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Posts posted by Gizorz

  1. How to survive a Gazette concert in Germany:

    Wait at the very back of the line, and whatever you do... do not stand in the crowd at the concert. Just distance yourself a bit.

    I went to the 2007 or was it 2008, gig in Köln and naïve as me and my friend where we waited in the line where people started pressing and shoving far before the doors opened. At the concert itself when the first notes sounded everybody packed up tightly in a flash and started jumping, pushing and doing whatever to get further to the front, resulting in having no other choice than jumping along, being very short I just quickly went to the back of the hall (Which wasn't very easy since people just would't or couldn't let me through). Apart from the music I really didn't like that concert and the vibe there, have been to rougher concerts but never experienced anything like that hostile atmosphere.

    Maybe the band felt that atmosphere too and so held off any more Europe tours? I'm still curious if they will have one in 2013.

    They were bitching about otaku fans and bad food, that's why they don't want to come here anymore.

    But yeah I was there too, I wasn't even really in the front and it was horrible. It was my first big vk concert too so I was really traumatized by that experience haha.

  2. Perhaps because these people are afraid they'll be put in the category of "we only care for the looks, because that's clearly visible seeing as we switched to K-pop", without even having completely switched to K-pop in the first place.

    Yeah, I guess I should rephrase: Why do people consider it such a deadly sin to like something for the visuals..? It's not like enjoying visuals and enjoying sound exclude eachother.. Meh.

  3. o0226022412192788388.jpg

    By the looks of the album art it looks like something darker? like dio? aha but their new costumes hint otherwise i wish mikaru gathered better members. but we'll wait for the single before i judge i guess :P

    A friend went to their live in Tokyo and said it was nothing like dio, unfortunately.

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