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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    Don't know how popular of an opinion this is, but I vastly prefer Sophia from Shazna and Gekka Hakurei* from Missalina Rei to the rest of their respective discografies. Missalina Rei was never bad, but the worst of Shazna is just tripe and I'm not a big fan of the hits either. *would rank somewhere high on my all time vk list
  2. Need more jail puns in this thread. Who delivers?
  3. Karma’s Hat

    Always liked it but been really into it as of late. The PV could be more AESTHETIC tho bonus points for whoever guesses what the video is for the picture above as well
  4. Karma’s Hat

    First I thought that was the actual cover Then I thought it was something peace made as a joke ... and then I realised it was made by someone without a hint of irony
  5. The video that I discovered vk with is still on youtube, and it saying 10 years now is disturbing 


  6. Karma’s Hat

    Wish it was sooner. Moderately excited
  7. Karma’s Hat

    Anyone reckon when their last live is going to be? I'm seriously down for it
  8. Karma’s Hat

    Despite how confrontational and social I am both irl and online I'm still the type of guy who sends a private message after three hours of being anxious about sending it, and then I put my phone on mute and start aggressively trying to think about other things to distract myself.
  9. Karma’s Hat

    i miss them already. started fucking wit nanaki. it feels very bittersweet now especially wif the news and all
  10. Karma’s Hat

    X's in the title? Check. Terrible scenecore art work? Double check. Now give me rap breakdowns and you have a fan in me.
  11. Karma’s Hat

    So today we got Lil Yachty's album and Dropwoptop Haven't tried the former yet, the latter is okay. I don't think it's even close to last year's Savage Mode which might be my favourite release of 2016. Seriously grew on me and I'm still listening to it constantly This bangs so fucking hard I can't even
  12. Karma’s Hat

    They're pretty much in order of my preference there. Pura first and Jiluka last tho i don't dislike that 1 either. was really fucking with monophobia when I first became a weeaboo. I'm still partial to Juka even though I dislike all the other constipated aristocratic vk vampires
  13. Karma’s Hat

    I think sources should be obligatory for posting in this thread first of all, lol. I like the potential it has so it ought to b salvaged. cause it kind of feels like "post your thinly veiled opinions as shit that noob vk fans say" thread
  14. Karma’s Hat

    I just came here to write about how boring I found this, but now playing it the second time it has started to grow on me a little. Bog-standard Pentagon material from the weaker end of things. I don't think it's much of an indication about how the album will be, aside from that at least it won't all sound like CRAZY TRIBE.
  15. The second I saw this thread reactived I knew what happened last night lol. I haven't watched the match with Job Ziggler, for I have no more tears to shed, but fuck did Shinsuke take his foot off the fucking pedal. I mostly just listen to Bryan & Dave too keep up with things and watch about 5 to 10 matches a year that get high praise, and long a mainstay in that group of matches was Shinsuke, who's match with Ibushi from like two years ago even brought me back to watch regularly again. He has done absolutely nothing for me since coming to the 'E, and apparently it's just getting worse. Need to watch the tag match from Saturday's takeover. I watched the one with these guys from the WM weekend and it was awesome.
  16. Karma’s Hat

    Check out the fucking comments for this one Nocturnal Bloodlust x26 kuukautta sitten (muokattu) This is the version of kami-band (babymetal) in guy by that make various styles in a song... retarders ha ha ha Lesson one by japanese: take note this is how it's done. See it, learn it, do it. Fear and loathing in las VG6 kuukautta sitten (muokattu) Metalcore Djent messhuggah Deathcore Metal alternative Heavy metal Power metal Dark metal..... more? Corey Taylor9996665 kuukautta sitten (muokattu) What is this?? Babymetal 2.0 kawaii core?? not bad..... Metal Darke5 kuukautta sitten (muokattu) Yes, the enhanced version of the metalcore, a pity that are japanese, or not, Dir en Grey... the he had success... Equal has, the people of now alone hear to bands generics americans than all are copy or of Slipknot, Miw , Lamb of god or Linkin Park.... But I subscribe 私が購読します... Arrive here for nocturnal bloodlust B A B Y M E T A L Death5 kuukautta sitten Here we are consuming generic music, and while in japanese play mixing of various styles of metal en one alone song. Fear and loathing in las VG5 kuukautta sitten The Japanese metal humiliate to metal of US in two times, definitely... until the power metal japanese is much better than of the US MXM metalhead6 kuukautta sitten (muokattu) Bullet for my Valentine copied to BMTH, and here the japanese invented a new genre "BLACK-CORE-DJENT" or "DJENT-CORE-DEATH-POWER" = Djentcore = Blackcoredjent.. WTF.... ha ha ha ha
  17. Karma’s Hat

    That's a very refined sound for a band's first release. It's hard to not go "this band is going to places" just from the presentation, especially the production values on the pv my god. I love what they do in theory, but I have a problem: that guy sounds a mixture of the 2010'a incarnations of Sono and the guy from Alice Nine. I can't stand neither, and this is seriously hampering my enjoyment of this band. I wish it would have been karma after all ;_____;
  18. Karma’s Hat

    isn't being single like, about going to dates and doing whatever you want? since when has singleness been about some defiant stance against going out. i'm still having fun on tinder because I don't care what happens. I don't think about this stuff at all and I'm enjoying life
  19. Karma’s Hat

    @Takadanobabaalien That album rules. The second one is a bit heavier on the duller tracks, although Hypnotise is all time top 10 @Bear There's something about stormzy's delivery that I find off-kilter. I like that song, but I recently tried the new album and got bored. As far as rap music goes I really like the most over the top hyper masculine stuff the best, and he is a bit strange somehow. That track is really good tho idk if you'll like this or not, but this is a famous grime album on the internet https://rateyourmusic.com/release/unauth/roadside-gs/grimetapes_com-roadside-gs/ When I think of how grime sounds I always think of this one first.
  20. I believe jigsaw is a fan of that album as well haha. That was actually the first Marduk album I ever tried, but I was like 15 back then so almost 10 years ago jeez. I do like that super secret band Mortuus is alledgedly on, Sigrblot
  21. Tourism at home: Disposable goes to Hyvinkää. First and foremost I am upset that I paid 21.80 euros for the train tickets and saw not a single ticket inspector neither to or from Hyvinkää. It's common to not see a single one in Helsinki, but I didn't realise that even when you're going out of the way that there's still nobody there. I could have bought twice more muikku ( a top 3 finnish food no doubt. ) I make my way there at about to the "city" at around 18-19 and check out the sights, have a few beers at the park and enjoy the unsightly hot weather for once. The town landmark is the church designed by Aarno Ruusuvuori that I went to take pictures off immediately. Unfortunately you couldn't get inside past 16, but I met a nice lady outside who took a picture of me in front of the entrance and we had a good chat about the architect, the town itself and how nice it is to have festivals like that in other places than the big cities. You know it's Finland when even the older folk are so desensitised to metal culture that they don't even bring it up. In eastern countries you can get around for months and not see a single metalhead, while in Helsinki I average seeing one on every street I go to that has people. That's pretty incredible when you think about it. I get into the festival area right when Firespawn started playing. Here are the cliffs of the four bands I "saw" Firespawn: Shit sux. I just checked that apparently there's some entombed crew on this, and honestly I don't know what that means anymore as I haven't kept up with them past the first album, but nonetheless it was so boring, like bounce faux old school death metal. Between the songs you heard gems like "AND THIS NEXT ONE IS CALLED..:" to be followed by a riff that sounded like something off Morbid Angel's HIV+ album Domination. NIghtbringer: I left Firespawn after three songs to charge my phone. Before the concert I met some nice Americans who had seen this band a bunch of times, and somehow that convinced me that I'd probably be able to dig it. NO SUCH LUCK was tremendously bored during this one. I took a 15 second video clip that's like new housing architecture: it has nothing distinct about it, and could be any band from any country. Maybe it's massive and immersive if you can still fuck with this style, I could not. Marduk: This was touted as a 20th anniversary Heaven Shall Burn set. You know you are hearing 90's riffs again cause you can memorise them quickly and find them very pleasant to ear. Live it was palatable, but nonetheless I think this is like the textbook definition of norsecore? I don't fuck with this album (or this band for that matter) on record at all, but they were rock 'n roll professionals with Wacken tier MC's and everything ( STEELFEST HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU GUIZE DOING!!?!?!? MAKE SOME NOISE" ) so I can't say it was like the last two bands I saw. Good for sitting on a picnic table, drinking beer and tindering. Peste Noire: FUCK. First of all you can tell the mood as definitely changed from all the Wacken businessmen and mystical judeo-cristian tremolo metal; the foreign fan contingency was strong, roman salutes and sieg heils resounded and before the first song ended I had counted four fights right in my vicinity, and by the end I had lost count. The danger was brought back to black metal! I definitely had a good time oogling at all the French and Russian alt-right haircut types in the audience and their implementation of a zero tolerance policy towards Finnish drunks. The band was everything I hoped for. Famine is such a character outside of the stage so it figures that he feels large on stage as well ( literally as well since he appears to have been lifting. ) It more like a punk show in a way, especially when that guy from Baise ma hache came on stage for a couple of songs. Fucking Peste Noire really is just wonderfully unique and intense music that's very participatory at the same time, especially if can actually speak French. I just tried to do my best Famine impression and shriek something unintelligible. I'm really a fan of a show like this that maintain a grave severity and some bloody dignity without being stiff: no stupid mc's, no gimmicks, just black metal terror. http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/peste-noire/2016/salle-des-fetes-de-st-martin-theressus-saint-martin-terressus-france-3bfadc44.html this is pretty much the set, although some things I believe were in a different order and no encore. The Chevrotine cover was so good that I'm probably going to get that album later. Absolutely a fantastic show 'cause I know and greatly enjoy every song of theirs. Famine is a legend. After the festival I met a band member from an unnamed Finnish band with whom I chatted a little bit, and watched as him sieg heiling his friends as they came out of the festival area. FINNNNNLAAAAAND
  22. Peste noire in 2 hours 30 mins FUCKING STOKED and drunk also. Firespawn sounds like shit. They played a riff that sounded like morbid angel's domination. Gross
  23. Karma’s Hat

    Do they still play sadisgate I got into them with that song
  24. One is forbidden to leave the festival area so it's very unlike that I'll head over there so early. Either way I'll try to keep up the thread tradition and write a reportage of the events that transpire!
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