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Posts posted by Gizorz

  1. Een vriendin van me op de middelbare school was hardcore Dir en Grey fan. Ik vond het in het begin maar niks maar nadat ze me genoeg gespamd had met filmpjes zaten er zowaar wat dingen tussen die ik leuk vond. Uiteindelijk heeft ze me overgehaald mee naar Ayabie te gaan. Ik snapte er geen kut van, maar vond het stiekem wel interessant dus zodoende.

  2. Sloppy translations of the first, most interesting part of the message, I'll leave the rest to someone else:

    End of activity announcement

    To everyone who has supported 9GOATS BLACK OUT

    9GOATS BLACK OUT reports that they will end activities and disband in early spring 2013.

    Within the year there will be a new album released, and in early 2013 there will be oneman lives held in Tokyo, Nagoya and Oosaka and after that activities will end with a last live in the metropolitan area

    The album details are not yet fixed but besides that there will be participation in event lives and more information will be announced at the official site at that time.

  3. ... Wow not even going to react to that.

    But, why are you in this topic if you don't think he'll release anything good anyway? Is it really necessairy for you to state over and over again how you don't like his music? Also I don't see how that was bitching, I just pointed out that I found it amusing orz

    Imo gagaku is my least favorite album and I can't listen to a lot of his indies releases because of the terrible vocals, which he massivly improved now. WMN will never be my favorite album, and I don't really like strong that much, but I absolutely loved DAY 1 and imo it's been his best release in quite a while. I love the techno so I do hope he continues on that route and doesn't abandon it :3

    Also, on the topic of a solo album, I was really glad that he played Chase at his recent one man, I thought it was completely forgotten. It was my favorite out of the new songs he played in 2010 :)

  4. ^Lol at you apparently prefering gagaku over what's my name but whatever, everyone has their own taste

    And it's going to be a mini album and a compilation of the samurai sessions collab project so it will most likely contain DAY 1 and strong and then... other collabs?

    The photobook is trough gekkan men which, after a glance at their website, mostly contains classy nude photography so that's probably what we can expect.

    Also the reason why he hasn't released a new solo album since wmn is that emi refuses to let him release one. There's a lot material recorded, plenty for an album, but emi wants to wait because it would apparently to hard to get good sales in fall because there's too much competition and maybe he can release an album in spring if he does well. (This is from the CWIF fanclub magazine)

    Emi's not psc, they're not going to have him release an album every year.

    I absolutely loved DAY 1 so I sure do hope he'll do more electro stuff with proper DJ's in the future~

  5. Kind of confusing report.

    I don't see the relation between his hospitalization and the paper cranes...

    In Japan people often send papercranes as a get well wish (It's believed you get one wish if you fold 1000 of them I believe?). He pretended his fans had sent them the papercranes (presumably to back up his claim of being in the hospital?).

  6. He's actually releasing a mini in fall but we're not sure if it'll contain new tracks since it's part of the samurai sessions colab project thing..

  7. Oh that sounds kind of definitive.


    From Hizaki's tweet:


    "And, maybe some day the rose petals might assemble again. At that time we'll be grateful to recieve everyone's support" (< rough translation)

    That does not scream disbandment to me.

    As sad as I find it that they're stopping activities, I would find it even worse if they would continue as a mediocre band..

  8. Email them, but I think you're out of luck :/

    I had a similar problem with my order once, it took way too long to be shipped. I contacted them and they adviced me to cancel my order, they'd refund and I had to order again. But when I canceled the CD had gone out of print. When I emailed them about it they were just like "well we can't do anything about that".

  9. hehe finally I received my pic.

    Me with A -Anonymouse Confederate Ensemble- (08.07.2012)

    I think I couldn't controlled myself, because I somehow looked down or closed my eyes while a woman took the picture XDD

    But well, first time meeting a band.. so yeah I had to be nervous but the guys are nice on this picture XD


    Nice pic even if you have your eyes closed! Way better than ours haha.

  10. Don't know if this counts but I find it a bit funny about female Visual Kei fans is they'll bitch and whine about not finding a good man. Yet it's their own fault for having completely unrealistic standards because their ideal man is a photoshopped Asian boy that doesn't even look human anymore. They end up completely writing off 99.9% of the male population since the likelihood of them meeting that fake unrealistic person will never ever happen. I especially facepalm at the hypocritical femmy ones that complain about society objectifying women but turn around and do the exact same thing to men, especially Asian men and completely objectify them.

    Does that count as delusional because that's one thing that has annoyed me a lot about the female side of the VK fandom.

    Completely agree, especially on the objectifying part, even though it is (well I hope at least) a minority. They find it completely okay to go on about how "they want to rape x", which is perfectly fine because it is "a joke", but then flip out when someone makes a sexual comment concerning them. Are you kidding me?

    Also, as for being delusional, I met a "vampire" at A's live in Hamburg. She actually started hissing at strangers in demachi.. Seriously? Just what the fuck..

  11. Well that's definitely Dir en Grey for me, speaking from just live experience, it's the only band at who's lives I got actually assaulted (more than just once) because someone wanted to be closer to their precious bandomen.

    Also it's not necessairly a fanbase but Cologne area has quite some pretty delusional people who come to every live and ruin the fun for others with their hysteria.

  12. This ended up being pretty damn awesome! He played day 1 of course, which actually amazing live. Lot more guitar instead of electro (but it's less dancable). And to my surprise he also played hell no (he hasn't been playing this at all since EU tour) and A-HA (first time outside of Japan ^^ ). The set was longer than I expected, a full hour! :D At first it was kind of quiet around the stage he was playing at but about half way trough he'd pulled so many people there that the area was completely filled. It was the biggest crowd I saw around the small stage that day, makes me proud ^^

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