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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    Get over yourself and have some dignity, man. Everyone here ends up taking a few L's eventually and gets called out on it, but this is a very forgiving and accommodating community that treats these things with good humour. So If you're interested in this stuff then please: discover new bands, enjoy the dl's and just talk rubbish like everyone else here, and you might make a few friends, have a good time and whatever else; if not, then it's beyond me why anyone would feel inclined to make an eulogy for themselves on a bloody internet messageboard before fading into lurkdom.
  2. Karma’s Hat

    Nah, that's lame as hell. It's literally just Yohio's account that's making things weird, but other than that it's not something that people absolutely cannot live with. All the Yohio and BATAAR threads on this board were made by like the same two or three people, so it's just better to discourage them from doing more of them if it becomes more like spamming or bait ( in silver_yohio's case though, I think that line was crossed. ) And I for one will not cease from talking about DISREIGN just because idiotic restrictions have to be put in place for some people who have been on this board for like two minutes and cannot refrain from putting their funny hats on and derailing threads.
  3. Karma’s Hat

    I wear the same coats and jackets in -20 and +20 layering lifestyle
  4. Karma’s Hat

    New Ito was dare I say the worst thing about this whole debacle. It's been completely knackered into piss-stained grey pulp and I sincerely hope this is not the version they're going to play live.
  5. Karma’s Hat

    DIAURA's school shooter youtube video album cover is the worst in vk history
  6. Karma’s Hat

    I feel like I'm mired in sewage every time I come by this thread.
  7. Karma’s Hat

    I'm reconsidering having any association with this band every time I browse through their tag on tumblr in search of something.
  8. Karma’s Hat

    Well they played that among everything else from Disorder during their fanclub tour that made into a DVD. I think after this live the really old songs they haven't played in a while are iirc: Machibouke, Okuribi, Red Motel, Kore Yokattan Desu, that weird B-side from Reila, Ito, Ray, Black Spangle Gang, Bite to All, the shitters song and Chigire. Everything else has been played in the last ten years.
  9. Karma’s Hat

    Maybe by the end of the year? Afaik the Dark Age concept is now finished so they'll most likely recalibrate a little bit and come back with something different. In all honesty I've disliked this last spur of releases so much that I'm downright begging they'll go back to something more light hearted and jovial. Unjustly unheralded Gazeballad. This one really gets what they used to be about; they're [the gazette] like a middle schooler writing notes class about girls and running out of allowance. Every once in awhile this entity runs away from home to see concerts at smokey concert halls in 90's Tokyo and ends up passing out while sneaking a ride back home in a lorry. Such a sweet voice Ruki used to have, as opposed to the consumate professional of today who takes classes and pays his taxes.
  10. Karma’s Hat

    shoutout to one of their most wildly underappreciated songs Last Bouquet. I'm so happy they played that
  11. Karma’s Hat

    Wad blown Those songs are so obscure that no way there's a DVD coming out of this. Criminal
  12. Karma’s Hat

    Ruki better watch out or HBA and MISBHV will come for royalties from his merch designs
  13. setlist for today ppplllsssss
  14. Karma’s Hat

    I may have had a bit of a falling out with them, but they're #stillmyboi even in defeat so today I'll bang Godzette all day. First going to riffle through the last DVD that I never bothered checking out, then hit the Stacked era B-sides and finally do the first two DVD's straight. Aside from that I'll do miscellaneous tracks from here than there that I haven't listened to that much. I wish I had beer to do this with in anticipation of today's setlist. GAZEROCK WILL NEVER DIE BUT YOU WILL
  15. Karma’s Hat

    oh lord in heaven the drum sound is atrocious
  16. Jesus Christ the sound in this one. Devastating
  17. Karma’s Hat

    That's the story of this band now isn't it? It's all stylistic slic, but a desperately hollow exercise like painting the brittle nails of an old woman with osteoporosis. Dumb syrupy violins blaring bloody murder while Ruki's erasing the Engrish as if they were assassinated party members from publicity photos. It's all loud as hell by the way. Dogma stinks. God they suck now.
  18. Karma’s Hat

    Say, how well attended was this show? Anyone knows?
  19. Karma’s Hat

    SID, and it's not even a contest? Sid'll probably end up being the last visual kei band to really make it big, aside from Golden Bomber who were like a vk eulogy as the scene passed away peacefully from natural causes with no relatives present and to the complete disinterest of the public at large.
  20. Karma’s Hat

    "Hey if we just make all those violins and shit in the back LOUDER" the album. Obnoxious every bit of it, and only hearing the rest of Taion will get me downloading this.
  21. As far as black metal recommendations go, I'd suggest for you ( and everyone else ) to just go through all the important bands chronologically, and I mean more than just the Norwegians, if you haven't done so already of course. It doesn't really matter if you like them or not when you develop a good frame of reference and a fine palette as you're doing it. Wikipedia probably has all the essential listed, if one is too lazy to google.
  22. Karma’s Hat

  23. Karma’s Hat

    Tru fans assemble Oni no men live from I don't know where. It says judgement day, but I'm fairly positive that it is not included on the DVD, at least the press I have. Plenty of other old gazette attractions on that channel as well, like an old bootleg recording of a show from 2003. God bless youtube.
  24. Karma’s Hat

    Fuck, I'm starting to like them. I knew this would happen. It's either that I get used to a band's concept or I just want to like them out of spite for everyone on this board. I realise they're really all over the place, but that's kind of VK's lot innit? It's low attention span rock music and if a band feels like throwing out inconsequential flourishes by the boatful, then god bless. Their musical identity is tenten fronting vk nu metal with that chemical pictures, jazz kei[citation needed] instrumentation as contrast. I never disliked this in theory, and yet initial listens for me were in from one ear and out the other, but the more I listen the more I find things to grab a hold of. Tenten gives a commendable vk performance on 雨の怪虫 , and it just so happens this is how I rate my new visual kei bands: cool sounding vocalist ( 8 out of 10 points ) breakdowns ( 1 out of 10 points ) cute members ( 1 out of 10 points ) this band is scoring high I also despise these quasi-artist threads with wacky titles. I'm all for modifying the OP and the title, and transporting it back to the artists section. edit: the more I listen to the new single the more I fuck with this band
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