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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    Reference to their white outfits from 2003? That anniversary set is going to be the shit
  2. Karma’s Hat

    I think it's time to close registration again
  3. Oh christ, the only two big names I couldn't care less about coming here in tandem: Versailles and now Matenrou Opera. I paid for Satsuki even, so these two are literally where I draw the line. I'll at least check out the line. If it's over 35 euros then I'm skipping for sure.
  4. Karma’s Hat

    They lost me when they released that compilation as an album. All the best to the vocalist because e had a cute voice, a good hustle and a knack for making bum jealous haters mad on their twitters... oh and I hope that one guy from Cindykate would join a better band this time.
  5. Karma’s Hat

    I hate to be kind of hit and run band posting here, but this is kind of a big deal so I give myself the liberty. Migos' Culture is out. It's not that long ago when Migos just seemed to be around as this old lion that no one had the courage to put down due to mutual gratitude. The impact of their 2015 was like nothing at all at the very best, and it's therefore all the more surprising they dun go release Bad & Boujee, and now they're huge. That's a late fucking career resurgence for rap music. I listened to this once, thought it was aight. T-shirt and Bad & Boujee were the best tracks innit. Sufficient throughout, but I already know which tracks I'm going to keep playing and which I won't. Been largely out of the internet for this year until now, so I have no clue what's due for a release and I even just found about this off of youtube recommendations.
  6. Karma’s Hat

    Didn't see this posted Had the chance to see them live like 8-9 years back with Aicle, but I was such an ingrate that I didn't like neither them back then. Cue a few years forward and now it's my top music related regret 4ever. That was the kind of fantasy booking I wouldn't even dare imagine now. Needless to say that this band is good.
  7. Oh no suii I wanted him to either Metis Gretel, or ditch the fucking cornball castles and jousting fanfiction gimmicks entirely, wear dresses and casual wigs and sing something nice and pleasant that I could play for my mother. Now we have some drummer letting it fucking RIP like a middle school band member in front of his parents at a graduation, while sui's channeling full force all his worst musical and aesthetical tendecies. All my fears have come true, but I'll probably end up tolerating it just the same because it's sui.
  8. Karma’s Hat

    Didn't mucc come back in sales a little bit? I recall something happening to that effect. The strangest rebounding I can think of is Miyavi reaching the abject commercial rock bottom with what's my name? For him only to come back to relative prominence with the album right after it. No idea how he is doing now though
  9. Karma’s Hat

    My theory is this They ( Sana, Satsuki, Adams etc. ) know some fangirl/s in the east who are well-monied enough to pay for these guys to fly over to perform and sleep on their sofabeds. The only money made comes from merch and taking the bottles of the complimentary beer from the venue to the recycling center and cashing in BIG. I'm not sure how it is in other countries, but in Finland the venue Gloria, where all these bands go to, gets some gubment money funneled in and therefore is able to host even the most obscure events at times. Getting that venue in Tallinn probably isn't too costly either for obvious reasons. As an aside: my favorite flop kei moment ever was when Orochi was booked to perform at a school gymnasium in Sweden. Dunno if that ever took place.
  10. Karma’s Hat

    I mean it's almost like a decade old development at this point, but gazette's sales plummeted after DIM. Them doing the dome was probably the turning point, even though stuff like shiver was apparently quite popular.
  11. Karma’s Hat

    If even satsuki didn't visit yout country then you know you're in trouble
  12. Karma’s Hat

    Tallinn gon get LIT Visual kei boat cruise from helsinki to the new vk capital of the baltics?!?!
  13. Karma’s Hat

    The sun hot, water is wet, kiryu's new single is going to sound like the one before it. Decent new look though, but oscillating between darker and brighter colors, and doing accordingly so musically, is still par for the course. Enjoyed the last single tho so w/e
  14. Karma’s Hat

    I wonder how artistically fulfilling it is to 1:1 rip off the gazette's sound and aesthetics.
  15. Karma’s Hat

    My good Sir, don't even entertain buying into that "looks don't matter" nonsense. The placement of every hair follicle is both an artistic as well as a political statement. Approach to taste should always be entirely holistic, and I refuse to believe there has ever been an auteur who has dressed bad. It is merely the mediocrity propaganda of idiots who think that when a visual element is so closely associated with rock music-the dressing up in cargo shorts and a backwards cap somehow transcendents these barriers to make the music "legitimate". With rock every promo picture, and even omitting to have them is a conscious decision in response to the tradition; even the most banal t shirt and shorts outfit is falsely considered a culturally neutral stance when in fact the opposite is true! Everything one does with ones appearance is a statement of values. The peacock who decides to not to ruffle its feathers will die childless! Colourful hair and leather pants are our strenght and virtue.
  16. Karma’s Hat

    @hiroki @Jigsaw9 Coincidentally my favorite is the Birth of Tragedy. His take-no-prisoners writing style is a great influence and that book is endlessly quotable. I have the great benefit of not being very intellectually concise, so I absorb everything I read with great measure and seeing the world with the theoretical framework of that book in mind is tremendeously entertaining. It also somehow forever convinced me to not like Virgil ( ??? )
  17. Karma’s Hat

    "Reborn - Journals & Notebooks 1947 - 1963" by Susan Sontag. A marvellous find from an English bookshop in Poland. The price incredibly enough was less than 10 euros, which is unfathomable for anything this trendy in Finland. The customer service in this country is really cold, but with these boons I'm not complaining.
  18. Karma’s Hat

    I'm setting out for journey that could last from weeks to months, and I figured that if I left out all the vk from my phone I'd finally be forced to listen to something else for a change. I started getting withdrawals immediately, so now I'm wiring up the computer with sweaty palms to grab everything I can carry. I'm trash If anyone visual is procastrinating around Krakow next week then be aware that disposable is in your town and let me know
  19. I'm going to be very disappointed thanks to you all if it doesn't have anything to do with Hitomi or Sui.
  20. Karma’s Hat

    I've now listened to both this and the track that was linked on the DECAYS review and I've liked them both despite my best efforts to not to. The impression left by SECRET MODE ( just the song, I listened 2 nuffin els' ) was of this slick pop rock both so inoffensive and meandering that one could hardly attribute a trait to its featureless mass, like musical teflon that'd eventually kill you by lethal poisoning should you indulge in it too much. Now first I've had that JUMPIN JACK FOEVAA chorus playing in my head ever since I heard it. You can tell that it's from the same band, but something has happened. It reminded me a lot of visual kei actually, and Drifting Litter has just fortified that impression. I'm getting strange Buck-tick vibes from it, though it could just be from the visuals — which I love, unlike the cool filters dime-a-dozen indie twat written all over the SECRET MODE PV. Very surprised by this turn of events and I'll get the album forthwith.
  21. Very difficult to pick. It would be between the third, fourth and current.
  22. Karma’s Hat

    A DAMY with quarter the musicianship, if that's even possible. My children will be born blind because of that breakdown
  23. Karma’s Hat

    These guys are grinders that have been around forever, and I can't name one song off 'm.
  24. Karma’s Hat

    For 2017 I want less riffs like this and this and this too. In this climate I think we are liable to get a decent success to mid-period Aicle. The sort of juxtapositions that they did have started to make more than just cursory appearances in a lot of band's styles. We're seeing good interplay of color and extravagance lately in the outfits too. I don't think I'm crazy for holding my breath for such a band to appear. What I'm realistically hoping for is that all those Amber Gris, Moran and etc. arCOUGH kei members settle down into projects that could, please, be around a couple of years and develop in peace. While at it, I'm hoping for more indie rock influence to leak over to subvert all the core. In a perfect world they'd look toward the early period of Rentrer en soi for influence too.
  25. Karma’s Hat

    @hiroki Oh, in what I wrote I was just jestingly mentioning my daydream of a new visual kei-man, which has no basis in reality nor any widescale implications lol. In the deepest recesses of my fancy, what I want out of a lifestyle visual kei is to be drinking in public places and being a nuisance with a couple of mates, until we go in a blaze of pink haired glory. Visual kei manifestos, subversive violence and political terror for naught except a slew of demotapes and a forgotten wikipedia article, ready to be enveloped in time and dust. My own constructions are just me fantastically reflecting my own particular temperament to what I want out of it in a world of my imagining, where I admittedly do fetishise the mere aesthetic of counter culture hehe. Nais post though so have this like The counter culture polemic has no bearing on the relevancy of visual kei nor its lasting power I'd say, although it's a good conversation to have regarding the history of rock music and its character. I do agree on the observations about subcultures and their faux-opposition to the establishment, but that's because I'm a stinking commie and feel the entire monetary system and capitalist superstructure ought to be seceded from in an organised revolt with a clear-cut programme of revolutionary despotism ( which certainly isn't born out of art, but vice-versa ). Personally I think dilly dallying with fat record executives and the bloody media is a sordid reactionary affair that I myself would never take part in. This doesn't concern the topic, I just wanted to throw it out there for clarity and entertainment's sake. What I was concerned with in general was really the lamestream palatability of bijuaru that would in turn translate over to record sales and gigs in my neighborhood. I think the cultural shift of these next 30 years is burying rock music and the conventional music business under a heaping mass of rock and rubble of such mass and proportion that it will not, and could not be excavated from underneath it. How this is relevant is because I think we are feeling the effects of it now. Nothing implodes instantaneously, but rots away slowly, gradually without particular notice from the heavens that people often expect. In the grand scheme our epoch of breakdowns and guitar solos has lasted barely the blink of the cosmic eye, the gust of wind from the turning of the hairy back of time and space to gaze towards this miserable earth; and before anyone knows it we're in flying cars pondering about new aesthetic conjunctions. There's absolutely not a chance in hell that rock music is the kind of an establishment it is now in a few generations.
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