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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. In addition to which, I've always thought they've looked awful, having this strange interpretation of old school vk looked through a mallgoth lense of overblown gaudy leather and far too many trinkets. The backgrounds are always so tacky, and even that one time when they had the good sense of using the VHS aesthetic they fucked it up by interjecting it with glossy new pv visuals. The best look they had was around the AINS VA when the vocalist was larping Hisui.
  2. Karma’s Hat

    Some of the songs on this are RIDICULOUS and giving me serious tinnitus. More from this band nao pls
  3. Karma’s Hat

    New Sukekiyo. Fuck
  4. Karma’s Hat

  5. Veering off the Dogma stuff in the visuals a little bit maybe? Good riddance, on to the next.
  6. Karma’s Hat

    From DADAISM 1 this band was always more multi-faceted than some treated them as. I remember being disappointed even back then that this band wasn't just going to do 6 minute metalcore epics, but instead we got some goofy shit like MONEY and SEX. That was a seminal release for them however, and it's evident that most of the things they've done stylistically already had their precursors in their very first release. Stuff like Saishuu Densha, Risley Circus and etc. I think is all within reason for this band. What I do take objection to however, is the toning down of the metalcore in favour of some middle of the road Lynch rock dog shit that finally seemed to have gotten the upper hand for the first time on DADAISM 3. I used to think that they're going to do things in cycles and go through their respective stylistic gamut in the span of 4 to 5 releases, but it's kind of warranted to be lead to believe now that a recognisable shift has started to take place on the very molecular level of their musical palette. Rushing to conclusions based on two releases? Possibly, but the fact of the matter is that we've seen this transition happen so many times already, and if it quacks like a duck in a pond with twenty of them it's not hard to become worried. Btw you're already starting to see the same key phrases with this band that you saw with Girugamesh back in the day like "progression" and "if they rewrote X people still wouldn't be satisfied," going even as far as to "you just don't understand what they're about."
  7. Karma’s Hat

    Seen this visual kei career trajectory so many times in my life that I don't even recognise the feeling of disappointment anymore. The A-side is cute I like it, and I wish the section at the end had been in a song that banged a bit more in general.
  8. Karma’s Hat

    DISPOSABLE 2017 MASTERPOST work in progress Herein is listed what made my year. Migos - CULTURE Soundtrack of the first half of 2017. Infectious is the word I'd use to describe most trap and this is definitely it; songs that lurks into your subconscious gradually, and eventually you'll succumb and accept your fate. When it first came out I only cared for the hits, but now Slippery, Get Right Witcha, Deadz, What The Price are all bangers distinctly unique from each other, yet very similar in form and language like oldie time campfire songs. For people complaining about "mainstream rap" subject matter I'd ask you what else to write about? All that metaphysical 70's prog shit is worth fuck all once you're dead. What we have here is very visceral, immediate, masculine and straight to the point. I can imagine those things scaring away people who like their music fit for fundraisers and family gatherings. Mike Will Made It - Ransom 2 More 2017. The sound every street, every party and the sound of every conscious household. About as subtle as a punch in the face, and the older I get the more appreciate things like that. Mike Will productions are also the only context in which I can stand Big Sean so that has to count for something also. Rae Sremmurd - SremmLife 2 More bangers. Swae Lee has gotten better and better and at this point he is like a wolverine tearing a carcass sherds. His verses on Set The Roof just rip things apart. Awesome. Whether this is as good as SremmLife I don't really know yet. Some songs aren't as good as the others, but the others rank high with a suaveness not really found anywhere else. Case and point see By Chance. Young Thug - EBBTG Young Thug is incredible for multiple reasons. First is how he consistently disregards popular opinion has managed to stay uncompromisingly left field and making hits almost by accident; and the second people got used to the sound he changes it up again! In EBBTG he develops the sound of JEFFERY further and at this point it's a flubber-esque abomination of Young Thug doing RnB. Both the beats and Thugger's flow are like molten lava of trap channeled through his queer alien personality that encompass all the fears of the boring complacent rockist bore and the dullard who hopped aboard with Stoner.; unabashed and unapologetic. Arca - Arca I fuck with gay Björk. Whenever I've seen criticism towards it kind of manages to reinforce my fondness of the it; musically as much as it's formless it's also pure spirit. Very masculine, very abrasive. The sheer theatricality of it reminds me of visual kei almost. Good stuff. XXXTENTACION - Everything Bandwagoning really hard here. I like darker, pessimistic and hateful direction where pop culture is going in 2017. Sometimes I feel it's just me, but I can't stand those good-natured "we're gon' get togetherr" rappers like chance and rest of them; I don't like them as characters and their music bores. These soundcloud rappers tho, it's as if they were made with my temperate in mind specifically. He is the hardest going, and music that sounds this spiteful is what I live for. $UICIDEBOY$ - Kill Yourself, Pt. XI - XV Continued from the previous entry. They have incredible chemistry that goes down really, really hard. Biased towards the lyrical subject matter as well.
  9. Was there any vk travel in Japan help thread on here? I'm completely inept about finding shows and about how to exactly cop tickets and all that other nonsense I'm desperate in need of help with. 

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      Some of my favorite live houses when I lived in Tokyo was as follows:

      Meguro rokumeikan
      Takadanobaba area

      Daikanyama unit
      Takadanobaba club phase
      Shibuya Rex
      Shibuya club quattro
      Shibuya o-west/nest/crest
      Shibuya star lounge
      Shinjuku birth
      Shinjuku holiday
      Shinjuku loft

      Shinjuku Urga 
      Ikebukuro cyber
      Ikebukuro chop
      Ikebukuro edge
      Harajuku astrohall


      google them and check their schedule. If you decide to go to one of them I could probably help you find the way. I think they have maps/gps description over at askabangya.tumblr.com as wel! 

    2. WhirlingBlack


      Urga is closed, RIP

    3. Takadanobabaalien


      Really? Damn.. it was even more intimate and shitty than ikebukuro cyber, which is why I liked it. 

    4. Show next comments  90 more
  10. Karma’s Hat

    Same. I'll maintain that 420 was their peak and I think it's a very aesthetically consistent record that stands out from the rest of their discography. I was always hoping they'd have another go at a full length that isn't just a stack of singles. Now I'm heavily leaning on going to Japan for most of the tour. Got my hitchhiking guides read and my 10 euro a night lodgings bookmarked.
  11. Karma’s Hat

    That is not a bad idea actually. If I went I would kind of want to stick around for the New Year's events tho and October 30th to January is a bit too long. I suppose I'll end up deciding once other bands start announcing dates for the end of year as well
  12. Karma’s Hat

    SO HOW ABOUT IT MEJIBOIS tour finale on the 16th of december and that's presumably the last live too. Now I'd be a piece of shit if I didn't go, because even if they return an year later it's nonetheless an end of an era when the GOAT is herded into the stable for slumber. if there's any time for me to go to Japan for the first time this is it. Anyone else?
  13. Karma’s Hat

    Yeah in all fairness it's pretty strange for a band to go from a dozen releases an year to disbandment without either a cataclysmic fight between the members or label issues. Don't think they'll do a Lycaon though since they're not disbanding.
  14. Karma’s Hat

    Can see myself going either way with this. The way it progresses kind of suggests that there could be some cool sections in it like in Zouka, but we'll see. Very much doubt it'll be heavy though.
  15. Karma’s Hat

    How are the lives? One could be lead to believe from a 15 song tour final that they just can't wait for this shit to be over with.
  16. A lot of people tearing them to shreds on FB. I'm actually kind of surprised that there are so many ragging on them outside of this board's sphere of influence, because this is place is kind of an echo chamber. It's very telling about the amount of frustration that's there though + that there are people still waiting for refunds on their merry tickets is just embarrassing & ought 2 b grounds for a suit. like watching a car wreck with different reasons for the cancellation coming from multiple angles and one of the band members "huh what it's cancelled?"
  17. Karma’s Hat

    yikes lol whoever introduced those moody shots of animals and ruins into vk should be held accountable for his crimes.
  18. Btw does anyone remember those rin shows? Did those happen or were they all cancelled and who organised it. I remember 100% that something like it was supposed to happen but I don't think it ever did?
  19. ay b7 is that merry tour still happening or nah
  20. Heard that was the reason myself too, so it's most likely how it went down. After Ariana Grande the next logical step is taking the holy war to visual kei.
  21. Karma’s Hat

    I'm so gearing up for disappointment with the sukekiyo pick. MUCC has a dozen of songs they could amazing things with like zutazuta and urauyami saku hana that they're not going to pick.
  22. Unless it's illness or something, it really shows B7Klan's ineptitude that they can't gauge the interest and take precautions time after time if it was the ticket sales like it was with Merry. Among other big factors it's this sort of mismanagement and waste of contacts that killed it here in the west. I'm sure there were some people who had already booked their travel and shit too since we're so close to the dates of the shows. Fuck off b7
  23. Karma’s Hat

  24. Karma’s Hat

    Been listening to so much Vitium. This band is awesome. If I have a minor gripe is that they can get a little wankier than necessary sometimes, like the goofy fucking piano in that recent preview. Less is more, tho it's kind of their thing so w/e
  25. The crowdsurfing is my favorite. In fact the unnamed band to which I referred to earlier in the gig report was in fact Azazel. He was the drummer and he was quite upset with the guitarist, who apparently carried much of the blame for this one. He, along with the rest of the band, had been thrown out a long time ago and he was waiting for a ride and outside. I feel lucky and privileged to have had the experience of meeting him. I just finished reading "Pirunkehto: Suomalaisen black metallin tarina." The book chronicles the Finnish black metal scene from its inception to present day in form of band histories and interviews, which are very good. It is going to come out in English this summer and definitely worth the money if you're interested. About 500 pages, 50 of which is dedicated to Nuclear Holocausto Vengeance who is definitely the mvp of the the book and the whole Finnish scene in general. Some really shitty D-tier bands in the last few pages tho
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