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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    Alepa raised the price of beer from 1 euro to 1.15 ;_________; If any country with cheaper beer paid this much welfare I'd gtfo there right now
  2. Karma’s Hat

    Got Phantom Pain running. There's some funny shit you have to do to get it working right, like if there's no sound when the game starts I have to ctrl+f4 and then restart for it to work lolol. I also had to change my timezone to +8. The pirate's life
  3. This incarnation of lin rules so I'll take anything, though shame about memento mori not being there because I really love the song. It's down right criminal if this ends up being the way they'll go out.
  4. Karma’s Hat

    Cool to see Tavastia for once. Attending if planets align
  5. Karma’s Hat

    Sure hope they won't be disbanding. 2015 has now decimated all the bands that I cared about with the exception of two.
  6. Every single visual kei CD that I've brought from the shops here when I was youngin'. In addition to most likely being complete rubbish, a lot of them must have cost 20 bux a pop and who knows what kind of treasures I could have bought from the internet with that kind of cash. Now I just had these worthless dust-collecting euro presses taking real estate from the cabinets for years and years. Fortunately I decided to reinvent my home decor and got rid of all the shit my naivete and poor investments had accumulated, so now they are where they belong - in the garbage. I've really grown to dislike any sort of collecting and stuff hoarding in my older age, and that is definitely an attitude I wish I could have developed a few years back... Easily the worst CD there was MUCC's kyutai. I would do anything to talk to myself from that time when I bought it and see what was going on because I swear I never even liked the fucking thing.
  7. Yeah this setlist is just weird and not appetising in the slightest. I'll dl if it gets uploaded though because the last dvd was very good.
  8. Karma’s Hat

    I don't know if I have just changed as a person and chinese alternative rock just doesn't strike a chord with me anymore, but either way you're absolutely correct about this having the least replay value at least on my part. It's so strange because it's not possible for me to give less of a shit about all the songs sounding the same and I don't think it's their worst album either, yet I've stopped playing this album completely. I must have hundreds upon hundreds of plays on each of their albums and this fucking thing didn't even make out of week 1. Not even long ago I couldn't have imagined that I'd reach a point where I stop caring about this band but here we are. At least I still have pre 2006 godzette that stuff still rocks.
  9. Karma’s Hat

    Anyone with a way to get tickets to the NYC show help a brother out. Do you guys have some shifty people selling tickets outside the venue if nothing else?
  10. Karma’s Hat

    I marked it as a review just to keep some poor sap from clicking it thinking that it's the DL topic. Didn't feel like waiting so here's some first impression that are likely to more or less remain as the final ones, because there's nothing really to particularly digest here for a seasoned gazette veteran - I would also be lying if I said that I didn't play the leaks multiple times throughout the course of the last few days. Imagine a ginormous abbreviated in my opinion in the beginning just in case I'll end up flip-flopping completely. It's still the same Gazette on this album as the last one and the one before that. The riffs are still by all intends and purposes Gazette riffs, Ruki's still the same Ruki he's been since 2010 and drawing parallels between the BD and Dogma songs is very easy, but Dogma's thing is that everything has been jacked up. Ruki compensates the lull he's been for years now with the screams and growls he started using last year, while the music is undoubtedly their heaviest and fastest. I think there's an energy and momentum acquired here that they've been sorely missing from their tracks akin to these especially in the last album. It's conceptual and uncharacteristically thematically consistent for them, and the pace doesn't let up at all with not a single slower number -with the exception of the very last track - or a token ballad taking any space from the overall run time, and to my complete and utter amazement the obnoxious meat headed catastrophes like Psychopath and the below mentioned Beautiful Deformity songs are completely absent. It's their darkest and heaviest overall, also unarguably their corniest - but it's not really a bad thing because I think it has helped Dogma to be more fun than their other recent discography. So regarding the general quality of work here, if you think some of the songs from here are bad then check out some of the bangers from the last one like THE STUPID TINY INSECT or whatever the one with the long name near the end was; those songs are so unfathomably banal it makes me wonder just how on earth did I ever give a passing grade to the album. It's the little improvements they've done here that keep the bar from ever ascending to the levels of their absolutely worst, although I wouldn't be caught dead ranking this as their best either. At the end of the day it is an album full of the 2010's Gazette live bangers taken to the very extreme they'll probably ever be able to take it to. So even now when in effort to do this they've added a little metalcore to their bag of tricks, their own identity on this album is still unmistakable and these songs really couldn't be from any other band; this however is perhaps their greatest weakness also. A The Gazette song is such an established thing you can rest assured they're never ever going to divert from the set formula. I couldn't by any means call this album ambitious or anything of the sort, like as if they couldn't even sneak a few over the top breakdowns and shit in there somewhere? No they couldn't, because that's just not what The Gazette apparently does. Gazerock is a thing and I have my money on that not changing. However it does seem like they can slightly improve the facets of the things they are already doing. Even though a return to The Gazette of yore is what I hold the closest to my heart and I far prefer them being sappy instead of edgy, I'd like to think this album seems to like an essential step towards whatever is next. inb4 disbandment.
  11. Karma’s Hat

    Ruki Gazetodesse DEUX means TWO in French ^^ Tykkää · Vastaa · 1 min · Muokattu 非官方: The GazettE Really?@@ Two mean what? couple or two gays? This some twilight zone shit Deux and Incubus favorites so far
  12. Karma’s Hat

    Have you guys looked at the comments on the page? They are seriously unreal. https://www.facebook.com/theGazettE310/posts/10153516221516221 "Thanks ! Wow! You must be exhausted. The time I took ?." Being a turd on the computer sure is taxing work. gawd
  13. Karma’s Hat

    This is an under appreciated way of experiencing new albums. Hold your breath and see it unravel before you one track at a time! You'll take nothing for granted
  14. Karma’s Hat

    We got 9 out 14 so at this rate we'll have the full album... some time tomorrow? lawl I bet deux is last because it's what literally everyone asked for
  15. Karma’s Hat

    Incubus reminds me of Division a little lololol. A ham-handed description would be one of the intros on that fused with one of the disc two songs. I like it Needless to say I couldn't stay off from listening to these leaks
  16. Karma’s Hat

    "I want to create a Whatapps group and invite all Facebook Fans Page Admin to Join it(make sure have 4000like up).The reason is let us to chat and sharing the resource,that make easy to share the update news to every gazette fans.Please join us.Using your personal account to contact my page,thank you!!"This guy lmao
  17. Karma’s Hat

    Dogma is leaps and bounds my favorite so far. The rest I only really like because it's godzette https://mega.nz/#!f09DRRhA!C0Zh_5akJ1yxXJ6Nbye-OJmpYh5xmifI991FOmwn88I here's lucy With the exception of Dogma and Deux I think I'm going to sit out from listening to any further leaks too. These have been very underwhelming so far and I can only hope that listening to the whole thing from beginning to end will make them seem a wee bit more exciting.
  18. Karma’s Hat

    Thanks for linking Wasteland here because I can't find it on his facebook for some reason pfft.
  19. Karma’s Hat

    Where did people get the impression that there's any hurry? I couldn't care less if this album was cancelled and the shitty band disbands the day after. Leaks are just fun to check up on.
  20. Karma’s Hat

    The moaning going on by some dude in the comments is better than the song Anyone actually filming stuff they own should be shot on the spot
  21. Karma’s Hat

    He doesn't, but that doesn't have any bearing on whether he is an attention seeking douche or not. "Which Songs of You Guys Want First,Comment Here^^" Get the fuck outta here
  22. Karma’s Hat

    Hope he gets into some deep ass litigation for that ominous upload.
  23. Karma’s Hat

    Well it had some vibrato followed by what I can only describe as the scream that yohio does ( lol ) and followed by a classic metalcore "OH!!!" transition to a breakdown. I'm game if they keep it fun throwing all bunch of shit in and not be boring as fuck like Lynch. Listening to a Lynch album all the way through is like the musical equivalent of living on macaroni for an entire week.
  24. Karma’s Hat

    okay they have shot at winning me back as long as there's more breakdowns on the album
  25. Karma’s Hat

    RYM is great I use it daily, but I can't really rate nuffin myself because I find it impossible to agree with a consistent ratings scale lolol. I was actually thinking the same thing though, even if it isn't actually a replacement for last.fm. Also it has a very poor amount of visual kei ther, but not like that couldn't be fixed by a few of zealous community members...
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