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  1. Like
    doombox got a reaction from plastic_rainbow in Your last music-related buy!   
    Can't remember if I posted some of these already. I don't think I have though.

    American pressing of MONO - Requiem For Hell. The etching on the silver LP was really cool. Hard to see here but it's a fetus with MONO next to it.

    Caught up on the last SiM album I needed, and 2 of the 3 XAA-XAA singles (and a photoset). 3rd is on the way. 

    3 GOT7 albums in their giant Kpop packaging.  
  2. Like
    doombox reacted to Ito in ギルガメッシュ (Girugamesh)   
    First time in a while Ryo has put out something I haven't cared for (and I really dig the original)
  3. Like
    doombox got a reaction from Fyrnia4Maya in DISREIGN new maxi single "WITHIN THE VOID" release   
    Feel free to visit the suggestion forum. But you should get used to the idea of foreigners playing in Japanese bands. It's prevalent in every other style of Japanese rock. If the band is based in Japan it goes in the Japanese news sections. That's all there is to it.
  4. Like
    doombox reacted to Jigsaw9 in MADAME EDWARDA new album "Rêve Désir" release   
    The band has just released a new PV from their album. It is awesome as expected.
  5. Like
    doombox got a reaction from Fyrnia4Maya in DISREIGN new maxi single "WITHIN THE VOID" release   
    They are based in Japan. They play Japanese visual kei shows with other Japanese visual kei bands. They're Japanese visual kei.
  6. Like
    doombox got a reaction from Ada Suilen in DISREIGN new maxi single "WITHIN THE VOID" release   
    They are based in Japan. They play Japanese visual kei shows with other Japanese visual kei bands. They're Japanese visual kei.
  7. Like
    doombox reacted to BlackSwan_86 in DISREIGN new maxi single "WITHIN THE VOID" release   
    i think it's not important if their japanese or not ... the most important is, that they are making great music and they look god damn great for a "foreign kei band"
    so i’m fine with them
  8. Like
    doombox reacted to mahoujin in Oshare of the 2000's   
    I have died from nostalgia. This thread is so relevant to my interests. I'll share some old favs that haven't been posted yet. 
  9. Like
    doombox reacted to itsukoii in Which Visual Kei band is your guilty pleasure?   
  10. Like
    doombox got a reaction from itsukoii in Which Visual Kei band is your guilty pleasure?   
    I don't know if it's a guilty pleasure or more of just a band I don't think people would expect me to like because I tend to like darker/heavier bands. But I think Smileberry are just adorable and fun. I don't really have guilty pleasures because I'm not embarrassed of anything I like? lol But they are probably the closest thing I guess you could say.
  11. Like
    doombox got a reaction from Sickle in Which Visual Kei band is your guilty pleasure?   
    I don't know if it's a guilty pleasure or more of just a band I don't think people would expect me to like because I tend to like darker/heavier bands. But I think Smileberry are just adorable and fun. I don't really have guilty pleasures because I'm not embarrassed of anything I like? lol But they are probably the closest thing I guess you could say.
  12. Like
    doombox reacted to Himeaimichu in Which Visual Kei band is your guilty pleasure?   
    Same. I've always preferred heavier stuff. Though I must say, for an OsareKei band, Smileberry is quite good. 
  13. Like
    doombox got a reaction from Himeaimichu in Which Visual Kei band is your guilty pleasure?   
    I don't know if it's a guilty pleasure or more of just a band I don't think people would expect me to like because I tend to like darker/heavier bands. But I think Smileberry are just adorable and fun. I don't really have guilty pleasures because I'm not embarrassed of anything I like? lol But they are probably the closest thing I guess you could say.
  14. Like
    doombox reacted to Himeaimichu in Which Visual Kei band is your guilty pleasure?   
    Guilty pleasures, we all have them. We all at least have one guilty pleasure Vkei band. Personally, mine is Grieva, because I'm a Dir En Grey fan, and I know a lot of Grieva songs are copies of Dir En Grey songs, but some I just can't help but like even better than the original Diru version. Like, the song Wish, I like it better than I'll simply because when I'll was made, Kyo was at the stage where he sang through his throat, which just didn't sound right. 
    So, which band is your guilty pleasure? I won't judge. 
    (Also, may I request, please don't flame someone or say mean things to them because of their guilty pleasure band. Let's keep things peaceful!)
  15. Like
    doombox got a reaction from wesjrocker in DuelJewel LAST LIVE DVD release   
    Yes. I saw them when they came to the US back in 2007.
  16. Like
    doombox got a reaction from Anne Claire in The Extremely Official MH J-meme Thread   
    So I found my old photobucket account.
    Full of old macro gems like these. XD

    Ryota (ONE OK ROCK) has the best faces I swear.
  17. Like
    doombox got a reaction from nullmoon in The Extremely Official MH J-meme Thread   
    This will be my new favorite thread. I can feel it. XD

  18. Like
    doombox got a reaction from wesjrocker in DuelJewel LAST LIVE DVD release   
    Seeing them disband has left my heart heavy. Almost 20 years in the visual scene is really incredible. I'm happy I got to see them at least. 
  19. Like
    doombox reacted to Chi in Show us your lock screen wallpaper!   
    I do not use lock screens so im gonna cheat a bit and post my home screen instead

  20. Like
    doombox got a reaction from platy in Show us your lock screen wallpaper!   
    Currently kpop trash

  21. Like
    doombox got a reaction from CAT5 in Show us your lock screen wallpaper!   
    Currently kpop trash

  22. Like
    doombox reacted to YuyoDrift in Show us your lock screen wallpaper!   
    Another spinoff of the "show us" threads, I'd like to dedicate a thread for your phone/tablet lock-screens and the images you are currently using.
    I know I change mine all the time, so it'd be nice to see that I'm not the only one lol.
    I'll start.
  23. Like
    doombox reacted to CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
    Honestly, let's not even dignify this fiasco anymore by continuing to speak on it.
  24. Like
    doombox reacted to Zeus in random thoughts thread   
    If I can be frank for a second, I'm disappointed how easily distracted people are.
    It's only been two days and there are already countless arguments about the merits and harms of file sharing. That doesn't address the real point of why we are currently in the situation we are in right now. Our hand was played and the staff was not happy. One member who goes by the name of @Kawaii_Minpha decided it would be cute to troll the staff and the website by threatening to report us to the RIAJ unless we gave in to her demands, which among other things called for banning members she does not like. If you read the messages sent to us, it turns from funny to sad in an instant. What pisses me off personally is how someone would try to ruin what we have going here for kicks. Even threatening to do so is worthy of an instant ban and I should not have to explain why.
    As an aside, I don't really care how you feel about file sharing - facts are that if you are here, you are guilty by association - but these last few days have proven that without Monochrome Heaven there's nowhere for anyone to go. Downloads can always find a new home but to find another place where you can have mature, constructive discussions about Japanese music in an open environment will be much harder. And that place could never exist without free music so people can talk about it, because the barrier for entry is too high. We have to recognize the role that piracy plays in all our lives. That's why saying "buy music to support your favorite artists" is not the be all, end all answer. It's a good answer, but it's more complicated than that. No one here woke up one day and decided to buy Dir en grey albums on a whim. Japanese bands became our favorite bands because we pirated music long enough to become devoted enough to pay for it. Some people are at different stages of their fandom. This website has found the perfect balance of both piracy and discussion while also managing to be inclusive of all styles of Japanese music and there's nowhere else on the internet that even comes close to this. That's awesome.
    That's why this situation has the staff thinking about what we exist for. This website may not mean much to many members here beyond downloads but the staff has poured countless hours of time and energy into investing in the website and the community. Are we harming the scene? Yeah, no doubt. But we probably do a lot of good as well. With the countless messages I've gotten over the last few days about "where all the free music went" I'm not convinced we can do good without doing some harm as well. The tools are not in place to promote visual kei globally without piracy, and I doubt there ever will be. The scene wouldn't be what it is today if it weren't for all of us here. We either take the good with the bad or abstain entirely.
    There is more to this website than just downloads and the constant activity over the last few days proves that this community is strong. Stronger than even we may have realized ourselves. This is awesome, keep up the good work! Having said that, I've thought a lot about Kevin from Batsu and how he freaked out and deleted the download section when he thought the feds were coming for him. His approach was blunt, but I understand how he felt. He figured Batsu could weather the storm and would be better for it...and that unfortunately did not work out. If push came to shove we would make a similar decision, and that's why for the last two years we have been working hard to provide other reasons for people to come back here. While the download section is offline I implore you all to go check out the News, Rumors, Review, and General sections to start. There's enough tea there to keep you sipping until things are finalized.
    The staff is still ironing out the details so expect more information soon. I can confidently say that the news will come as a shock to everyone but some people will not notice and others will.
    Consider this an early morning rant.
  25. Like
    doombox reacted to CAT5 in Recommended Tracks: October 2016   
    @beni - That DECO song is actually really cool. I just wish I could actually appreciate the vocaloid aspect of it. Asaco Nasu Yurika Sugie are trademark benicore.
    @CAT5 - wow your taste is amazing, 100/10!
    @doombox- dem riffz on that abstracts song are fucking great. I'm not sure about the vocals in Kidori Kidori, but the music is super nice. I swear ORAL CIGs could easily be VK if they wanted to, ahaha.
    @emmny- Tsuzuku's voice is so....offputting to me, and somehow this song seems to grow on me with each listen???? ugh. The music for that BLACK SWAN song is really great, but I'm still not used to Jin's voice. XD
    @fitear1590- awesome lineup for that dresscodes song. Nikaho Yoshio  sounds really nice. I love this kind of psych-folk stuff. It vaguely reminds me of stuff like 
    and 森は生きている
    @tetsu_sama69- I have the same issue with that other TBS song, the music/songwriting sounds good, but I just have issues getting over Jin's voice XD. That MIZTAVLA song is p cool. Never heard of them before, but it vaguely reminds me of the gazette.
    @Zeus- yassssssss @ siraph. noooooooooo @ Engrrrishhh! DD:
    @BaLiL I've only heard/saw the PVs. Have you heard the EP yet? Shugo is fantastic. Definitely try his older work!
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