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Posts posted by dannemannen

  1. The new song is definitely better than I thought it would be,  but still nothing really too memorable. Its like a mix-up of songs from their last two albums, that brings nothing new to the table. 


    Their last album had like one song I liked. Arche was great overall, but thats 6 years ago... They have really lost their touch imo.

  2. Sadly I think VK is smaller than ever, when it should be the opposite. I also don't feel that there are many bands left worth really listening too, who keep creating good music. I wonder what went wrong, DEG etc were so big back in 2015.

  3. 1 hour ago, Saishu said:

    I feel comfortable in saying this is some of the band’s best work. Questionable production aside, the songwriting is tight and focused aside from the two weird flubs from Toshiya. To be fair, the main problem with Devote My Life is that fucking main siren riff being too damn loud, but I love that breakdown with Toshiya rumbling away. 


    Other than that, this is the first DEG album in a long time that I can listen to from beginning to end without feeling drained halfway thru. There really isn’t any filler, and they sound super confident in these songs. They’re short in length, but not in content. 


    Fuck it, dawg, I’m happy. 


    I don't want to sound rude but to say that this is some of their best work, is just so wrong imo.. This album doesn't even have one 10/10 song. The best would be Ranuculus, which is a 7/10 at best. Everything else is 5/10 (average) or below. 

    This comes from someone who have been a fan of them for 15+ yearsm and moved to Japan simply to be able to go to their concerts, lmao. 

  4. More and more bands I used to follow just seem to get get worse and worse with time, some examples are Nogod, Matenro Opera and Sid. Even Dir en Grey is starting to loose me recently, Gazette's last album after an ass-long hiatus was boring. 


    I think I only care about/follow Mucc personally, they seem to be the only one that keep releasing quality music. 

    What bands do you still care about/follow?

  5. Just a random question.


    Who do you think get along best in the band?
    I have the impression that Shinya is the outsider that the other members never really have liked, deep in their hearts.


    Who is Kyo's best friend in the band?  Who doesn't he like? LOL. 

  6. Don't get me wrong.
    I remember Jrock being quite popular in western countries like 10 years ago, Dir en Grey touring in Europe and playing at rock festivals etc, hype was insane... but the popularity seems to just have gotten weaker and weaker through the years for some reason, and today it seems that no one except the hard core fans care about the scene. No buzz at all. 

    I grew up with Japanese rock and Japanese rockers have created some of the most amazing videos and catchiest/craziest/coolest rock songs in human history. There is no doubt about that -  but for some reason, they never just seem to get recognized for it. Again, there is just no buzz anymore. 


    Take a song like Different Sense by dir en grey, I swear if it was released by a so-so famous American band, it would have more than 5 million views on youtube now (and if it was a famous band 50mil+), but its around 400k - and it was released 7 years ago. That video is awesome (& shocking in a good way), and the song is so catchy and badass. Or why not Gazette with the undying at 200k? What the hell are those numbers for that kickass song? Jrock never just seem to get that big break or recognition in the west, that they deserve. Mucc is another band with some really really high quality well written catchy rock songs, some of the best, but like no one knows about them, and all their songs are on Youtube.


    I might suck ass at trying to explain what I want to say, but simply, why don't you think that Jrock never really broke through in the west? What hindered everything? I def not think its the quality of the music (or language barries as most songs get released after a while with translations)... There are almost no reaction channels to Japanese Rock either, while there are millions to Kpop (I am not comparing Kpop to Jrock, just a reference)... for the third time, there just seem to be no buzz at all anymore...?


    Just why? 


  7. Is Ningen wo Kaburu a sign that DeG has lost it? Or that the members just don't give a shit about the band anymore?


    The only catchy/good/ part about the song is 2 seconds of the chorus. Everything else feels so generic and un-inspiring. Generic intro, generic verse, generic bridge, generic outro. I cant believe they have been active for 20 years, and 20 years of experience leads to this, this is what they have come to be.


    Im really sad. 





  8. Do you guys think DeG has "lost it" after their last single?


    The chorus sounds decent but everything else of the whole songs just sounds like re-used "assets" of older songs, absolutely nothing stands out. 

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