    Just for the follow-up; UK/EU-Tour from mid april to late may! Full info in good English and with perfect presentation over here; so i buried records I've posted it on the events forum; https://www.monochrome-heaven.com/topic/46973-qujaku-ex-the-piqnic-europe-tour-2017-april-to-may-ukbedeczch/
  25. qujaku (ex. the piqnic) will tour UK & mainland EU from mid april till end of may 2017! Announcement: so i buried records (you'll find the full info in English and a more copy&paste friendly tour-schedule then the poster over there!) Linkage: Official web -> qujaku.com SOUNDCLOUD -> soundcloud.com/qujaku facebook -> facebook.com/Qujaku-346412282159781 twitter -> twitter.com/qujaku_info
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