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Status Updates posted by doombox

  1. I am such a horrible procrastinator why am I like this. :(

    1. Tetora


      Go to dollar store, buy magnetic marker board, stick it to your fridge, everynight write down everything you have to do the next day, wake up, do them, feel good when you cross things off, profit, make millions, get married, have kids, leave them nothing in your will except a magnetic marker board, tell them to make their own fortunes, and happily ever after...

    2. doombox


      I actually already have a marker board on my fridge! XD And it has things on there for weeks now I need to cross off. I guess I try again tomorrow? ouo;;

    3. Tetora


      Yeah lol I did the same, it took a horrible semester for me to wipe off a grocery list from months before and start using it. But anyway do your thing, good luck.

  2. I just realized the 10th of this month was my 4 year MH anniversary.

  3. Okay all this double album crap needs to chill for a little while. Just give me 10 great songs and kill all this filler.

  4. After a work christmas party and a church christmas party in the same day I can't even look at food without feeling sick. x_x

    1. CAT5


      Then try not to imagine that Squid/root thing on the ARCHE cover being cooked...with ARCHE playing in the background. Ooops!

  5. MH you're back. I was getting worried about you!! ;;

    1. beni


      Was it down? D': How did you all survive? x'D

    2. eiheartx


      tell me about it !

  6. Acl TRANSLATIONS came on and I got smacked in the face with feels. WHY DID YOU BREAK UP??? D;

  7. Wow, the singer for The Coastguards sounds so much like the guy from Saosin. O_O

  8. Still not over this xTRiPx news. :(

    1. beni


      I don't think many of us are. :/ My fear on the news section just keeps on growing. ><


  10. deleted my old last.fm finally and wiped my listens on the new one (from accidentally importing them from itunes at first). Ahhhh that new profile smelll. :3

    1. Zeus


      so what's gonna be the first scrobble?

    2. doombox


      It was MUCC "Conquest" :D But now that you had me think about it of course it should have been "Ender Ender" lmao

  11. Someone gave me an iTunes gift card. Bwahahaha~

    1. CAT5


      ayyyyyye, that's awesome. Tis the season! ;D

    2. doombox


      That's right! And so I shall share it with MH. Hohoho~

  12. Write something. Read it 10 times. Revise. Revise. Post it. Edit it 10 more times really fast before no one else sees it. (hopefully) OTL

    1. hitsuji-hime


      I'm about the same way xD

    2. beni


      This is so me on everything and yet, I'll still spot more mistakes. xD

  13. Pistachio ice cream and Supernatural marathon tonight. :3

  14. Sorry I missed the plug session today. Was it good?

  15. Longest day ever. Concert tonight. I've never been so scared I may fall asleep during a concert before...

    1. Tetora


      Don't fall asleep in the mosh-pit brah!

    2. doombox


      Lucky for me, no pits. It was a seated venue!

  16. Should I add news threads for all the releases I add to the calendar? Because I kinda feel like they should be mentioned, but I also think no one cares. >>;

    1. CAT5


      I think that would be extremely helpful actually

    2. fitear1590


      If you feel like it should be mentioned, go for it! Who knows, there might be fans that don't closely follow the band and they would surely appreciate your thread announcing a new release.

    3. doombox


      Thanks for the feedback. I'll give it a run next time I get info and see how things go. :3

  17. Daniel Snoeks y u so pretty ;;

  18. LOL I make fun of everyone else changing avatars, now I can't even decide on my own. ///OTL I caught the avatar bug. ;;

    1. beni


      Haha, you've joined us in the dark side of avatar deciding. Yours is a work of art, wow.

    2. doombox


      LOL I did, it's so hard to find one that "fits". XD Aww, thanks. I always like your avatars too. Keen eyes.

    3. beni


      xD I totally feel your pain on that. The narrowing down of favourites is the hardest part urg, either way I revert back to a previous ava lol. Ahaha, now you're being too nice. x) Have been expecting WTF reactions with my current one; Hyde in drag hehe.

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  19. New avatars. New avatars *everywhere*.

    1. CAT5


      Tis the season of change

    2. doombox
  20. I think I'm finally over the plague. \o/

  21. I'm really tired of people not knowing how to voice a negative opinion without being a total asshole about it.

    1. VisualKEIcrasher


      Same here man, people need to learn how to not be jerks or attack people for their opinions if they don't like them.

    2. doombox
  22. And I catch a cold as soon as I make plans for this weekend. Yay! =__=

    1. beni


      Get better soon!!

    2. PsychoΔelica


      Have some lemon tea with honey, helps me :)

    3. doombox


      Thanks ladies and gents. I'm already feeling half-way better today. <3

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