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Posts posted by Gizorz

  1. Madoka retired the scene. Shou did official support for para:noir and is still doing support for other bands I think. Jin is doing support for everyone and their mother, just like before unsraw. I'm not sure what tetsu's up to. Jun has a new band Ms.LIAR according to vkdb. Yuuki popped up on twitter again for unsraw's revival/second disbandment live but I don't think he's doing anything. No idea what's going on with Rai.



    Shou's blog: http://profile.ameba.jp/sho-official/

    Tetsu's blog: http://profile.ameba.jp/tetsu-official

    Jin's blog: http://profile.ameba.jp/jin3official

    Yuuki's twitter: https://twitter.com/yuuki_ofc

  2. Ask what? I'm sorry not really following you.


    Most people don't even know who you are so I'm not sure what you're paranoid about. First you accuse me and the other admins (who, trust me, don't know who you are at all) of disliking you, now it's the rest of the group. The hell? I'm kind of lost here...

  3. Don't know if they accept me. since those admins don't like me. (laugh)

    Woa that was easy somehow.


    Eh yeah I am the admin.


    I have no opinion about your person because we've only talked a few times trough mh, I don't even really know who you are irl.... Besides I wouldn't not accept people because I don't like them :/



    Also that list was mostly suggestions that would fit with that specific con, so I suppose you could filter out the bands that were only named once? :) Mostly Mejibray seemed to be really popular.

  4. Netherlands/Belgium/Cologne area

    Mejibray, awoi, kiryu, liphlich and Ace again I suppose (but I'd rather vote for bands that haven't been here yet)


    We also had a question like this on a Dutch jrock/vkei fb group with a lot of responses (people giving suggestions for the band that was to play on abunai), I could link you that?

  5. Flipping tables here, are they serious? 


    What I don't get is that these promoters are worried about the scene dying, but then they keep bringing the same shitty indie bands (literally the same!) nobody cares about. Yeah of course no one is gonna show up...


    If it was a new shitty band I could deal with that but come on.. orochi, gunji and plunklock? Guess I'll be saving a lot of money this year. 

  6. first of all if you are 15 or a teenager is definitely a phase.i don't know anyone who still listens the same music from their teenage years seriously.

    what is a phase

    if you listen for years it's not a phase but music taste evolves you can't listen forever the same, at some point everyone changes.


    Well there's a first for everything I guess ;)

  7. Why is this even being discussed everyone's just repeating the same things that have been said in earlier versions of this thread.


    Just because your poor precious bands are gone now doesn't mean it's dead.




    How many times has this fucking stupid banal thread been made jesus fuck.

  8. Moving the band here, hotel, staff, time, etc. would still cost money so I wouldn't be surprised if torpedo would lose money, or even not make a large enough profit for their liking. Saying they don't love us is just as much b/s as hating on Astan for cancelling tbh. They're a business not a charity.

  9. He doesn't really need a reason anyway, it's his business so his decision. And Torpedo needs Astan to take the financial fall for them because they think there's too little attendance in the Netherlands an they refuse to plan concerts here by themselves (unless it's in cooperation with someone else like MJP or Astan)

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