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Everything posted by doombox

  1. Oh wow, they're already on Crow Music? Nice.
  2. doombox

    I kind of wish Die's voice was a little more prominent, as I mostly hear Kobayashi's. But I really like the song.
  3. *high fives Pretzels*

  4. There are bands in every single country/scene that buy their way in. Especially in places like Japan that are "pay to play" it's not all that uncommon. Disliking his music because it's terrible is one thing, disliking him because he's a foreigner is different. I don't even listen to this guy but some of the comments in here were just ridiculous.
  5. I can't speak on Kouki, but Tsukasa has absolutely said he is a visual enka artist. He's not just "doing enka while wearing make up". He's still as vk as he ever was, he's just doing a different style musically. Also as much as people don't like that someone can buy their way into vk, do you think some of your precious japanese bands don't do the EXACT same thing? You're calling him a poser because he's foriegn, but he's no better or worse than many others in the scene. Race shouldn't matter. If he was ethnically Japanese but born and raised in another country would you say all of that? Somehow I doubt it.
  6. Hnnnnnng looks like a new Crystal Lake record coming soon too. YESSSSSS.

    1. Tetora


      Keep Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'.

    2. doombox


      Now I know ya'll be lovin' this shit right here. <3

  7. Ooooh. Nice to hear more from these guys.
  8. doombox

    lol <3333333333333
  9. Flight Rising reg window is officially open for the next 20 hours. Go go go!

  10. doombox

    I'm really sick of your constant judgement of other people. You are so rude, please get over yourself.
  11. doombox

    Our only deadline is there is enough interest in it over the coarse of the week leading up to it to justify that being the theme. We can't control how long it takes people to make their lists, some do it the day of and some like extra time.
  12. doombox

    I'm down for a cute theme tomorrow.
  13. doombox

    MUCC cover many styles so they probably have a few songs you might like around somewhere. But they are very melody oriented and if you like dark and scream-y kind of vk only their older albums might interest you. 是空 (Zekuu) and 葬ラ謳 (Homura uta) are pretty heavy albums and tend to be fan favorites. It actually took me a few years of knowing about them before they became one of my favorites, just because I was more interested in different styles at the time. So you never know what happens when you try things a second time later on. Even if you don't like them, it's okay. We all like different things! XD
  14. doombox

    The introduction party continues! And that band list. <3 I miss all of those disbanded and enjoy most of the still active ones you mentioned. Nice. Thanks for sticking with us this long.
  15. doombox

    aAAHHHHH IT'S HERE IT'S FINALLY HEREEEE Edit: I love love love it on mirrors. Finally, I know what I want on my random progen.
  16. doombox

    Yep. Nope, never met ever before. I don't know who did all those things because I was definitely not here at all learning everything I know from the most awesome Catmin who ever lived! Definitely not. XD Let's be friends now y/y? omg what was I thinking this place is only here to shove elite rarez in the rest of the internet's face. The staff think they're special snowflakes just because they have a cool url. I don't even!
  17. Finally got to see this. Ahh Victor is simultaniously my favorite and least favorite aspect of this band. Sometimes his vocal melodies are amazing and sometimes he's a mess. This time is kind of a mess, but damn he looks good. D; I dig the music in the song though, classic style for them.
  18. doombox

    *waits for this to be super radio friendly alt rock*
  19. I always felt like his nose looked like he had something done to it. Even in old dauto pictures. Maybe the new make up style is less contoured so his face looks different. I noticed they made him more tan too. lol.
  20. doombox

    Omigosh so nice to meet you @yakihiko! XD How could you tell that I liked MUCC?! So good at guessing! lol. Thank you~ It's not my all time favorite song but it is my most recent favorite song from them. I probably have 10 favorite songs because I can never choose just one. What's yours? Feel free to join my introduction so it won't be lonely! Introduction party! So glad you came back last year. That seems to happen to many people. I guess interest in certain music can wax and wane. As usual, great taste in music! I want to go listen to more CrazyShampoo since I like DADAROMA these days. I originally checked them out because I liked NAINE. <3
  21. So I never made an introduction thread because I'm an awkward turtle and don't know what to say in these things. My name is Kelly, I like Japanese rock music, from indie pop rock to hardcore punk. MUCC are my faves though. You can check my last.fm (link in sig) to see what other artists we might have in common and feel free to friend me there! I'm a mod here and it's not hard to stay on my good side as long as you don't be a dick. Easy, right? I know. Super easy. ;D Also #yoloswag420mejiblazeit #imverypencil #onlygacktcanjudgeme I shall leave you with these words of wisdom: okbye
  22. doombox

    Lol poor Roji the unwanted. XD I don't have a favorite member really, I know so little of their personalities. So maybe Junko should be my favorite member. Haha. Kowai Kurai is still my favorite song and release so far. I haven't heard a song I genuinely dislike yet, though. So it's only ahead by a small margin.
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