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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Love the pv. Getting better by each release
  2. Karma’s Hat

    This event is perfectly descriptive of his character somehow.
  3. Karma’s Hat

    ( maybe ) one of the good things about this band is that if you don't like this song, just wait a month or two for the next one. They do tracks like this, and then they do other kinds. I'm still constantly playing the A-side of their last single by the way. Love it
  4. Karma’s Hat

    The beginning of Crazy Tribe is the kind of stuff that makes you check that nobody in the train can hear the music through your headphones.
  5. Karma’s Hat

    Loved the naive, sweet cheek'd and funny sounding little boy who sang Cassis and Reila. Not a fan of these old men, astout professionals who clock in the studio at seven and go to bed at nine. These were kind of interesting, like hearing guitar parts I didn't recall, but new gazette and especially mid 30's vocal coached Ruki is not my thing at all.
  6. Karma’s Hat

  7. Karma’s Hat

    vk merch p4p the worst in the game. I don't even recall the time when I've seen something not utterly dreadful having been posted here.
  8. Moar the same and it's a same that I happen to enjoy at the moment. Vocalist looks fabulous
  9. Karma’s Hat

    I like visual kei
  10. Karma’s Hat

    D'espairsray, who coincidentally were also the first vk band I ever heard. After they lost me with the post-Mirror singles I think it was An Cafe a short while, and then finally Dir en grey. After that I pretty much stopped having any favorite bands
  11. Karma’s Hat

    Single, and feeling great. I'm absolutely mortified reading a lot of the stuff on this and the virginity thread. I suppose I can understand to a lot of the anxiety and moping because I was the worst when I was a kid. Every woman who even looked at my general direction I thought was my last and only chance of getting laid ever, and the kind of grand theater I went into after a relationship ended is something that I sometimes get flashbacks of years afterwards, and those still make me want to bury myself alive from shame. Now I've just been around the block so many times that I know for a fact that there's millions of people on the planet who are your soulmates, probably moreso than the dullard you're with right now. In addition to that I just don't need the kind of affirmation I did years ago; I'd hound over every broad like a buried treasure with texts, calls and 24/7 jealousy that's just born out of poor self-esteem. I'll forgive myself because I was like, 16 and 17, but I can't relate to that person at all anymore. I'm still a neurotic mess, like after every night out I'm absolutely terrified of getting herpes, HIV, a call about a pregnancy and etc. But that usually only lasts a week after the fact, and if I see a person coughing in the street I'll be thinking of get a cold for like the next three days, so that's just how I am. Other than that, I just really don't care about anything other than my own private space and projects. If I was to go into a relationship, I'd rather not enjoy my partner's society more than on a weekly/bi-weekly basis and it'd be preferably be an open relationship at that. At this stage in my life I'm more dedicated to myself and what I do, and despite being fond of the thought of having someone to fuck and talk to at a moment's notice, I know in my heart of hearts that I prefer not having to entertain and worry about anyone else but me, my immediate family and my cats.
  12. Karma’s Hat

    Wonderful picture, terrific tour name I'm just so over them at this point though. I listened to the last album like, twice? For real the only thing I remember is the Prince song. Wish Shuuji and Ao went their separate ways again
  13. Karma’s Hat

    Were you on last.fm ever? I'd probably recognise you since there aren't that many Madeth enthusiasts around. Either way, welcome Also I thought 11 year sounded ancient at first, but then I realised I'm clocking in 11 years as well...
  14. Thought about doing myself a personal heavy metal canon for future reference, whenever I'll feel like seeing what I thought was worth a damn back in 2017. This has encouraged me to go through all my favorites that I haven't given spins in a forever to see what's what. If I get it done ever I'll post it here. notes: South America and Poland are far more prevalent than they used to be five years ago. One day I'll think Obscura is alright and on another I think it's complete shit. My Norwegian favorites keep shuffling around. Emperor hasn't been there for years, I do a 360 on Burzum on a monthly basis, Darkthrone and Mayhem remain consistent favorites. Very recently I've been smitten with the Gorgoroth demo. I like Judas Priest and Mercyful Fate far more now than I did as a kid Completely disillusioned with Sweden, apparently including the childhood favorite AtG debut Seminal grind holds up Very sympathetic towards Classic US(c)BM. Profanatica, Blasphemy, GBK. If anyone else dares to try it; have you noticed any changes in yourself or done any re-evaluations of old favorites?
  15. Karma’s Hat

    There is a thread for gallo already
  16. Karma’s Hat

    I'm expecting news on pretty much the same timeframe as with Lycaon. Not far fetched to think that this was merely a ploy to get away from their label.
  17. Yeah not going to lie, this is just shit. My thing is that I like pretty much all visual kei by default so I can listen to this also, but nonetheless I'm going to call spade a spade here. Tenten is such a strong nu-kei vocalist that his presence is going to make a lot of things palatable; his vocals have that unpredictability and personality where every performance is distinctly unique, even when they're some dull headbanging number where he's just grunting. It's a good trait to have in 2017, when those bog-standard metalcore numbers are on the rise. It's the rest of it that's wrong, like es-fucking-specially San, whom I'm sure has only been part of good things, like early Nega, only in spite of himself. I can listen to this for sure - it's just that I can listen to a lot of things that I really shouldn't. While I want to think they'll get decent in a few month's time ( I think this is an improvement over their last release ), the fact happens to be that they have both San and Tenten in the fold, so it's rather unlikely that this band will stick around for long. Sometimes I wish MH would die so I'd get bands like LACK-CO out of my life. Their EP sucked too.
  18. Karma’s Hat

    It's still completely up in the air as to how re-recorded songs will end up being. Something like Girugamesh' BEST or even to the degree of Dir en grey's remakes? Or just a really cruddy remastering that just sounds loud, with just maybe Ruki's new shitty one-note clean vocals if we're lucky. If history is any indication, I think a lot of people here are due for disappointment. It'd be a criminal offense to not remake Taion the proper way, but we'll see in what'll transpire in March.
  19. Karma’s Hat

    Best vk band ever
  20. Karma’s Hat

    I've simultaneously picked up cheese and wine as a hobby. Double whammy for future gout and cardiac arrest. Alcohol is a very expensive and inconvenient hobby to have in Finland, but by making some common sense decisions and monetary sacrifices it can be done. I've pretty much barred myself from bulk lager, house wines and my favorite: "the cheapest whisky please!" This means less, and more efficient drinking, which is not a bad state of affairs to have. It's a far cry from what I got used to in eastern Europe though - not that I'm not already plotting my escape from Finland for good. I'm now having a 36 month aged Comte with Burmester 20 Year Old Tawny Port. I'm too much of a dilettante at the present to actually give any informed opinion on either, other than I like it. I ought to get some book on the subject and come back.
  21. Karma’s Hat

    I was very surprised about Bathroom not being included, since they've been using a new intro for it and everything for a long time now.
  22. he's single in case anyone was wondering
  23. Karma’s Hat

    lol the only interesting tracks are in the limited edition
  24. Karma’s Hat

    Bump. This is not musical, but worth noting nonetheless ( also helps that I was tremendously amused by noticing this just a few minutes ago ) Kyo ripping off Marilyn Manson's Antichrist Superstar stage gimmick. The moves and the podium are exactly the same. If I recall correctly: Manson had started doing it in 1996 and the footage from this video is from February 1997. The Japanese tour leg of Manson's apparently begun in March of 1997, so in that case either they had seen footage beforehand, ie. meaning that deg were fans, or they both ripped it off from the same source. This is really 1:1 though, so I find quite unlikely that there's any other explanation other than Kyo appropriating it after having seen it on tape. I'm sure some people remember this, but there used to be this western made clip about visual kei on youtube, where a guy interviews Dir en grey ( iirc macabre era, based on the outfits ) and asks about a possible Marilyn Manson influence, which the Dir en grey members being interviewed strongly decline - one which just happened to be Kyo. Other huge visual kei bands to have ripped off Marilyn Manson were, iirc: Phobia, The Gazette ( possibly multiple times ) and D'espairsray. There must be many, many others that I don't recall off the top of my head.
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