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Posts posted by Gizorz

  1. I suppose it would be too hard to not count those votes... Not gonna lie I was kind of hoping the cheater was voting for Orochi but unfortunately.. :P

    I'm mostly just a bit bitter that they beat [MU] but I already kind of knew they wouldn't stand a chance anyway...

    Ah well hope the people who are going have a good time :)

  2. They did gain some fans during their last tour and I know a fair number of people like them.

    That being said, I got free tickets for their last show and thought they were terrible, so I'm skipping this one.

    I still find it weird that they got to enter the contest, since the rules stated that only bands who hadn't toured eu yet could participate. Or did ramen change the rules?

  3. I think he's just a bit paranoid, I've heard quite a few times in the past that people managed to sneak backstage at Torpedo shows. They also work with volunteer staff a lot so they gotta make sure the right people get in. He's a really cool guy when you get to know him though.

    The live was nice, better than expected :)

  4. i would like to say "who cares", but sadly there's people who care about them :|

    At the risk of sounding like a total asshat myself:

    - It's better not to post at all than to post crap. If you don't care about a band, it's better not to post in their threads at all. Why do you think that anybody would be interested in you proclaiming that "no1curr" about a band? You are not the center of the universe. Just because you find a band bad/boring/irrelevant doesn't mean other people shouldn't be allowed to discuss them undisturbed. And if people spend more time in the threads of bands they dislike than in threads of bands they do like, they should seriously re-evaluate their priorities. Or get a life. Or at least a more productive hobby.

    I care about them, they're funny. Hope this won't end in another disband because the vocalist messed up his voice. (but then I guess since it's gb he can just do lipsyncing)

  5. Most people who likes The gazette are girls... why? because the are cute...

    now talking about sound DEG is more consistent than TG, have more memorable songs and less deceptions than the gazette...

    DEG owns TG

    Most people who like DeG are girls too, just saying.

    I disagree. most fans i know are dudes.... just saying.

    Might be different in Europe then.

  6. If you still want to know what he wrote..

    I'm not going to translate it but he's talking about how he's gotten more and more requests from media for his bands and that he really likes it because it means the label is growing and that there's also been a lot of requests from overseas media which he also thinks is wonderful. The problem however is that the coverage from overseas media is in English and a lot of bands aren't able to hold an interview in English. He calls bullshit and says something like they studied English for 6 years in school and that they can always try to figure it out by using a dictionary and he wonders if those bands who say they can't don interviews in English even really want to go overseas for lives because they make no effort.

    He admits his English isn't that great either and says that he hates it (trying to speak English), but since 2002 he's had to communicate with foreign bands and do interviews and negotiations for tours in English and so on and so on and because there was no helping it and because of all the emails he gets in English every day he got used to it.

    And well basically he wants bands to stop being useless and to stop whining about not being able to speak English and just try.

    To be honest, I think he has a point...

  7. Yeah then I would be more happy.

    But that's not the reason.

    If they wanna do a couple tour. then they should do it with a band who is really known in the countries.

    (you know a Dutch band could be a band who did played at the studio of "De Wereld Draait door")

    But I remember this French band, I saw it somewhere on TV. I think at MTV?

    I wonder if people show up who are fan of the band at the Dutch show.

    Maybe I should ask my uncle about how popular they are o.o

    Since he work at the Dutch music industry. (at a high position)

    But I'm more annoyed by the fact that they did announce it one month before the damn show.

    But... I really don't understand the big deal. They're just an opener, half an hour of extra music won't kill you :/ And if you're really that set on 'having to sit trough them', go grab a drink in the lobby? :/

    And if you're worried about catching your last train, it starts pretty early so you'll probably be able to make it.

  8. I don't think black line considers themselves visual kei anymore.. I'm just talking about my personal experiences here though :)

    The only time the largest part of the Dutch crowd actually seemed satisfied with an opener was when the opening band had two Asian members, even though their music wasn't very good imo. The scene is just very very hard to please.

    Anyway, if you're really uninterested in the opening band it's always possible to get to the hall a bit later right? I used to do that all the time when I was only interested in the main act.. (or you could go have a drink in the lobby in some venues?)

  9. That doesn't really have the same meaning :P I was just wondering whether I'd missed something since I'm chronically out of the loop.

    Local band would've been nice, but B7Klan is a French label so that's probably the reason they have a French band.

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